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Cursing in fiction…


One of my family members recently asked me why there’s so much cursing in my work. My answer to her, was that it kind of just happened that way and that is the truth. Every story I write. Every character I create, I put myself in their shoes and let the story flow. Now, is cursing needed in every book? Probably not. I think it has a lot to do with the genre an author is writing. Would a contemporary romance have a lot of cursing? Probably not. Would a horror novel? Probably. The truth is, my novels are generally pretty dark, and dark novels are going to have a curse word here or there. Especially when you’re writing about a group of brothers. One thing I’ve learned from watching my boyfriend and his brothers or friends hand out. Curse words drop like crazy! So what do you think? Does cursing belong in an art of fiction? 

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