a dull and witless boy

"He likes to read books written for girls
Prides himself on being a man of the world
In the darkest of places he gets his thrills
He will disappoint you if you see through his perfect smile"

Books Written For Girls
Camera Obscura

A song everyone says is about me. Not entirely sure that's a compliment.
Callum. Twenty-Seven.
INFP, published writer, fortean, loner, Capricorn, cynic, sarcasm fluent, socialist, Catholic, girl-drink-drunk, Morrissey-obsessed, SJW, opinionated, well read, mentally ill, recovering, ne'er do well.

About Me
A girl once offered to sleep with me on the condition I never played her anything by Leonard Cohen ever again. My favourite band is They Might Be Giants. My favourite TV show is The X-Files. I hate my food touching and eat it all separately. I only eat white chocolate, I'm not keen on milk or dark. I only added this bit in because people complained my description didn't say enough about me.

Currently Reading:
Red Dragon - Thomas Harris
(updated July 7th 2018)


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La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928, dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer) / Les Misérables (2012, dir. Tom Hooper)

“Cinema is ideas, passed on and re-contextualized by new generations” - Mark Cousins


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