
Fangirl In Her 40's



Happy Birthday, jedikaren

May 24-I would really love a WinterShock fic. The past two years I requested continuations of an original soulmate story where Bucky finds out he has three daughters. If possible, a sweet, romantic continuation of that would be great. If that’s not possible, a meet cute of, “I dream about you”, would be appreciated, for @jedikaren

Darcy Lewis was currently a very tired human. She had been three daughters deep in this mom gig for nearly four years now, but she had recently decided that there was nothing quite like running around after said three girls – one thirteen-year-old and two seven-year-olds – while also being the size of a whale. Much as she loved every one of them, it kinda sucked, no matter how much Laura, and now Pepper, swore that it would all seem worth it soon. Finally flopping down onto the bed with a heavy thud at the end of her day, she could only hope they would be right.


Can I have a netflix series about the Fed Elf and his Ginger Viking partner?


I finally saw the episode of the Flash called Duet, and now I totally ship Barry Allen and Kara Danvers.


You know what, the ‘suddenly, there’s 5 more Winter Soldiers’ subplot

has gotten a lot of flack, and I don’t disagree that it could and should have been handled a lot better, but even as it is, I really really like what it says, or rather, confirms about Bucky.


My entire life just flashed before my eyes.

I need to stop writing porn on my phone.

My auto-correct now corrects the word “good” to “good boy”, “don’t” is now, “don’t stop, please don’t stop”, and “my” tries to offer up the phrase “my cock in your mouth.”

And a new one I’ve just discovered while attempting to text a family member, “need” is now “need you inside of me”

So every text is now like playing Words With Friends except the game is actually Russian Roulette with the very probable outcome of a fully loaded sex phrase and lemme tell you I have never been so thankful I stopped to look at what I was typing before I hit send.


Now I want to write a fic where Darcy accidentally does this and sends it to someone. Thoughts on to who would be funniest? 

Sent to Steve and/or Bucky.

Darcy had just gotten back from her lunch break, and she was relieved to find that Jane was in exactly the same place she had left her.  The only change was the empty plate of food that had been full before.  Jane hummed a song and typed away on her computer, stopping occasionally to sip her coffee.

“Hey Darcy,” she said, not looking up.  “Could you do me a quick favor and call Steve?”

Darcy blinked.  “You don’t mean Steve Rogers, do you?”

“How many other Steves do we know?”

“Well, there’s that sorcerer guy now-”

“Darcy, call Steve.”

“But whyyyyy~” Darcy stamped her foot several times.  She was distinctly reminded of her bratty cousins and their constant temper tantrums, but she didn’t care.  Jane didn’t have a clue what she was asking Darcy to do.

“I just need you to ask him when he’s bringing back the laptop I loaned him.  If you’re that afraid of blurting out your crush on him, just send a text.”

…okay, maybe she did have a clue.  

In fact, maybe she was doing this on purpose!

Oh, that Jane.  She had a mad scientist in her.

Still, texting Steve instead of calling was probably the better option.  It didn’t involve talking and she could consider her words to him over a much longer period of time to avoid any awkward mess ups.

Darcy went to her desk and whipped out her phone.  She went to her messages and typed Steve’s number in.  The last time she’d texted regularly was a year ago with her last serious boyfriend, but she still had the art of typing without looking mastered.  

‘Hey there, Captain!  Just need to know when Jane’s getting her laptop back.’

She hit send and watched the “Message Sent’ icon flit across the screen.  She went back to her daily tasks without thinking so much about what his response might be or when she’d get it.  

Her phone buzzed not five seconds later, but as Darcy picked it up, her heart leaped into her throat.  That tinkling jingle was not the ‘new text message’ signal.  

Steve’s number registered on the call ID.  The little phone symbol shook as the ringing continued.  

“Aren’t you going to answer it?” Jane called out.

Darcy did so without thinking.  She’d caught him mere seconds before the call would’ve mercifully gone to voicemail.  Her only choices now were to hang up on him or talk to him.

“Hey Steve,” she said, trying her best to sound like everything was normal.  “You get my message?”

She could hear masculine laughter in the background, and a light growl of annoyance from Steve.

“Er- yes, I got your message.”  Whatever was making him uncomfortable, he clearly had no shame in it.  “That’s why I called, I- Bucky shut up!  Stop laughing!- sorry, I just wanted to clarify what it is you’re asking me.”

Darcy furrowed her brow.  “I think my message was pretty clear.”

Steve coughed.  “Yes, it was, but I don’t really understand why you would ask me for… for this.”

“Hey, buddy, if you didn’t want to give Jane’s laptop back, you shouldn’t have borrowed it.”

There was silence on the other end for a very long time.  Darcy checked twice that they hadn’t been cut off, but the call timer just kept ticking off seconds.

“Darcy, do you know what your message said?”

She was going to roll her eyes and tell him that of course she knew, she wrote it and read it herself… except she hadn’t read it.  She’d just sent it.  Without dropping the call, Darcy went to her sent and clicked on the first message.  

Her stomach dropped.

“Oh. My. God.”

‘Hey there Captain!  Just need you inside me right now you big sexy hunk of man you.’

What a time to remember all the sexting she and her ex used to do.

“That- I- that was-”

“Darcy, what’s going on?” Jane shouted at her, leaning her seat back to get a better look.  “Does he have my laptop or not?”

Darcy didn’t know what to say, and apparently, neither did Steve.  All she could hear in the ensuring deathly silence was the beeping of Jane’s computer, and Bucky Barnes, still in hysterics.


oh my god that’s so good

@glynnisi I feel that this may be relevant to your interests


Too awesome.


I totally get how hard it is for artist, authors, and their kin to create. Today I read a post from an author who had received a complaint from an anon, whining about the length between updates. People, you'll never hear that shit from me. :) I may not write, but I get it. That stuff is not my strength, but I understand the creative process. I'm sure most readers do, and it's just the shitty ones who make the rest of us look bad. We do ❤you!


So, my 8 yo daughter asked Santa for a DC Superhero Girls Katana. She still believes in Santa. Not having the $ to buy an overpriced one from SDCC online, me, being the masochist that I am, decided to MAKE ONE ON DECEMBER 24th! I've never made something like this before, and only started at 8:30pm. It took 6 hours, a meltdown at about 12:30 am, when the leggings didn't turn out, and had to make the boots from an old purse, (and YouTube- thank god for YouTube!), because all of her old Monster High doll boots didn't fit. Here is the result. Not professional at all, but I added a note from Santa saying that Santa's Helpers made it just for her, (not a lie!), and it made her Xmas.

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