One day Dubi and Boui came on a surprise visit. They were shocked to find the camp in a mess, the toddlers and Oyw in a filthy state and Hdajk almost apathetic.

- What’s going on, Hdajk? Dubi was very concerned.


- Well.., I’m .. eh, I’m so embarrassed! I’m so useless!

- I don’t think you are useless. I think, however, you might be overworked.

- It has been a lot…, Hdajk started


-  Ooo shanga day! I can’t reason with him! Boui was clearly annoyed. He is talking crazy! Now he wants to go fishing with Papa Nuuh, who has been dead for years…

- I know, Hdajk said softly. He is confused a lot of the time. Always asking for mother. And gets angry when I ask him do even simple things. Like taking a bath.


- He is talking to persons who are not there.


- The other day he asked Gubok who he was! His own son!


- I don’t mind that much that he doesn’t help out with the work. But when he refuses to have a bath… It’s disgusting! And sad…


- And then suddenly he seems quite normal! Old, of course, but sane.


- Oh Hdajk, you should have told us…

- I know. You were both so busy, and I didn’t want to worry you. And also I hoped it would become better. But it isn’t. It’s getting worse.


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