Armada 606 — Is it really racist to say that black people can...

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Anonymous asked:

Is it really racist to say that black people can perceive something to be an act of racism when it actually has nothing to do with race?

yoisthisracist answered:

Yes, and here’s why: though there might be some technical world in which this is true, shit like this is really only ever said by racists who believe that people of color are “oversensitive” instead of actually examining the effects of their racist beliefs. So, saying shit like this is like saying, “the moon might be made of fucking cheese, dogg.” Like, sure, I guess it might, but the chances of that being true are so small that saying this shit turns the conversation and focus to something, and forces normal, decent people to consider this dumb proposition like it’s a thing that has a high enough chance of matter that it has an effect on the real world.

Even now, see how much time you just fucking wasted on your fake-ass problem? Fuck off!

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