
Tay I 20 I ca
~ hate free
~ I generally post a lot of Dean/Jensen and Cas/Misha
~ I ship Dean x Donna and Sam x Jess
~ I track "casbadass"


"Tay Talks" = personal
"Badassask" = ask
"spn spoilers" = spoilers
If you would like me to tag anything, feel free to send me an ask :)


If you want me to answer an ask privately, be sure to put an asterisk! :)

My Stuff

Camcorder Edits

Name Pun Edits


Cas sketch by vududahl

I just wanted to make this gif because his ears do like a little twitch and it reminds me of some kind of small furry animal and i just…its adorable.

  1. ithinkmyskullburns added this GIF to a post
  2. supernaturalimaginesforthemasses added this GIF to a post
  3. interviewwiththevamp reblogged this from casbadass
  4. kmtspammmmspn reblogged this from casbadass
  5. magicalthoughtsendinterriblefics added this GIF to a post
  6. teamfreewill-imagine added this GIF to a post
  7. dancingalone21 added this GIF to a post
  8. xwing-baby added this GIF to a post
  9. iwantthedean added this GIF to a post
  10. stardusttkachuk-main added this GIF to a post
  11. whispersandwhiskerburn added this GIF to a post
  12. seeiftheygotpie added this GIF to a post
  13. misunderstood-shadows added this GIF to a post
  14. gnomesagetion added this GIF to a post
  15. jacklesus-blog reblogged this from casbadass
  16. sweetpiefordean reblogged this from casbadass
  17. zionnyko reblogged this from casbadass
  18. looking-for-a-fandom reblogged this from teenagerwithashotgun
  19. teenagerwithashotgun reblogged this from casbadass
  20. casbadass posted this
dear cas,