Warnings: fluff, mild swearing, Peter Parker being more lovable and adorable than humanly possible
Pairing: Peter Parker x Rogers!Reader
AN: hey look, it’s Peter Parker word vomit round two!! I love most of this but Idk what I was thinking with that ending 😬🤦♀️ maybe you guys’ll like it though?? I guess I’ll have to wait and see. Also can you tell I’ve fallen in love with Peter? Because I definitely have.
With a deep breath you take one last punch at the bag in front of you, watching calmly as it goes flying across the gym.
“Woah!” A voice from behind you says, causing you to spin around.
“S-sorry! It’s just... that was.... that was so cool.” The boy says sheepishly.
“Yeah superhuman serum can usually make a person capable of stuff that others deem cool.” You say, unfazed by the look of pure amazement.
“Yeah that’s um... that’s true.” He stutters, his face going a bright red.
“Who are you exactly?” You ask bluntly, pulling off the mitts on your hands and grabbing your water bottle.
“Oh, I’m uh... I’m Peter. Interning for Mr Stark.” He explains nervously.
You squint at him, trying to figure out where you may recognize him from.
“He’s also Spider-Man.” Tony says as he passes by briskly.
“Mr Stark!” The boy groans, looking at him desperately. Tony merely shrugs as a response before being back on his way.
“Ok well I’m done here so I’ll be going.” You mutter, putting your fighting equipment back where you’d found it all. You grab the punching bag from the floor, hanging it back up with ease.
“I-I’m sorry? Is everything ok?” Peter asks, looking really confused.
You let out a sigh, finally looking over at him. “Look, you seem like an ok guy but the fact is, you’re one of the people who helped drive my dad out of the country so I’m not interested in making nice, alright?” You explain, walking around him towards the door.
“Don’t mind Capsicle junior, she’s/he’s/they’re hostile with everyone.” Tony says to Peter as he comes back into the room.
“Heard that.” You call over your shoulder.
“Not my fault it’s true.” Tony says with a shrug.
“Whatever tinman. If you talk to my dad anytime soon, can you just tell him how much a kid’s social life tanks when their parent is a wanted fugitive?” You ask as you pull one of your dads disguise caps over your hair.
You didn’t get to go on many missions and you never went undercover but you often used to take your dads hats when you were younger and he eventually just stopped protesting and let you take them as long as they were returned eventually. Now, it seemed they were all yours.
“If I talk to him, I’ll let him know.” He agrees.
“No, not if. When!” You correct.
You’d always been more optimistic than most but since your dad had fled the country, it’d become a rare sight which is why Tony was surprised at the statement.
“Alright, when.” He says with a small smile and you nod before making your way out the door, barely noticing the eyes on you the entire time.
As a car pulled up to the curb outside your school, you raised a brow at the driver before getting in.
“Nat? I thought you were on another mission off in the world somewhere?” You ask as you buckle your seatbelt.
“I was but then someone dragged me back so there was someone to keep you out of trouble.” She says with a smile.
“I’m guessing Tinman is that someone?” You ask and you groan as she nods.
“You know what happened the last time he was gone. He came back to find you completely drunk after some party.” She shrugs and you sigh, watching out the window wordlessly.
“The last time he was gone, he was going after my dad.” You point out.
“I know you miss Steve y/n. But you have to try to control your anger. No one wants you ending up in one of those cells like Wanda, Sam and everyone else.” She explains.
“At least then I wouldn’t have to listen to people call my dad a criminal.” You fire back.
“Oh forgot to mention but there’s a teenage boy in the backseat.” Nat says casually and you whip your head around to see Peter.
“Nat! You couldn’t have said something when I got in?” You grumble.
She gives you a small shrug. “Figured you would’ve noticed. You ought to train with me more, you’ll be more attentive to detail.” She says.
“Of course. Will do.” You mutter sarcastically, cursing a bit under your breath.
“Hi!” Peter says quickly, obviously very nervous.
“...hi.” You say hesitantly, peering over the headrest to see him and ignoring the little bit of butterflies you feel unexpectedly in seeing him in normal everyday clothing instead of his suit.
“I uh... I’m Peter.” He says awkwardly.
You roll your eyes a bit, a lighthearted smile on your face. “Yeah, I remember. We met like a month ago I think.” You remind him, obviously amused.
“Right...” he sighs, clearly cursing himself quietly.
You’d seen Peter around a few times actually, at Stark industries events and around the Tower and such. You’d basically avoided the boy at every possible interaction, not wanting to be anywhere near him. You’d gone as far as avoiding the gym completely for over a week, worried he might go through there to get to Tony’s lab.
The rest of the ride is spent in silence, you gaining the odd grin from Natasha when she sees you looking back at Peter in the mirror every now and then and you immediately avoiding the view afterwards.
It wasn’t as though you liked Peter. You couldn’t. It was a nearly impossible idea to even think of liking him. You didn’t know a single thing about him. You were still mad about everything that had gone on at the airport.
But you couldn’t say that he didn’t intrigue you. At least not without it being a flat out lie.
