Black Heung Jin Moon Timeline

▲ Cleophas Kundiona with Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han in January 1988.
Timeline edited, with additional information, from Graham Lester’s original post (link below).
Graham Lester: “The point of my timeline was to demonstrate that Father, Sun Myung Moon, and the Unification Church continued to support Cleophas Kundiona’s ministry even after the extent of the violence became known.
An important point that is missing from my notes is that, after Dr. Bo Hi Pak’s beating, In Jin Nim and Jin Sung Nim, her former husband, tried to persuade Father to withdraw his support for Cleophas. This point came up in discussion on the GVI internet group a couple of years ago. Jin Sung Nim had criticized the members for supporting Cleophas and I stated that Jin Sung Nim and In Jin Nim had been as supportive of Cleophas as everybody else. Andrew Baccus claimed that this was not the case and that they had actually tried to warn Father about Cleophas. Later, I was told the same thing by an elder American member who had heard it directly from Jin Sung Nim himself.
I don’t think that the UC finally withdrew its support for Cleophas until over a year after the beating of Dr. Bo Hi Pak and the beating of the members in Japan.
Here’s a revised timeline on the Cleophas affair. I’m sure some of you can fill in missing details from your own notes.”
January 2, 1984
New York Times: “POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y.,
One of the 13 children of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church, died early today in a hospital here, a hospital spokesman said.

▲ The Moons bid farewell to Heung Jin Moon in his coffin
February 20, 1984
Washington Post: “Moon married off a dancer in the Washington Ballet named Hoon-sook Pak to the spirit of his recently deceased son. The union was critical because Unification theology teaches that one must be married to ascend to heaven, church members say. The teen-age Heung Jin Nim was single when he died. Hoon-sook Pak, who has since taken the name of Julia Moon, is the daughter of [Bo Hi] Pak, the Washington Times president.
July 1987
Cleophas Kundiona announces that he is Heung Jin Nim to a local leader in Zimbabwe. The Japanese missionary to Zimbabwe informs Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak.
August 1987
Rev. Kwak travels to Africa and meets Cleophas.
Robert Williamson, John Brady and Thomas Cromwell were the UC leaders in Africa who became involved in the Cleophas world tour.
September 6, 1987
Rev. Kwak announces “embodiment” of Heung Jin Nim “24 hours a day” in an African brother. Speech titled “The Accomplishment of True Parents,” given at Belvedere.
Michael Mickler: “Rev. Kwak utilized his monthly “Letter from the Publisher” column in Today’s World to describe the phenomenon and offer guidance to the worldwide membership. According to Rev. Kwak, “Our movement has absolutely needed the kind of personal assistance he has been providing.” He cautioned members against trying to question Heung Jin Nim “about your former experience together” as “many small details of our experience on earth are unneeded and forgotten when we go to the spirit world.” ”
Africa four “conferences”
Greece “conference”
Thailand “conference”
Columbia “conference”
Argentina “conference”
France “conference”
England “conference”
November 18-20 Three-day “conference” at the World Mission Center

