Note to my readers: I’m sorry that my author has posted hardly any comics over the past few years and still hasn’t finished the “new book” she’s been writing/promoting for approximately eternity. She’s had to move and change jobs several times since grad school and has been finding it hard to juggle consistent income-earning with consistent art-making.

Also, I’m sorry about the unanswered messages in my inbox. Years ago, I tried to answer a reader question regarding a sibling and then over-analyzed my response to the point of never finishing it, and it haunts me to this day. I hope you still read this blog and know that I wasn’t purposely ignoring you, person I never answered!

Sincerely, Don

  1. -------asidewalk said: @alexanderprime Great idea–so much faster than making new ones! Thanks! And yes, Don will post/queue up some old ones.
  2. dondepresso posted this
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