She Could Almost Be A Knight
Honour. The point is honour.
Oath. 30+. Bi. She/They. Southeastern Europe. Fanfiction is my primary fandom activity. Not a spoiler-free blog but spoilers will be tagged to the best of my ability.

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Frequently appearing fandoms include Steven Universe, Sailor Moon (with a strong Outer Senshi focus), Revolutionary Girl Utena, D&D/tabletop, Overwatch, Tolkien, Jules Verne, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, A Song of Ice and Fire, Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls, Sherlock Holmes, Pokemon, Les Misérables, Metroid, Star Trek (primarily DS9), Star Wars, Takarazuka, Portal. Expect general SF, fantasy, cartoons and comics blogging, and excitement over robots, spaceships, revolutions, engineering, science, sea creatures and submarines, tabletop and video gaming, the punk in steampunk and cyberpunk, musicals, opera, conlangs, and mythology.

Icon source.

some lost, defective pearl

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