Fun fact: I have no idea why I chose the name Crustacean Zine Library. I’ve always been all about Oysters…and Artichokes…

Yesterday, when my housemate moved out and I got to see the space for the first time in a long time, I was reacquainted with the flooring that my dear friend Pansy did for me after I finally gave up on the disgusting carpet. It’s made of recycled tiles I collected from freecycle, with a few of these panels in which my children (then <10) did mosaic artwork. This one is called, I believe “4 crabs.” The fourth crab, from what I was told by the artist, is scattered all over the panel after the other crabs beat him up and ripped him apart.

Crabs/Crustaceans/Crustacean zine Library. <3

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