I’ve Always Liked Cowabunga — Imagine Newt getting a needle in the arm but the...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
Imagine Newt getting a needle in the arm but the whole time he is staring at you, wondering if you are alright

Imagine Newt getting a needle in the arm but the whole time he is staring at you, wondering if you are alright

the maze runner TMR the maze runner fandom the maze runner imagine the maze runner imagines TMR fandom TMR imagines TMR imagine Newt X reader Newt X reader imagine Newt X reader imagines Newt newt imagine newt imagines Thomas Minho alby chuck gally aris clint Ben Winston frypan zart the gladers the gladers X reader the gladers imagine the gladers imagines the gladers X reader imagine

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