Tumblr themes - TTYL

♞Drunk Unicorn♞

151 notes
  1. basichappyfangirl reblogged this from kurogane-and-aoiyosei
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  3. thecurious-creature reblogged this from shrimpnomnom
  4. moon-and-sun-and-everything reblogged this from shrimpnomnom
  5. iwishiwasinfairytail reblogged this from shrimpnomnom and added:
    This is one of my favorite moments. xD “CAUSE I’M A LIGHTNING FLAME DRAG-UGHHHH” “Hey, you ok!?”
  6. valkyire-cain reblogged this from shrimpnomnom
  7. thepandapopo reblogged this from shrimpnomnom and added:
    My face when I play league.
  8. dezez reblogged this from nyanellen
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