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    The Definition Of Sant Mat by Maharshi Mehi Paramhans:

    English Translation of, The Definition of Sant Mat, by Maharshi Mehi Paramhans (Recited in Hindi by Madhulata Arya)

    1. Stillness or steadiness is the essence of Shanti [peace]. (1)

    2. He who has attained Shanti is a saint [Sant]. (2)

    3. Sant Mat (2) encompasses the thoughts and teachings of the saints and sages.

    4. It is natural for human beings to desire Shanti. Inspired by this inherent desire, seers of ancient times searched for the inner peace and found the path to attain this inner peace, and expounded this way in the ancient teachings of the Upanishads. (3) Similar views have been expressed by saints in more recent times such as Guru Nanak and Kabir Sahib. They expressed their teaching in the Punjabi and Hindi vernaculars, respectively, for the inspiration and edification for the common masses. The teachings of these latter saints are referred to as Santmat.

    However, the Upanishads are considered to be the foundation of Santmat, because they uniquely and abundantly describe the means for attaining Shanti, and contain a comprehensive explanation of the Divine Word-Sound which leads to the Highest Wisdom. The Upanishads explain the yogic techniques and present a systematic path for transcending thought in order to attain the Absolute through the use of sound (the Yoga of Surat-Shabda). (4) Santmat follows the yogic path prescribed in the Upanishads and specifically, employs Surat-Shabad Yoga in its practices. [Therefore, it is to be understood that the teaching of the saints is a later expression and development of the teaching within the Upanishads.]

    When viewed on the surface, the teachings of various saints sometimes seem to contradict one another [or even to contradict the principles of the Upanishads]. But upon deeper analysis, it becomes apparent that there is an unbreakable unity in the spiritual views of all saints. Saints have appeared in different times and in different places, and their followers name their tradition in respect to the particular saint [for example, Kabir Panth and Dadu Panth]. The apparent differences can be attributed to variations in time, place, language, and labels given to the views, but in reality, they are the same. It also happens that excessively zealous followers tend to accentuate these seeming differences. When sectarianism and the forms of the particular time or place of the teachings of a saint are removed, the basic principles of Santmat are in unity.


    1. Shanti is a Sanskrit word with several English meanings: peace, tranquility, bliss, etc…. The peace which results from some degree of Divine communion is Shanti.

    2. The term “Sant” is derived from the Sanskrit Sat (truth, reality). Thus the “one who knows the Truth,” and who has experienced Ultimate Reality. Even though the word sant does not cognate with “Saint” it is often translated in English “Saint.” In this book, for the sake of convenience, we use the words ‘sant’ and ‘saint’ interchangeably. A saint in the Santmat tradition is one who experiences the mystical state; it is a title conferred because of yogic achievements. This is different from the way this word is commonly understood in Western traditions, where a saint is considered to be morally correct and is only canonized as a saint after death on the basis of some form of miracle that he/she had performed during their life times. In the Santmat tradition, saint is a living person who leads a moral life and has achieved realization of the Divine. Clearly, many of those who are considered to be saints in the Western view would also be included in the Santmat definition of saint.

    3. The Upanishads are ancient Vedic texts that define and categorize the philosophy of Yoga.

    4. Surat Shabad Yoga is the practice of transcending the mind in order to enter the level beyond the mind. This is the level of ultimate unity. The vehicle for this inward journey is inner sound.

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Here you will find Words of Light and Love for the Spiritual Journey – Bhakti (Love) of the Inner Light and Sound of God – This Living Gnostic School of Spirituality from INDIA is called Sant Mat, the Path of the Masters. I'm from #Maine, a researcher exploring the Path of the Masters and Mystics, a collector of sacred texts and the discourses of spiritual Masters, vegan, and practice Inner Light and Sound Meditation in a spirit of Bhakti (Love and Devotion for the Supreme Being, the Formless Lord of the Soul, the Ocean of Love and All-consciousness). Am conspiring to make the world more peaceful, #vegan, and spiritually awake. (James Bean, Sant Mat Society of North America and Spiritual Awakening Radio)

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Brief Summary of Teachings of Sant Mat, The Path of the Masters

* All souls (jivas) are in essence drops of love from the Ocean of God.

* The attachment and association with mind and body makes the soul lose sight of the real Self.

* God assumes the form of a Saint (Sant Sat Guru) to lead the soul back to its Original Home.

* One must surrender one's entire being to the Ocean of Love of which we are a part, instead of limiting ourselves to sensual pleasures which leave us unhappy and discontented.

* This can be done by the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga [Inner Light and Sound Meditation].

* By attuning oneself to the Life Current which proceeds from the Heart of Anami Purush [God, The Nameless One/Radhaswami] in the form of Light and Sound, one can finally achieve union with the True Self, finding the joy one is seeking. (R.S. White Paper on Religion of Sants and Radhasoami Faith)

* Consider the following as the requirements to attain liberation:

1) Trust and belief in God;

2) Commitment to seek the Divine within;

3) Devotion to a living spiritual master;

4) Listening to the teaching of the spiritual discourse including study of the teachings of the saints and the scriptures; and,

5) Diligent meditation practice. (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj)


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Gnostic, Christian Mysticism, Apocrypha E Library

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Sant Mat Library – Recommended Reading – The Path of the Masters

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Introduction to Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation

Sant Mat Surat Shabd Yoga Radhasoami Guru Lineage Charts

Charts of the Heavens, Inner Regions

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