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Aunt Prudence appreciation post
Aunt Prudence appreciation post
Aunt Prudence appreciation post
Aunt Prudence appreciation post
Aunt Prudence appreciation post
Aunt Prudence appreciation post
  • Aunt Prudence appreciation post

  • 8 years ago on January 04, 2016 at 11:51 am

    original post
    288 notes
    1. rileychester reblogged this from midnight-els
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    6. strawberryaziraphale reblogged this from galadriel1010
    7. bekkalynne reblogged this from whopooh
    8. jaybeefoxy said: Miriam is such a wonderful outspoken actress
    9. galadriel1010 reblogged this from dorothyoz39
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    13. whopooh reblogged this from glamorouspixels
    14. flyawayprincess reblogged this from allpartofthejob
    15. allpartofthejob reblogged this from archibald-jones and added:
      I think so too 😊 and a key moment for accepting Phryne/ taking her side. Before that she always criticizes her, I think.
    16. archibald-jones reblogged this from allpartofthejob and added:
      The ‘for an ex-wife’ line makes me sooo.Cause like, she doesn’t really understand what’s going on, presumably doesn’t...
    17. glamorouspixels reblogged this from phrynefisherdaily
    18. phrynefisherdaily posted this
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