160620 BTS’ Tweet

모든 한국 아미들 ㅊㅋㅊㅋ!!!
해시태그 이벤트 참여해준 모든 아미들 고맙습니다😘😘

Congrats congrats all Korean ARMY!!!
Thank you to all the ARMYs that participated in the hashtag event 😘😘

Video trans:
RM: 2,3 Bang! Tan! Hello, we are BTS!
Korea was able to get into the top five!
JH: Yay~ Korea!
Thank you so much ARMYs
S: I can really feel Korean ARMYs love for us ten times over
JM: Ah, it was so cute.. and you all are so cute too~
JH: Ah yes, that is so
J: So it is
S: Thank you for all your love, everyone, we love you!
BTS: We love you!
JH: Please love us lots even in the future!
J: Bye~

Trans cr; Joyce @ bts-trans

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