138 notes
· #paul newman
#cool hand luke
#the hustler
#butch cassidy and the sundance kid
#the sting
#the color of money
#the long hot summer
#the verdict
#cat on a hot tin roof
#somebody up there likes me

Favorite actor series | Paul Newman: “Newman sealed his eminence as a leading man in The Hustler (1961) as a cocky young poolroom shark, and then the great starring roles came thick and fast. By the time Butch Cassidy and The Sting came around, Newman was an American icon and an international treasure. It may seem strange in an era dominated by publicity-hungry celebrities, many of whom seem to exist just to be photographed, but throughout his long career Newman kept a firm grip on the affection of millions of moviegoers without doing a thing to court it.” - David Gritten 

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