▲ The November 18-20, 1987 “conference” at the New Yorker Hotel
November 21, 1987
Cleophas appears with True Parents at Children’s Day. After his speech, “Children’s Day and the Unification of the Fatherland,” Father announces that, “In the last four days a strong tightly knit organization was formed by Heung Jin Nim.”
November 21, 1987
Takeru Kamiyama gives a testimony at the World Mission Center, New York
“Conference” at the church’s seminary at Barrytown, UTS
“Conference” at the Washington D.C. Church
– Damian Anderson: “doors locked”
“Conference” at Aetna Springs, Northern California
Michael Mickler: “These [three conferences in the U.S] were attended by approximately 800 members each. He also conducted a smaller session at the church’s seminary at Barrytown, New York and several more private sessions. Most importantly, he met Rev. and Mrs. Moon and appeared to gain their sanction. According to one description, he “ran over to Father and practically jumped into his arms, saying ‘Father! Father!’ Then he embraced Mother tightly, crying, ‘Mother! Mother!’ “ At the beginning of the New York conference, Hyo Jin Nim Moon, Heung Jin Nim’s elder brother, spoke in tears, stating, “I have the most reason to be skeptical, but now I know it’s my brother. Please receive him.” ”
November ?, 1987
Dr. Bo Hi Pak critically injured by Cleophas.
November 29, 1987
Rev. Sudo announces at Belvedere that Father has accepted Cleophas/HJN “completely as his own son.” Calls the Heung Jin Nim phenomenon a “miracle of miracles.” Warns us not to try to test Cleophas. Hyo Jin Nim introduced him as “my brother” with tears.
In the Children’s Day ceremony on the first floor, the special ceremony, Heung Jin Nim was there. During the ceremony, Father gives everyone rice cake starting with Mother and including Heung Jin Nim. Father accepted him completely as his own son. Mother too. If you believe Father, who can doubt?
Washington Post: “Bo Hi Pak, the Washington Times president, was admitted to Georgetown Hospital for tests … from Dec. 9 to Dec. 17, saying he had recently fallen down a flight of stairs, hospital sources said. No injuries were found.”
December 6, 1987
Takeru Kamiyama gives a speech at Belvedere.
Japan “conference”
Korea “conference”
January 2, 1988
Dr. Pak has open-brain surgery.
(Source: speech given by Jin Sung Park at Belvedere on May 15, 1988.)
Washington Post: “Pak underwent surgery in South Korea to repair a blood vessel in his head, according to Washington Times executives.”
January ?, 1988
Rev. Kamiyama’s speaking tour testifying to Cleophas
Rev. Kamiyama’s testimony in Philadelphia (extracts):
More than 7,000 people have been “cleaned up” in Japan by the African hurricane. One 777 couple had set himself up as the new messiah, rematching blessed couples, etc. I felt like killing him. He met Heung Jin Nim and was forgiven by Heung Jin Nim, who beat both him and his wife twice to the point of unconsciousness. Then their heads were shaved. His fifty followers were also brought to Heung Jin Nim. Heung Jin Nim said that Satan has now lost his foundation in Japan, so Japan will make great advancement.
Heung Jin Nim was very angry about oral sex. It is physical; it is not love. One sister said that Father taught that, and he was even angrier. She was handcuffed and beaten.
Hyo Jin Nim testified to Heung Jin Nim, “this is my brother.” He was angry that he had been misinformed about Heung Jin Nim.
Heung Jin Nim asked me what Father had said. I told him that all I remembered was that Father said I would be hit, and he laughed. Peter Kim confessed about misuse of funds. “How much?“ I felt it was not so much. Heung Jin Nim grabbed him by the hair. He was very upset that he could not remember how much. I felt negative. Heung Jin Nim hit him with a rope.
Heung Jin Nim was looking for me: “If necessary, handcuff him and bring him down.”
Some people are happy and excited about forgiveness but the goal is to make unity by surrendering. Heung Jin Nim returned to fulfill this, standing with Hyo Jin Nim as the true absolute Abel. To do this, the unity of the True Children is the most important point. This is done. Hyo Jin Nim testified to Heung Jin Nim, despite being misinformed.
Through confession ceremony, we could be forgiven. We should not have questioned that declaration. It was like saying, “Are you the one who is to come?” We should have just united. Father knew what Heung Jin Nim was doing.
Father told Mr. Kuboki to be absolutely sure that Japan unites with Heung Jin Nim.
I heard all these things personally, and on every single occasion hundreds of other members were also present. I’ve got more in my other notebooks… although I wonder if any of the rest of you remember In Jin Nim’s speech at Belvedere in 1988, when she spoke about the Heung Jin Nim resurrection phenomenon. If she was skeptical, I didn’t notice.
February ?, 1988
National HQ sends out February 1988 “Unification Video News” in which Dr. Durst testifies to Cleophas.
Washington Post: “It is not even clear whether the Zimbabwean’s exalted position is permanent. “He carries the spirit of Heung Jin Nim, but no one knows how long it will stay,” said one senior official in Moon’s organization.”
Summer 1988
Michael Mickler: “By summer 1988, Rev. Moon directed Heung Jin Nim’s embodiment to return to Africa, an order that he disobeyed. At this point, there was a consensus that Heung Jin Nim’s spirit had left the embodiment and an evil spirit had taken over. The reasons for this reversal were complex, but the basic problem was “Black” Heung Jin Nim’s violent treatment of those he believed were not truly following True Parents, a situation that he found intolerable and for which he held the leadership responsible. In addition, reports emerged of his entering European churches on holy days and leaping onto altars for loud prayers, followed by group cheers and hasty exits. Some of this leaked to the press and become a source of embarrassment. In sum, even by the permissive standards applied to one regarded to be a member of the True Family, his excesses became too much for the movement to tolerate.
Once rejected, Black Heung Jin Nim deviated further. He sent a flurry of faxes to church centers denouncing the “evil Kwak” for misrepresenting his work to True Parents. Eventually, he turned against Rev. Moon. There was a reported book burning of Divine Principle in Zimbabwe, and the former embodiment, who resumed using his original name, Cleophas, traveled to Japan where he attacked the church in several interviews. He later impregnated and had a child by the wife of the church’s Japanese missionary to Zimbabwe. He also began his own sect, drawing out with him the bulk of the church’s Zimbabwean membership, eighty or so members.”
July 1992
Cleophas travels from Zimbabwe to Tokyo and gives lengthy press conferences. See videos of the Tokyo press conference.
An interview with Black Heung Jin after he parted from Moon
Takeru Kamiyama on Black Heung Jin
Compiled from his testimony at the World Mission Center on November 21, 1987, and his speech at Belvedere on December 6, 1987.
(Translated by Hiroshi Matsuzaki)
Moon’s Son, 17, Dies After a Car Accident in 1984
Hoon-sook was married to Moon’s dead son, Heung Jin
Spirit Revelation and the UC by James A. Beverley
Black Heung Jin (Cleophas Kundiona) by Nan-sook Hong
Black Heung Jin – The Victory of (All You Need Is) Love by Dan Fefferman
Black Heung Jin Nim in DC by Damian Anderson
Heung Jin Nim’s Spiritual Work by Michael Mickler
Black Heung-jin fled because he committed felony assault
Theological Uproar in the Unification Church – Reincarnated Son
Timeline edited, with additional information, from Graham Lester’s original post: