
happy on purpose

@hummingbird-hooligan / hummingbird-hooligan.tumblr.com

Hey, I'm Jamie, or Bird. I post a lot of things, hope you like them. Enjoy! ^.^ I liveblog critical role on Thursday nights, so please block the tag "#cr spoilers" if you're not caught up! Have a good day!

I’ve never been a real star wars fan but the phantom menace came out when I was 6 and my older brother was 8 so we were absolutely among the target audience and we had toy light sabers & we spent a lot of time playing star wars but my brothers were anakin and obi wan etc. and my best friend was padmé which meant i had to come up with a star wars oc and since my brother was anakin i decided okay. i would be anakin’s sister.

i made up a backstory that i was his twin sister who also lived on tatooine and i also had latent force potential but qui gon and obi wan didn’t even try to meet me even when anakin mentioned me and they left me behind.

this was an utter betrayal to me obviously, like my brother got rescued and i got abandoned and i could have been him and i should have been him. i should’ve been at his side. i should have gotten training and all else. i should have been a jedi too.

but they didn’t even care to meet me. so i had this intense grudge against the jedi and i ended up developing my skills myself and then i grew up and got myself off tattooine and set out on a mission as a rogue force user to kill obi wan.

and 6 year old me really embodied that role. she felt that. so when I was like 25 & rewatched the original star wars trilogy for the first time since childhood, when obi wan came on I was like ugh. I hate that guy. and my friend was like “WHY?”

and I thought about it and realized it wasn’t actually his character. I was remembering my childhood self insert oc beef.

Like, sorry you wouldn’t get it but obi wan and I have history.

best part of the games was the reveal that anakin turned out evil because I was like. you idiots. I wouldn’t have turned out evil. you took the wrong twin. but i’m evil now. congratulations now you have two evil siblings. stupid ass.


Fandom friends, we have won the battle (although we definitely did not win the war).

Yesterday, I wrote this post about lore.fm, an AI scraping app that was being marketed as an accessibility tool. Now, the person that has been promoting this app decided, in the light of plenty of backlash, to backtrack and pull it down, as they "feel uncomfortable" with how authors reacted to it.

Of this video, it's very important to highlight a couple of things:

  • the video is 3 long minutes of guilt-tripping: she keeps repeating that her (and her team, whose existence wasn't disclosed until yesterday: this app was marketed as being a sole woman's pet project) wanted to do good and create an accessibility tool. This comes with the underlying layer that all the authors who rightfully decided to defend their creations are ableist and in the wrong. It's a manipulation tactic;
  • there is no acknowledgement of the fact that the app was created by a team that specifically works to create apps that generate AI stories;
  • there is no explanation as to where the money to fund this app is coming from, and we all know that, when you're not paying for the product, you are the product;
  • this is backtracking, not genuine conversation: since the other day, the videos promoting this app went viral on r/Ao3, and plenty of people began contacting team@lore.fm to ask for their works to not be included. Then, the news spread on Tumblr too. They originally thought they could get away with "legally" stealing as much material as possible, and had to cut the project short because authors were doing everything in their power to stop them. The decision to take the app off for "reassessment" doesn't come from the goodness of their hearts.

At this point of the conversation, I think it's clear that the entirety of the project was relying on the perceived naïveté of fanfic readers and writers, who are oftentimes seen and stereotyped as being silly teens and not adults with real jobs and real knowledge of the law. When they saw dozens, if not hundreds, of authors contacting them to ask their works to not be featured, some of them threatening legal consequences, they had no other choice but to backtrack.

For now, the issue is closed, but don't think it'll be forever. Know your rights, even if you're "just" a fic author, and defend yourself and your works too from these scummy companies that see us as nothing but machines that churn out material for them to steal and profit off of with no consequences.


keep seeing undergrads on social media saying “oh if a prof has a strict no-AI academic integrity policy that’s a red flag for me because that means they don’t know how to design assignments” like sorry girl but that just sounds like you’ve got a case of sour grapes about not being allowed to cheat with the plagiarism machine that doesn’t know how to evaluate sources and kills the environment! I have a strict no-AI policy because if you use AI to write your essays for a writing course it’s literally plagiarism because you didn’t write it and you’re not learning any of the things the course teaches if you just plug a prompt into the plagiarism generator that kills the environment, hope this helps!


hey everyone answering yes:

🎶waves of mercy, waves of grace-🎶

also SHOOKETH by how many of y'all don't even know what it is

like i grew up in the bible belt so i know i'm skewed, but i didn't realize it was THAT niche


also worth noting that "abusive" doesn't actually mean "irredeemable" either.

there's a lot of people that have done things in the past that were bad, because they weren't taught any better, or they were in an overall toxic situation where EVERYONE was shitty (like a cult), or they were just at an especially low point and hurt others for it.

you don't have to forgive them. you don't have to ever speak to them again. you can be angry with them until you die if you want.

but society cannot function if we don't allow them to move on. to change their behavior and fuck off somewhere else and build meaningful relationships without bothering you again. we need a path for people to change, or nothing ever will.


