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  1. copias-prime-mover reblogged this from totaldivasepisodes
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  4. emilyeruff reblogged this from sassymox
  5. retro-rezz-the-est reblogged this from sassymox
  6. sassymox reblogged this from ajbrooks61613 and added:
    I still can’t watch this fist bump without goosebumps, I wish I had been watching then, I would have screamed my head...
  7. ajbrooks61613 reblogged this from itmustbefate
  8. itmustbefate reblogged this from totaldivasepisodes and added:
    The way they had me on the edge of my seat for weeks waiting for them to do a fist bump. An epic moment. Their power...
  9. totaldivasepisodes posted this