
That last dance of chances

@thatlastdanceofchances / thatlastdanceofchances.tumblr.com


We're half-way through the Ianthology (yes, I'm counting Torchwood One: I Hate Mondays in it), how are we feeling?

Next month is going to be a pretty big Torchwood month with both the Torchwood One box-set and a story about Ianto's father (finally!).

But this week was pretty eventful as well, Missing Molly got released and we have some news for upcoming monthlies.

First, we have information about June's audio featuring Andy and Norton.

Look at Andy's face!!! He's so happy to be there! ;-)

Sergeant Andy and duplicitous 1950s Torchwood agent Norton Folgate find themselves trapped inside a house in the seventeenth century. Can they arrange a wedding before all of time collapses?

Norton? Duplicitous?!?!?! How dare they?!?!?!

Also, the next bundle of the monthly range is now available for purchase on the Big Finish website, which means we have at least 12 more of these planned! :-D


Torchwood Timeline

This isn't in any sort of nice format or anything, but I'm sharing a copy of my timeline for the Torchwood TV stories, novels, and audio productions. Maybe one day I'll add in the comics and short stories, just not yet.

It's fairly similar to the wiki timeline with a few small tweaks. It's also completely spoiler free, unlike the wiki timeline.

Some entries have firm dates, some have months, some have general decades, so I've tried my hardest to fit them into where I feel they fit. It's a good resource if you want to consume chronologically and I've tried to allow for the stories where they take place across several time periods.

If anyone spots anything that I've missed or sees any glaring problems let me know and I'll try to suss it out.


Details about the Ianthology!

We have one cover and three summaries for the Ianthology!

Tube Strike, due for release in March

Building work on the London Underground has disturbed a nest of Weevils. The ravenous creatures are hunting for flesh. Can Torchwood One contain the feast?

The first one is set during the Torchwood One era and features Tommy from the Torchwood One range.

Missing Molly, due for release in April

Molly went missing from the estate 12 years ago. Ianto remembers it as he lived just round the corner. Only, Molly’s come back. Ianto’s just as interested as her parents in what happened to her.

Disco, due for release in May

It’s 1987 and “Disco” Jones is still dancing. Life and soul, bab, life and soul. Wednesdays is darts at The Merry Miller, Thursdays – shove ha'penny at The Boilermakers, Fridays played by ear, and Saturdays it’s the Disco at Cinderella’s. So who is Tom and why does he want to build a fence with him?

Can't wait for this one since it's going to be about Ianto's dad. From Gareth David-Lloyd: “Disco has been a long time coming. Ianto's dad has been this nameless entity so far who seems to have been quite a negative force in Ianto’s life. So, I thought it was about time that we made him a three-dimensional character and really looked to who he was and at the reasons Ianto is so affected by him.”


Torchwood One: I Hate Mondays

A new Torchwood One box-set has been announced for May 2024!!!

Torchwood One faces three of the worst Mondays ever... Dinner for Yvonne by James Goss, from a story by James Goss and Joseph Lidster A cloud of psychic plasma is sweeping over Salisbury Plain towards London. Unfortunately, it’s Yvonne’s night off and she’s throwing a dinner party. Will London perish before she can serve the artisanal cheese board? By Royal Appointment by James Goss Poppy Greenleaf finds herself appointed the Crown’s royal liaison for Torchwood. What is Torchwood? Who is Yvonne Hartman? Why is the world ending? Poppy finds herself lost in a world of alien invasions, international espionage and intergalactic diplomacy. Nerves by Joseph Lidster Another Monday morning, another mission for Torchwood. Ianto and Tommy have to transport a canister of deadly Euphorian nerve agent to an underground bunker in the South Downs. It should be an easy straight-forward job but other forces are gathering…
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