- Wondering then why you kissed her, and felt compelled to drive an hour in the snow to tell me about it. - Well, I wanted to kiss her since I met her. She’s very kissable.
  #hannibal  #hannibaledit  #lecteredit  #hannibal lecter  #fromage  #hannigram  #mine  #jelaous hannibal is hilarious  #kiss me will  #i'm kissable  #why don't you kissing me  #maybe i should send you to dangerous serial killer  #who's not as kissable as me and will likely kill you  #that will teach you a lesson  #and maybe then you'll finally kiss me  
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    “I’m kissable too, Will. Extremely kissable. So, since you drove all the way out here…” πŸ‘„πŸ‘„πŸ‘„
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