(This is a sideblog, so if I'm following you it will be under translucy :D)
I track the tag #disneysdreamings!
February 26, 2014 with 63 notes
  1. bouncystyles added this GIF to a post
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  3. bollitodecanela added this GIF to a post
  4. frenchfrostpudding added this GIF to a post
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  6. jaywritesrps added this GIF to a post
  7. hurricane-of-jacaranda added this GIF to a post
  8. toritumbl reblogged this from arie-ll
  9. turbulentsorbet reblogged this from funky-lil-lesbian
  10. ezbitch reblogged this from maxwelljgreen
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  16. toy-dory reblogged this from arie-ll
  17. wishful--wonders reblogged this from arie-ll
  18. somebeatlemaniacnamednatalie reblogged this from arie-ll
  19. felverherceeg reblogged this from arie-ll
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  21. rozrenard reblogged this from arie-ll
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  23. arie-ll posted this