Synopsis: You stand up for Connor when Gavin is a dick jerk as usual, and become his new target. Connor, however, is not having any of it. Tormenting him is one thing, but once he starts at you, that’s where Connor draws the line.
A/N: This one was...

Synopsis: You stand up for Connor when Gavin is a dick jerk as usual, and become his new target. Connor, however, is not having any of it. Tormenting him is one thing, but once he starts at you, that’s where Connor draws the line. 

 A/N: This one was requested by @send-me-to-valhalla, and I had to write it asap or I wouldn’t be able to sleep for the rest of my life. Seriously, Protective!Connor is everything I never knew I needed. Let me know if you’d like a part two! 

 Warnings: Protective!Connor, violence(?) 

Lieutenant Hank Anderson.

 A well-versed homicide detective, who worked the Deviant Case nearly six months ago—almost ironically—with Connor, an Android sent from CyberLife who ended up on the path of Deviancy himself. Although successful in his line of work, Hank was grizzled, alcoholic, and most importantly, late. 


 “Where do you think he is?” You asked curiously from where you sat atop your desk. You were reclining just slightly, leaning back on your outstretched hands. 

Connor looked up at you from where he was pacing, flipping a shiny silver coin absentmindedly. His LED shone yellow as his eyebrows knitted together in thought. “There’s a high probability that Lieutenant Anderson was out late last night, and is still sleeping. Or, he’s currently at the bar.” 

 You nodded, not worrying too much about Hank—he was late more than he was on time for work, but he always showed up eventually. Connor focused his gaze on his coin, and your eyes followed. 

 “You really are good at coin tricks,” you stated, “how’d you learn them?”

Connor flipped the tiny piece of metal, and it spun into the air before he caught it in his hand again. “They’re in my programming, they keep my mind sharp and calibrate my physical and cognitive functions.” His brown eyes flitted up to yours, and he cocked his head slightly to the side. “They’re actually pretty simple, would you like me to show you?” 

 He took your excited smile as a yes, and moved to stand in front of you. “Here,” he murmured, passing you the coin. 

It felt heavy in your hand, and Connor was now practically standing between your legs. “Hold out your hand… Here.” He took your outstretched hand in his own, and turned your palm to face the ground. 

He’d never touched you before; his skin was surprisingly soft, but somehow calloused and it felt incredibly… human. Goosebumps blossomed on your arms, and your hand burned from the ghosts of Connor’s fingertips. 

“Now take the quarter in your thumb, and lift it up onto the knuckle of your index finger.” His voice brought you crashing back into reality, and you watched as he demonstrated with his own coin. He effortlessly flicked it up onto his knuckle, and the quarter rolled smoothly from one finger to the next, until he let it fall and immediately caught it. You tried to focus on his instruction, but your eyes were trained on his hands and the way they moved. Something about them was incredibly captivating, and you couldn’t help but let your thoughts wander. 

“Are you alright?” Connor asked, staring at you with his eyebrows furrowed in concern and a slight pout on his pink lips. 

“Yeah of course… Why wouldn’t I be?” God, you even sounded flustered—you needed to get your emotions under control. 

“It’s your heart rate.” Connor narrowed his eyes just slightly, and you knew he was scanning your body for other abnormalities. 

Your cheeks flushed a light shade of red and you desperately tried to calm yourself down. “I’m fine, it’s probably just the caffeine kicking in.” 

Connor didn’t seem completely convinced, but with a quiet hum, he decided to let it be and moved on. “Go ahead and try,” He gestured to the coin in your hand, and you attempted to lift it as he’d showed you. 

You immediately dropped the quarter. It fell right off of your knuckle, and hit the floor with a significant clink! Connor grinned and bent down to retrieve it. “You’re practically a master already!” 

You playfully shoved him with a light laugh, and he rose to his feet with a chuckle. Before you could try again, heavy footsteps announced the presence of another person in the room. You looked to the right, hoping to see Hank, but instead met by Gavin’s cold gaze. 

He was glaring directly at Connor, who placed his quarter in your outstretched hand. “Where’s my coffee, tin can?” Gavin mocked, stopping about a foot away from the two of you and peering around the room. “What, Daddy isn’t around to stand up for you?” He sneered, clearly proud of himself. 

You, for one, were sick of his shit. 

“Funny,” You began, feigning an interest in your fingernails, “how when the Lieutenant is gone, you suddenly find your bravery from where it was buried in your ass.” Your eyes flickered up to Gavin’s, and a sly smirk played on your lips. “It’s almost as if… you’re afraid of him?” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hank push open the door to the bustling room as if on cue. 

“Afraid of that drunkard?” Gavin spat, but you could tell your comment had unsettled him. “He’s nothing to me, just like you. It’s a shame, you would actually be attractive if you weren’t always hanging around with that piece of scrap.” It took nearly everything in you to keep an uninterested look on your face, because Gavin was nothing if not intimidating. You noticed Connor take a protective step towards you, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t warm your heart.

“How can you even call yourself a cop?” Gavin spat, “it’s disgusting and pathetic.” His face contorted in revulsion, and he looked down on you as if you were nothing more than scum on his shoe. “Forget being an officer, how can you consider yourself human? You’re a disappointment to your own species.” 

Connor suddenly sprung to life, his LED flashing red as he jabbed a finger in Gavin’s direction. “Don’t you dare disrespect her!” He took a step forwards, and Gavin took a bigger step backwards. “She’s more of a cop than you’ll ever be!” 

 Gavin lunged for Connor, grabbing him by the collar and cursing in his face. “Listen here, you little shithead!” 

You were pushed to the side as Hank rushed to intervene, taking a fistful of Gavin’s jacket and yanking him away from Connor. “Cut it out before someone gets hurt!” He growled, and you snapped out of your state of shock to rush over to where Connor stood, disheveled and more angry than you’d ever seen him. 

Hank gave him a quick once over. “Are you okay?” 

“It’s an Android!” Gavin shouted, “It’s not alive!” 

“Fuck off!” Hank bellowed, so loudly that the entire room fell silent. 

Gavin huffed indignantly, muttering some half-assed threat before storming out of the room. Once everyone fell back into their previous engagements, Hank sighed heavily and shook his head. 

“I swear to God, one of you is going to end up getting yourselves killed.”

hank anderson lieutenant anderson detroit become human detroit dbh dbh connor dbh hank connor connor x reader gavin reed connor fanfiction connor imagine requests original post

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