
Phic Phight 24 Starts April 1st!

@phicphight / phicphight.tumblr.com

Write DP phics based on the other team's AU's. Give prompts. And fill prompts to earn your team points. A month long event starting April 1st.

Phic Phight of Past Years

Evey year we hold Phic Phight, and each year hundreds of prompts are submitted. It is rare for every prompt to be filled. And there are many who wish to write a fic for a prompt, but they missed the sign ups. It is sad to see these ideas fall to the wayside, therefore we are now posting links to previous years prompt list and we welcome anyone to fill any prompts from there. This years prompts won't be posted until May 2nd.

If you fill a prompt from a pevious year, it will not count for the current years score, but you can tag it as #phic phight and tag the person who submitted the prompt. 2021 Prompts 2022 Prompts 2023 Prompts 2024 Prompts


Hi! Just letting yall know that my username is spelt wrong in the pinned prompt list thing for 2024, there's an extra r added into the sheet (written as shadowfaerieaRmmy instead of the correct shadowfaerieammy) <3


Thank you for letting us know! It has been corrected!


Cracked Clay Cup Chapter 14

“I do not believe you have amnesia,” said Ember.  “I do not believe you have amnesia.  How are you so freaking–”

Phantom beaned Ember in the face with a seat cushion.  It might have been soft, but Ember didn’t exactly check to make sure that no one put gum under them after concerts.  

“LESS TALKING MORE SINGING!” Technus shrieked electronically. “NANOBOT ATTACK!”


Highway Home

Jazz and Kyle have a little chat about their brothers after the brothers in question leave the two of them stranded on the freeway and forced to walk home.

Based on the prompts: Jazz and Kyle are stuck wandering the freeway after their brothers show up and steal Kyle's car. [from @camels-pen], and “So how do you feel about the fact that ‘that Fenton kid’ always refers to your little brother, whose infamy has made him far more well-known in the school than you?” ...Maybe Jazz wants some crazy rumors too. [from @dragonsdomain]

[Warning for death threats (to siblings), and a creepy guy showing up for a hot minutes, but thankfully Jazz and Kyle aren't stupid]

"Well that just happened," Kyle Weston said flatly as his car drove away with his brother and that Fenton kid inside, apparently chasing after something, although Kyle hadn't seen what.

He looked to his side where the other Fenton kid was standing with her arms crossed, looking only mildly annoyed, given the circumstances. She had been catching a ride with him back from the academic decathlon team victory party—they'd kicked Elmerton Central High's ass, and Jackie Calloway threw a huge party at his fancy house in Polter Heights to celebrate.

The party had been awesome, but Kyle wasn't really a night owl, so when Jazz—the team's MVP—said she was gonna head home early, and then her parents wouldn't pick up the phone, Kyle offered to give her a ride.

Now the two of them were standing on the side of the freeway as it grew steadily colder and darker. Which was... significantly less awesome than hanging out at Jackie Calloway's party.


Phic Phight - I’m Not Above A Love To Cash In

@a-closet-emo @coyotecrackers @DizzlyPuzzled @vigilant-insomniac @Kawaiijohn @fangirlwriting-stories

Danny’s kind of out of touch with humanity, that was kinda the point in the end. He had a job to do, people and ghosts to protect, a dimension to rule, and crazy bigoted ghost hunters to keep in line; potential distractions and collateral weren’t useful for anyone. Though maybe those would have been good for Danny’s well being, not that he cared too much about that.


An Unconventional Way to Get a Cat- Part 2

Summary: It turns out, Danny's bough of nausea after the portal accident was not just the stomach bug going around school. This must be the most horrifying, disgusting way to find himself a new pet owner.

Word Count: 1,983

Also on AO3

Based on wastefulreverie's prompt: Portal AU. Instead of gaining powers in the accident, the portal is fused inside Danny, making him the gateway between worlds and leaving him with the unfortunate ordeal of vomiting up ghosts. Maybe someone catches him in the act. And Chaotic_french_fries's prompt: danny gets a ghost cat Chapter 2 incoming! The warnings for angst, body horror, and vomiting remain, though enjoy the introduction of more kitty adorableness. Happy reading!

Phic Phight '24 Phic 4

Title: Like Kicking a Beehive

Words: 1133

Rating: G

Summary: Interrupting a Fenton function with a ghost attack is like kicking a beehive.

Prompt by @ashboy-3 : It’s that time of year again! The Annual Fenton Reunion! And it’s the first year Danny can’t escape it since high school. How is he going to hide his ghost powers around all these Fentons?


Cracked Clay Cup Chapter 13


“Okay,” said Danny rubbing his hands together.  “I’m going to do the big group next.”

“Group number four?”

“Yeah, them.  Why’re there three of them, anyway?”

“You’ll have to ask them that,” said Clockwork.  “Au jus?”

“Yes, please,” said Danny, reaching for the small bowl of sauce.  “Your sandwiches are always really good.”

“Thank you,” said Clockwork.  “Will you be leaving after lunch, then?”


Phic Phight Prompt: Kwan starts a poetry club and invites everyone at school to the first monthly poetry slam. Some unexpected poets show up.

Word Count: 1881

For TheSilentBard

Summary: When Kwan revives the old poetry club he gets a bigger crowd than expected. Danny's sure no one is going to forget this meeting, especially not Mr. Lancer.

The club room is full to bursting, students - some excited, but most reluctantly - occupying each of the cheap chairs scattered almost haphazardly around the place. Slouched in one of the back corners, Danny watches Mr. Lancer pick his way through the messy array of seats to get to the front of the room with a dead-eyed stare.

