Hello plebs and plebettes. I'm a damaged, nihilistic, self-deprecading hermit who develops heart-eyes when I see castles and medieval things <3 If you must know, my interests are writing, ice skating and slalom skating. I'm a hardcore contrarian and not ashamed of it. I like solitude but I do enjoy making new friends. I adore walks during the winter at night (I find it very calming) and I love studying ancient history and being exposed to different views of life. I am an athiest and a political junkie (yeah I know, my neckbread is showing, right?) I do believe this is the only life I have so I try to live it the best as I can. I'm also pretty humorous and opened about my personality.


I'm very weird and I have a dark sense of humour, but don't let that scare you, I can be very nice. I am self-scrutinizing and I'm constantly judging my behaviour and inhibitions and will never place myself on a pedestal due to how much I despise egotism and narcissism unless it's facetious and meant in jest.
I’m the amazing atheist…

I’m the amazing atheist…