Once back to the tower, you quickly scramble out of the car, hiking your backpack over one shoulder as you rush into the building with your head down.
To your surprise, you hear the slapping of the bottom of shoes coming up behind you quickly.
“Sorry, I just... I- can we talk?” Peter asks, searching your eyes desperately for a way to read you or see at least a fragment of what you felt.
You could tell that’s what he was doing. It didn’t much affect you, having been trained to lie by Black Widow herself at a young age. You were quick to put up your defences at any sign of emotional situations which was why everyone resorted to calling you cold and distant. Especially since Steve was gone.
You nod, motioning wordlessly for him to go on.
“Well, I just uh... I just wanted to y’know, check on you. I um... I know our first meeting was a little... rough.” He explains and you sigh, relaxing your shoulders a bit to show a sign of less hostility.
“Look, I don’t hate you or anything if that’s what you’re worried about. I know being offered the opportunity to work with the great and mighty Tony Stark was probably too tempting to turn down.” You mutter sarcastically. “I’m just going through some stuff right now and you being the guy who basically almost got my dad caught isn’t helping matters.” You explain, running a tired hand through your y/h/c hair.
“Oh! That’s actually not what I meant. I can see why you’d not really like me right now.” He says with an awkward smile.
“So what are you talking about then?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Well, you’re a kid with superpowers for one. I can kind of relate to that.” He says with a laugh, making you smile a bit. “And your dad is captain America. That must be pretty cool.” He adds.
You laugh a bit, remembering bits and pieces of your moments with your dad. “Yeah... except when you get lectured for having detention by your dad in front of everyone at school.” You say playfully.
“Oh god, I forgot about that video.” Peter says, cracking up a bit.
“You don’t have a reason to hate it as much as me! I had to listen to it and then my dad lectured me about it when I got home. And so did aunt Nat, uncle Bucky and aunt Wanda.” You point out, your smile slightly faltering at the memories.
Peter is smiling but when he looks at you and notices the sad expression on your face, his smile falls even faster than yours had.
“Are... are you ok?” He asks hesitantly, head tilted in concern.
You sniffle a bit, annoyed at your sudden sign of weakness.
“I’m fine. I just... miss them.” You say with a shrug. You laugh awkwardly, wiping the tears from the corners of your eyes. “I’m a mess, don’t worry I know.” You add.
“You have a reason to be though.” Peter assures you nervously.
You laugh, a bitter and off sound leaving your mouth.
“That’s not what people at school think. You’d be surprised at how fast people will literally boo you during gym class when your dad pops up in a video to explain simple health or weight training or whatever. Or how quick they’ll be to shun you. They all think I’m hiding him, harbouring a fugitive.” You mutter, staring down at Peters shoes to distract yourself.
You shake your head a bit, trying to clear your thoughts.
“My dad is off risking his life and he still protected me from everything that happened so far. The absolute least I can do is to stop being pathetic and moping about it.” You mumble with a sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose tiredly.
Without warning, Peters open palm is against your back, moving in soothing circles over and over. To your own surprise, you don’t flinch away from the contact. You instead choose to embrace it, taking deep breaths to keep yourself calm.
“Thank you.” You murmur as you feel him pulling you into his chest a bit. You hesitate for a moment but ultimately decide it’s alright for you to let your head fall onto his chest, almost nuzzling it into his shirt.
You can feel him tense up in surprise, almost pulling away awkwardly.
Immediately, you straighten your posture from your previously slouched figure, back on high alert and embarrassed by your show of vulnerability.
“I’m sorry. Basket case, I warned you.” You say quickly, forcing a laugh as you point an index finger at yourself.
“Er... yeah...” He stutters with a tight lipped smile, causing you to nervously bite your lip.
“Excuse me.” You sigh, running off into the gym again, leaving Peter standing alone in the hall. Or so he thought.
“Well that was... strange...” Tony says, watching the space you’d just left with a perplexed look on his face.
Peter jumped a little bit, immediately standing with near perfect posture.
“Yeah- Yeah very strange mr stark.” He agrees.
Tony looks at him with a cocky grin.
“Kid, do you even know what makes that whole interaction strange?” He questions, leaning against the doorframe.
“Well no-“ Peter begins quickly and Tony holds up a hand to stop him before he gets the chance to yammer any longer.
“Well underoos, it’s incredibly strange because not once have I ever seen junior be in any way vulnerable with anyone before. At least no one outside of the Avengers.” He explains. “And the first time I see it, it’s with you, who she/he/they knows absolutely nothing about.” He adds when he notices the look of pure confusion on Peters face.
“Well it might just be because I was here. Or because I was being nice or...” Peter begins rambling, looking for any valid reasons you may have looked for comfort from him of all people.
Tony stops listening after a while and when Peter finally stops to breath, he puts a hand on his shoulder calmly.
“Kid, she/he/they is right in there. And she/he/they isn’t just nice to anyone for no reason.” He begins slowly as though talking to a child. “Go ask her/him/them yourself.” He says, giving Peter a gentle shove towards the doors to the gym.
