The Secret Ferengi theory of online interaction.


When someone busts in to an online discussion (Especially as relates to sexism, because holy shit)  and starts using “Females” or “The Females” as a collective noun when they mean “ Human Women”, that person is probably a secret Ferengi and should be dealt with under that assumption.

It also makes reading their posts slightly more entertaining if you read their pronunciation of the word in the Ferengi fashion. But only slightly.

(Note that this does not normally apply if they only use the word as an adjective, but as soon as someone busts out an opinion that starts “Females are…” It’s probably Secret Ferengi time.) 

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    hashtag NotAllFerengi
  10. chickadee-sun reblogged this from unseenphil and added:
    Also, if someone pairs “females” with “males” they probably just picked it up in a group that talks that way, like...
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  16. netgoth reblogged this from digitaldiscipline and added:
    The next time someone busts “Females” on me, it’s going to take everything I have to not start trying to slip the Rules...
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