The Informed Pagan

The Informed Pagan is a collaborative Pagan community that can be used as a resource for learning more about the various religions and practices that fall under the Pagan umbrella. A place where one can ask any question and expect thoughtful, honest answers, based not only on collective experiences, but currently available scholarly research.

Founded by a group of Pagans from various paths, we are dedicated towards promoting responsibility and integrity within the Pagan Community, through knowledge and awareness. Paganism is a very broad topic, and there is a ton of misinformation that has been perpetuated over the years, and unfortunately, very little has been done to stop it.

Most of us started out, as many do, rather “fluffy”, not knowing what we were doing, and often trusting what we thought were reliable resources, only to find that we’d been misled. The misleading wasn’t always done intentionally, but it was clear that there was a serious lack of genuinely reliable resources for those who were seeking a Pagan path. In talking about how far we had come and how embarrassed we were at some of the things we had once said and written (and yes we have ALL been there), we felt strongly that more guidance should be available for Pagans of all types. Talking about this wasn’t enough, and we decided we needed to take action. Which brings us here, to TIP.

The Informed Pagan is for anyone who needs a bit of help navigating the world of Paganism. If you are unsure of what you should be doing, which authors are reliable, or even what you believe, just ask. ALL QUESTIONS ARE WELCOME!! We have the knowledge and experience

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Worryingly Asbetos is being made into homepoathic wands and reki stones. Most worryingly claiming to cure CANCER, which Asbestos causes.


Being sold to many people under the intentions of bring a bonding action between one and the subject of one’s desires“ and claiming that it’s the “etheric blueprint to correct imbalances and blockages that could manifest as physical disease and to heal cellular memory, one of the best stones for rousing the kundalini energies“  Chrysotile a type of Asbestos is quickly becoming one of the most requested minerals in reiki and crystal healing. 

And it’s not the only type of Asbestos being sold as a healing crystal.


Above is Richterite, it’s known to be as dangerous as any of the other Asbestos in the six categories and is being sold to people promising ironic cures for liver, pancreas, kidney or breast cancer.


Above is Tigers Eye, everyone knows it looks cool but it is also Asbestos and although polished Health Protection Agency in the U.K., claim these are still dangerous. 

While some types of asbestos may be more hazardous than others, all are dangerous. Leading health agencies, including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the EPA and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, classify all types of asbestos as cancer-causing substances.

The following are all a type of asbestos:
chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, winchite, suglite, richterite, actinolite and anthophyllite.


All the identified forms of asbestos can cause asbestosis, malignant mesothelioma, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, laryngeal cancer and other serious diseases and will not cure any form of cancer.

Some agencies, such as the Health Protection Agency in the U.K., claim amphibole varieties of asbestos are the most dangerous forms.

The EPA has abandoned projects aiming to identify which asbestos fiber types are the most toxic, citing the overall regulation of asbestos and asbestiform minerals as a more pressing priority.

Tagged: asbestoscrystalsreikispiritualitywitchcraftenergy healing

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