Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation @ Tumblr

  1. Photo Originally by santmat santmat:
“ Once upon a time,
A true peace lover wandered around the many worlds
in search of eternal happiness.
She walked over the face of the earth,
The suns, the moons and the clouds.
At last She found:
That it was all the while
Hidden in Her very...


    Once upon a time,
    A true peace lover wandered around the many worlds
    in search of eternal happiness.
    She walked over the face of the earth,
    The suns, the moons and the clouds.
    At last She found:
    That it was all the while
    Hidden in Her very heart.
    Then She sat down
    And was about to enjoy the new found Bliss.
    But suddenly She looked down:
    And saw countless beings were still
    groveling in darkness,
    For they were searching for happiness without,
    Just like Her before, erring over millions of ages.
    Her tears were then rolling down…
    One drop,
    two drops …
    and many more …
    Each drop became a shining Jewel
    and soon the firmament was studded with glittering tears
    which are the stars today;
    They are too shy in the day
    and too restless in the night
    to go to sleep.
    For all peace seekers,
    The stars are there to light the Way
    And to remind them of the Compassion of a holy Sage.
    (Supreme Master Ching Hai, “Silent Tears” poetry book)

    “I will appear as a Buddha to teach them the Dharma to liberate them.”
    From the Surangama Sutra, a Buddhist Scripture

    “World Honoured One, as I (followed and) made offerings to the Tathagata Avalokitevara, He taught me to use my illusory hearing and sublimate it to realize the Diamond (Vajra) Samadhi which gave me the same power of mercy of all Buddhas and enabled me to transform myself into thirty-two bodily forms for the purpose of visiting all countries in samsara (to convert and liberate living beings).

    “World Honoured One, if there are Bodhisattvas who practise Samadhi to attain the transcendental, when there is a chance for them to realize absolute Wisdom, I will appear as a Buddha to teach them the Dharma to liberate them.

    “If there are solitary students seeking (only) self-enlightenment, who practise the stillness of Nirvana, when there is a chance for them to realize it, I will appear as a teacher of self-enlightenment to teach them the Dharma to liberate them.

    “If there are students of the Four Noble Truths who, after realizing the unreality of suffering and its accumulation, tread the Path leading to the extinction of passions, when there is a chance for them to achieve this, I will appear as a hearer (sravaka) to teach them the Dharma to liberate them……..”

    — Surangama Sutra — Shurangama Sutra — 大佛頂首楞嚴經 (Leng Yen Ching), Scripture of Esoteric Buddhism

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Here you will find Words of Light and Love for the Spiritual Journey – Bhakti (Love) of the Inner Light and Sound of God – This Living Gnostic School of Spirituality from INDIA is called Sant Mat, the Path of the Masters. I'm from #Maine, a researcher exploring the Path of the Masters and Mystics, a collector of sacred texts and the discourses of spiritual Masters, vegan, and practice Inner Light and Sound Meditation in a spirit of Bhakti (Love and Devotion for the Supreme Being, the Formless Lord of the Soul, the Ocean of Love and All-consciousness). Am conspiring to make the world more peaceful, #vegan, and spiritually awake. (James Bean, Sant Mat Society of North America and Spiritual Awakening Radio)

~♫.¸♥¸.✽~PODCASTS: My YouTube Channel: Spiritual Awakening Radio and Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts~✽.¸♥¸.♫~

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Ask Me Anything: Click to send me a direct message (the "Ask" option): Or, Outside of Tumblr, Email James at this address: SantMat_Mystic['at']Yahoo['dot']com

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~♫.¸♥¸.✽~An Introduction to Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality~✽.¸♥¸.♫~

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~♫.¸♥¸.✽~Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality @ Medium~✽.¸♥¸.♫~

~♫.¸♥¸.✽~Sant Mat Books - Online Library – Recommended Reading~✽.¸♥¸.♫~

~♫.¸♥¸.✽~Sant Mat Radhasoami E Books – E Library @ Blogspot~✽.¸♥¸.♫~

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Brief Summary of Teachings of Sant Mat, The Path of the Masters

* All souls (jivas) are in essence drops of love from the Ocean of God.

* The attachment and association with mind and body makes the soul lose sight of the real Self.

* God assumes the form of a Saint (Sant Sat Guru) to lead the soul back to its Original Home.

* One must surrender one's entire being to the Ocean of Love of which we are a part, instead of limiting ourselves to sensual pleasures which leave us unhappy and discontented.

* This can be done by the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga [Inner Light and Sound Meditation].

* By attuning oneself to the Life Current which proceeds from the Heart of Anami Purush [God, The Nameless One/Radhaswami] in the form of Light and Sound, one can finally achieve union with the True Self, finding the joy one is seeking. (R.S. White Paper on Religion of Sants and Radhasoami Faith)

* Consider the following as the requirements to attain liberation:

1) Trust and belief in God;

2) Commitment to seek the Divine within;

3) Devotion to a living spiritual master;

4) Listening to the teaching of the spiritual discourse including study of the teachings of the saints and the scriptures; and,

5) Diligent meditation practice. (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj)


Radhasoami @ Twitter


Gnostic, Christian Mysticism, Apocrypha E Library

Radhasoami E Books @ Scribd

Sant Mat E Books @ Scribd

Sant Mat Library – Recommended Reading – The Path of the Masters

~♫.¸♥¸.✽~Sant Mat Radhasoami E Books – E Library @ Blogspot~✽.¸♥¸.♫~

PODCASTS: Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts & Spiritual Awakening Radio @ Apple Podcasts

SUBSCRIBE TO PODCASTS – ARCHIVE of Spiritual Awakening Radio & Sant Mat Satsang PODCASTS @ the Libsyn Podcast Website

PODCASTS: Spiritual Awakening Radio – Library of Podcasts-On-Demand

PODCASTS: Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts & Spiritual Awakening Radio @ Google Podcasts

Introduction to Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation

Sant Mat Surat Shabd Yoga Radhasoami Guru Lineage Charts

Charts of the Heavens, Inner Regions

Sant Mat Radhasoami Page @ Facebook

PODCASTS: Sant Mat Radhasoami Podcasts -- Spiritual Awakening Radio & Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts @ Youtube

Sant Mat Meditation and Spirituality @ Medium

Sant Mat Radhasoami BLOG @ Blogspot - Blogger

Sant Mat Radhasoami BLOG @ Wordpress

Sant Mat Fellowship @ GroupsIO – Mailing List for the Sant Mat E Newsletter: "Light and Sound on the Path"

PODCASTS: Spiritual Awakening Radio & Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts @ Spotify

LINKS: Sant Mat Radhasoami Links Page

LINKS: Inter-Faith – World Religions – Sacred Texts Links Page

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