“ Mladen Stilinović. Odnos nog kruh = Foot–Bread relationship. Zagreb: self-published, 1978.
This photobook documents an action by the artist. The sequence of taped-together photographs follows his foot as it smashes a loaf of bread... momalibrary:
“ Mladen Stilinović. Odnos nog kruh = Foot–Bread relationship. Zagreb: self-published, 1978.
This photobook documents an action by the artist. The sequence of taped-together photographs follows his foot as it smashes a loaf of bread...


Mladen Stilinović. Odnos nog kruh = Foot–Bread relationship. Zagreb: self-published, 1978.

This photobook documents an action by the artist. The sequence of taped-together photographs follows his foot as it smashes a loaf of bread against a wall.