All throughout childhood, while my peers were socializing and making friends, I studied the blade read so many books that I am now almost legally blind, which left me with vast and deeply instinctual understanding of English grammar - and next to no ability to explain how it actually works. Friends will often ask me to proofread their writing and then get very mad when I say things like, "You need to completely reverse this sentence and cut this clause entirely; no, I'm sorry, i don't know why, I just know that the way it is now ITCHES 😭"

Now, what I want to see is a fantasy story where this plays out with MAGICAL grammar. Someone from a backwater town deeply steeped in folk magic arrives at Wizard Uni where all their fellow students are like "What do you mean, we should add another '𝞯∘⋇𝞿' to the incancation because it 'sounds better'? What do you mean, 'it could just be a regional thing'?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'THIS SPELL JUST FEELS LIKE IT NEEDS A LIVE RAT'????"

"I mean, on the plus side, there's live rats in a lot of places, so the odds of you casting that spell within close enough range of a live rat to work is pretty high? Like, if you've ever had that spell just randomly fizzle out on you, then you tried it again ten minutes later without changing anything and it suddenly worked, a rat probably just wandered into range in that time."


disclaimer: spell does not work in Alberta


people always talk about evil clones like oooh a dark mirror oohh what if you saw what a cruel person you were/are capable of becoming. and well yes but what if you were the evil clone. what if you looked in the mirror and what you saw was so bright it blinded you. what if you had to know exactly how good you could have been.


If you have any guests at all inside your home, even for a short duration of time, always offer them a beverage such as water, tea, or coffee. If they're going to be inside your home for more than a few minutes, always offer for them to sit down. And, if they're going to be inside your home for more than an hour or two, offer them snacks or a bite to eat.

Basic rules of hospitality are that you should always offer a drink, such as water, tea, or coffee to guests in your home even if they won't be there for long. It's one of the quickest, easiest, and simplest ways to make someone feel welcome and at ease.

It can also be important to offer for someone to sit, especially if this is one of the first times this person is visiting your home. Many people can feel awkward or uncertain about sitting down and making themselves at ease in someone else's home, especially if they haven't been there many times before. Being offered to sit down by the host may be the only way for them to feel at ease enough to sit down and make themselves comfortable.

Of course some exceptions apply, such as if this is an unwanted guest who is making you uncomfortable. But otherwise, if this is someone whose company you enjoy in your home, or even if you just feel neutral about, your duty as host is to make them comfortable and at ease, such as by offering them a beverage and a seat.

Being a good host is how we can establish stronger ties to other people, and how you can create more of a sense of community with the people around you who visit your home.


one time when I was a barista I was telling my coworker that I suddenly really missed cows. I used to work with cows all the time back home and then I moved away and suddenly it had been four years and nary a cow.

15 minutes later this old guy came up to the counter with his address written on a napkin & he said “me and my wife have a whole herd of dexters and a couple of new calves. come on over any time”

so after work I was like ok fuck it & I drove to the address and I parked at at the gate & I walked down the driveway to the barn and this woman was like “oh my husband told me you might stop by! come see our cows” and she introduced me to every single cow. made my whole week.

thank you cow couple


Transphobia check! Type "trans women are" and let your phone finish it for you

Trans women are a bit of a good girl and I don't know what to do

Trans women are you doing okay after the vet

Trans women are the most common gender in this sub

Trans women are the only people that are allowed in this world and are still being forced into the same spaces they were born into


Trans women are the best of us and I think I am a good person and a very proud lady.

Trans women are the only ones that are absolutely adorable to have.

Trans women are the most beautiful weapons.


Just because I smoke the cheapest, most dirt laced, stem packed and weed wacked, dried Oregano shred ass, autumn coloured trench shit. That pre milled into fucking corn meal type dispo scrap crap. Doesn't mean I'm less worthy of love.

A preview of Joe Biden's upcoming ad campaign

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