Slowly family life found a new normal, the children played peacefully, and Hdajk and Rusa was comfortable in their new roles as caregivers.


- Are you my mother now? Sanie asked

- No, I am your sister still, but I love you as much as any mother loves her children

- I love you too! I think you are the best not-mother we could ever have! And Rusa is our best not-father.

- Oh sweetie, we both love you very much.


- If you have your own children, would you stop caring for me? Will you forget about us?


- Oh Sanie! How can you think such a thing? I will always care about you, and  never forget you, no matter what happens! And Rusa and I will love and care for you as long as we live, trust me.


Later that day when they had a moment to themselves Hdajk told Rusa about the incident.

- It’s fully understandable, Rusa commented, She feels insecure, and with everything she has been through the last months no wonder why. First her mother dies and then her father.

- I’m so glad you are in my life Hdajk said, I couldn’t have found a more supporting and loving man to share my cave with.


- I love you too, flame of my fire. You are my everything. Do you think she suspects anything?

- Suspects?

- Okay don’t put up that innocent face to me honey. I have noticed that your bleedings has stopped, that you are more radiant than usual and your skin is very soft. I think a new era in our lives is about to start.


- Well aren’t you the clever mister know-it-all! Hdajk smiled her most dazzling smile.


                                             [End of Chapter 3]


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  1. mrsracooney said: The emotional intelligence of this man is astounding considering where he comes from
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