"Excuse me, pardon me, please don't leave your - oof!" The teacher trips and nearly falls, barely catching himself on the back of a chair instead of braining himself on it and all Danny can muster the energy for at the sight is a slow blink. "Lord of the Flies, Mr. Baxter! Do be more careful with where you rest your feet!"


Wile E. Weston

"The Coyote could stop anytime — if he were not a fanatic. (Repeat: 'A fanatic is one who redoubles his effort when he has forgotten his aim.')." — Chuck Jones' third rule of creating Road Runner cartoons.

For the Prompts: Wes knows that Danny is durable and heals quickly. He decides the best way to reveal Danny's secret is to publicly orchestrate an "accident" that would kill a normal human. [from @maxattax], Iced out [from @faeriekit], and GRAVEYARD PLAYGROUND [from @ashspecter]

[Warnings for cartoon violence and obsessive behavior]

The plan was foolproof.

The school was moving a piano out of the upstairs music room using a crane to take it out through the window, rather than trying to get it up the stairs. That whole area was cordoned off for the safety of the students, but of course there were gonna be gawkers wanting to see everything. And Danny had been out fighting a ghost when the announcement was made to steer clear, so he didn't know about it. 

Wes had spent several hours the previous night reading the crane's operation manual, and he had a free period right before lunch, which he used to lure away the workers and remove all the caution tape and warning signs.


The Westons out West

The Weston Family had lived in the town of Amity for some time when the Fentons moved there. And even for strangers, those Fentons sure were strange.

For the prompt Old/Wild West AU [from @jackdraw-spwrite]

[Warning for mentions of guns]

Wes Weston worked at the general store. His father was a salesman, but that alone didn't keep food on the table, so he and his brothers all had to pitch in their dues. His eldest brother Easton did some bookkeeping for the local businesses, and his older twin Kyle was a stable-hand. And even between the four of them their mother still had to play piano in the saloon for tips from time-to-time.

Still, as lean as times were in the West, it had been worse back home.


Despair of Your Discovery

Phic phight fill for @carelisswriting. I am so sorry.

(Relevant warnings are tagged below)


“Oh my god,” Danny says, horrified. “That’s…oh my god.”

The plant looks very innocent amongst the rows and rows of lush green pots in Sam’s greenhouse.

It isn’t.

“You cannot tell anyone,” Sam hisses, and shoves the wicker harvest basket back over the bush, as if there was anyone safe to tell! “Not a word. Not a whisper.”

“This is bad. This is really, really bad.”


The Fenton-Feel Giver

word count: 1579

This time, instead of making a weapon to hurt ghosts, the Fentons make a weapon that allows them to “get their feelings back”. Problem is, they already have them, so what happens when you take an already emotional ghost teen and amplify it by 10? @Amabsis


Danny sat at the kitchen table, tiredly eating cereal while Jazz read a book next to him as she ate her eggs. He held his head in his left hand and he was about to nod off when his parents erupted from the door to the lab. 

“Hey, kids! Come look at what we just finished!” His dad bellowed. Danny jumped at the loud sound of his voice. 

“It’s too early for this.” He groaned as he and Jazz forcefully followed their parents downstairs into the lab.” 

“It’s our newest ghost hunting weapon!” Maddie smiled excitedly. 

Danny flinched as his dad brandished his new gun.

“This bad boy will give all these apathetic ectoplasmic post human copies all of their feelings back! They’ll never know what hit them!” 




It hovered over the surface of the portal, clearly separate from it.  A large, flat, disk shape, with a pale, luminous face.  More vivid numbers circled the edge, painted neatly.  A single, delicate, metal hand pointed towards the number seven, on the left side of the clock.  It had been pointing there for the past hour or so, ever since it had been noticed.  


Sew Me Up and Keep Me Whole

word count: 7603

Thanks to seeing how various injuries are treated as a member of the football team, Dash actually has a decent background in first aid and anatomy. He gets adopted into Team Phantom when circumstances keep leading him to be the one patching up Phantom after fights.


Dash was walking home after a football game. He was exhausted and was looking forward to going to bed tonight. Plus there was a ghost attack at the end of the game so it ran extra long while they waited for it to be over. 

He turned into the park. It was dark in the park, but it made his trip home from the school faster. His dad would be even madder if he woke him up this late. He wanted to get back as soon as possible. 

He got to the wooded part of the trees when he heard something. It sounded like voices. 

“Tucker, you’re not doing it right.” Somebody whispered angrily. It sounded like Manson. 

“Do you want to try doing this?” He hissed back. “I’m the only one who’s taken a sewing class. You didn’t think you should be reduced to something so ‘stereotypically feminine.’”

“-’s not ev’n a fem’n’n thing.” Was that Fenton? “Sewing is a b-basic life skill…” 

“That’s not the point!” She hissed back at them. “My mom-” 

Dash stepped through the bushes and past the tree separating them and fell short. That wasn’t who he was expecting to be there.

Phantom sat in between Foley and Manson, not Fenton. As he stepped through the bushes their heads snapped up to look at him. Phantom’s head groggily lulled to the side as he looked at Dash.

“Ha. Jus’...what we need.”

Dash frowned. “What?” 

Phantom chuckled and closed his eyes.


Cracked Clay Cup Chapter 12

Pandora’s spear flew from her hand, and she stepped back, her hands spread as wide as her smile.  “Very good,” she said.

“You were going easy on me,” said Phantom, also stepping back.  “I wouldn’t have won in a real fight.”


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