Hesitantly, Peter pushes the door open and slips through, gulping a bit as he walks in to find you in the same place you were when the two of you had met.
As he notices you turning around at the sound of his entrance, his nerves take over and he finds himself using his webs to jump up onto the ceiling.
“Hello? Someone there?” You call out uncertainly as you survey your surroundings.
Your fists are up as you cautiously take steps forward, looking around for any source of the noise.
After another few seconds of silence, you figure you were just hearing things and go bag to throwing agressive punches at the bag in front of you.
The feeling of a pair of eyes on you throws you off a bit, suspicions creeping up your spine. You spin around in a circle like a dog chasing their tail, your senses on high alert as you try and shake the feeling.
As you turn with an irritated groan back to the bag, Peter finally decides to reveal himself, dropping down from the ceiling and landing poorly right behind you, causing you to swing around swiftly, socking him in the jaw with your gloved fist.
“Ow.” He moans, putting a hand over his aching jaw.
Your hands immediately go to cup your mouth in shock as you see who it was.
“Shit! Don’t sneak up on someone like that, what the hell?!” You cry out, looking at him with wide eyes.
“I- sorry!” He says, starting to mumble a bit.
You sigh, running a hand through your hair and groaning a bit.
“That was... sorry. That was fucking selfish of me.” You mutter. “Are you ok?” You ask, gently reaching over to examine his jaw.
“Fuck that’s gonna leave a mark. I’m sorry.” You say, trying to contain the laugh threatening to escape your lips.
“Don’t worry about it. I did kind of sneak up on you I uh... I guess.” He replies, laughing sheepishly.
“Yeah. Curse my damn reflexes I guess.” You say with a small grin.
“Junior, language!” Tony says in a mocking tone as he rushes past, clearly on his way to something important.
You scoff, raising an eyebrow at him. “Oh c’mon! That was one perk to my dad not being here.” You say dramatically, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
With the amount of sarcastic remarks and swears you uttered, many people would probably believe that you were Tony’s kid rather than Steve’s.
“Well sorry he asked me to look after you. Blame the old man, not me.” Tony says with a shrug.
“Of course he did.” You sigh but your eyes widen quickly as you look over at him, a light turning on in your brain. “When did he tell you that?” You ask hopefully, eyes baring into Tony at this point.
“Sometime last night? Oh and he said no s/o’s yet. Little late for that I think.” He says, suppressing a grin as he eyes a very red faced Peter.
“You-you talked to him?” You ask softly, too elated to notice the squirming Spider-Man beside you.
Tony nods and you grin.
“He’s ok?” You ask, blinking at him.
“He’s doing fine. Busy all around the world.” He confirms somewhat bitterly.
You were no stranger to the tension between them and somehow you knew that the last time they were physically near each other, it had gotten worse somehow. Still, you knew neither of them would ever break contact with the other for your own sake.
Ignoring the spiteful undertone, you jump around a bit excitedly.
Peter palms a snicker and you whip around, realizing he’s still there.
“My dad’s been gone for so long... I just...” you mutter, hardly noticing as Tony once again slips out of the room.
“It’s ok. I get it, if my parents were still around I’d probably feel the same.” Peter says, a lopsided smile on his face.
“It’s actually kind of... um.... kind of cute.” He admits, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck nervously.
Without thinking, you jump into his arms, nearly knocking him over as you hug him tightly.
“Thank you.” You breath into his ear, ignoring the internal alarms telling you to keep your guard up.
His mouth moves to speak but is quickly interrupted by yet another show of your boldness as you press your lips onto his, kissing him softly.
“I- I’m sorry? I don’t... I don’t know what that was.” You laugh nervously as you pull away, the adrenaline from the moment still pumping through you.
It turned out you’d taken a lot more of a liking to Peter than you’d initially fooled yourself into thinking you did.
“No! I-I mean-“ Peter exclaims, blushing furiously again. “I mean I kind of... I kind of wanted to do the same thing?” He sighs, looking up at you through his lashes.
You blink, your mouth opening and closing with no words coming out.
Before either of you can say much more, Nat walks into the gym and gives you a smug grin when she notices the proximity of your bodies to each other.
“Nat-“ You begin but she tuts her tongue to stop you.
“Your dad won’t find out as long as he also doesn’t find out that I helped Tony try and get you two together.” She offers, looking between the both of you again.
“Ok su- wait what?!” You cry, eyes once again widening in shock.
She grins again before walking out of the gym.
“I could kill them-“ you mutter and Peter places a hand on your shoulder.
“Or we could... er.... we could actually go out together? Like, on a... on a date?” He asks hopefully.
You smile softly, probably one of the first genuine smiles you’d had since your dad left.
“Sounds like a date. Pick me up from the foyer at the compound around six.” You grin, quickly pecking him on he cheek. “Oh, you might want to put some ice on that. I throw a pretty hard punch.” You add, pointing at his jaw and walking away, leaving the boy speechless and more smitten than he’d ever thought possible.