

@egoisty / egoisty.tumblr.com


22 years ago on 9/11, I was ten years old. Here's what I wrote about it in my journal at the time

I somehow entirely missed Invader Zim when it was on. A lot of people talk about it with an attitude of fond nostalgia but I don't remember ever watching it. Maybe a consequence of the fact that my family didn't have cable until a few years after 9/11.


hahah holy shit this is so real though


Well, I made fairy doodle in my sketchbook and it ended up being Finrod Felagund ♥ (the little messy thing in his hands is supposed to be the ring of Barahir ♥)


this is your gentle reminder to stop fighting against your adhd and instead structure your life around it

buy a pack of chapsticks and put one in the pocket of all of your coats and jackets because you always forget to bring one and chapped lips is sensory hell

leave important things where you can see them. if they go in a box or a drawer you will forget they exist

put any appointments or deadlines in your phone calendar As Soon As you get them. set a reminder for a week before, a day before, an hour before, as many as you need as often as you need them.

when that little voice in your head says "i dont need to write that down, ill remember it" that is the devil talking!!! write it down anyway!!

plan for down time. have a few hours at the end of every day to just do fun stuff like engage in your hyperfixations. even if you didnt get all of your work done that day, have the rest anyway. you probably spent the whole day beating yourself up for not doing what you Should be doing, so you still need the break.

if you never eat vegetables because its too much effort to chop and cook them, get the frozen or canned shit. it doesnt go off for ages and you just have to microwave it. theres no point buying fresh vegetables if they just keep going off and being left to rot in the bottom of your fridge

if you struggle to decide what to have for dinner every day, take the decision out of it. choose a set of meals and eat those on rotation until you get sick of them, then choose some new ones and do it again.

its not stupid if it works! our brains literally have a chemical deficiency. you are allowed to accommodate yourself. go forth and stop making your life more difficult than it has to be because "this shouldn't be this hard". it is hard, so make it easier.


When people suffer, it often makes them into worse people.

It sucks.  I know it sucks.  It is quite possibly the single most unjust thing about this universe of ours, which is filled from top to bottom with soul-breaking injustices.  If you yourself are suffering, it’s pretty much the most insulting thing you can hear, a cosmic insult-added-to-injury where the authors of your pain are sneering at you for retroactively having deserved it. 

And yet it’s true, for basically any sane definition of “worse” than can be applied to human beings. 

…I was going to have a very long essay here about all the different ways in which this phenomenon can manifest.  I don’t think I need it, and I don’t think you need to see it.  You can generate any number of examples perfectly well on your own, even if they’re not things that you’d ever want to say or even think.

The point is that, as with any Big Truth of the Human Condition, you’re not going to be able to engage with the world in an enlightened and principled way until you own up to it and face it down.

Don’t worry about fault or responsibility or moral desert.  Don’t worry about how much you’re supposed to blame the poor suffering soul for the poison fruits of his pain.  Blame is a stupid sideline, more useful for crafting rhetorical barbs than for actually figuring out what to do.  

But make yourself remember –

* Alleviating the suffering of bad people is a useful tool for making them into better people, or at least for preventing them from becoming even-worse people.  This is true even if they don’t deserve it, which as postulated they presumably don’t.

* The fact that people are suffering…or the fact that their suffering is unjust…is not a contradiction or counter to the claim that they are bad, or that the things they are doing is bad.  It is supporting evidence for such a claim.

* If you decide that you are going to dedicate yourself wholly to fighting on behalf of those who are suffering – or, especially, to fighting on behalf of some specific subset of those who are suffering – you are constantly going to have to deal with the fact that your clients are doing terrible things, and that by reasonable standards they’re often much worse people than the people who are making them suffer.

* Redemptive stories about the morally-purifying nature of harsh ordeals aren’t always false, but they’re usually false. 


This is the clearest photo I have ever seen of a leech’s teeth.

Nearly all fictional leeches mistakenly have a whole ring of teeth in a gaping mouth but the real thing has an almost microscopic throat opening - they only drink liquid, after all.

(my website’s front page leech is a monster anyway)

The tooth ring thing is definitely confusion with lampreys, though there’s a bit more to them than that, too. The assumption a lot of cartoons have is that an iris of teeth closes up to bite into the skin, but what lampreys have is kind of like a “scrubby brush” of teeth they use to scrape away their host’s flesh. Their actual mouth opening is also very small, and has “upper” and “lower” beak-like teeth in it!

Here’s a photo but I know they’re super trypophobic to a lot of people so I’m tagging:

You can see how there isn’t really a “ring of fangs” to bite down with but just a whole beautiful expanse of teeth for rasping and scraping.

I’ve mentioned this before but the closest thing in nature to that cartoon iris ring of fangs are the five teeth of a sea urchin. This tooth structure’s common name is “Aristotle’s Lantern:”


that is the face of a man worried he will be next


Sorry, he WHAT? Imagine being this man's boss and having to sit him down like. Listen. Brian. We need you to fuck the bird. You have to act like you're excited about it.

crane husband.....


this is the diametric opposite of all those awful swan wife stories and i love it.


(WalWaPo makes you jump through like three separate hoops before you can read the article, so I will share some of the highlights:

  • Walnut was born in a species-recovery breeding program in the 1980′s.  The program had crane chicks hand-raised by human volunteers, and at that time they did not fully understand the measures necessary make sure that the chicks do not imprint on humans and retain their identity as cranes.  
  • As a result, her keepers believe, Walnut does not recognize other cranes as members of her own species.  
  • It has not been proven that Walnut killed her previous suitors; however, there is a persistent rumor in the white-naped-crane-conservation community that she did.  
  • Because this species is highly endangered, and the gene pool of the captive population is small, it’s pretty important for the survival of her species that Walnut A) mate, and B) not kill a bunch of other cranes.  
  • The actual name of the keeper is Chris Crowe.
  • They both arrived at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in 2004.   
  • Walnut immediately began paying special attention to Chris--and ignoring the eligible male crane in a nearby enclosure.  
  • Walnut initiated their courtship, performing the opening moves of a mating dance.  
  • Chris realized that if he reciprocated the mating dance, it might be possible to artificially inseminate Walnut with her participation and consent.  (The process normally involves restraining the bird.)  
  • It worked!  
  • Chris and Walnut have had five children, who were raised by other crane couples at the facility--sometimes the biological dad and his mate--both because it’s unclear whether Walnut would accept the chicks as her own, and because Chris is not equipped to be a Crane Dad.  
  • However, the Institute provides her with artificial eggs to sit on, and Chris takes his turn looking after them.  (This would not work with real eggs because he can’t sit on them properly, but Walnut seems to feel that he is on the job if he just stands over them.)
  • Chris accepts that he is pretty much married to this bird.  White-naped cranes live to be about 60, and they mate for life, so he knows he can’t retire while Walnut is alive.  (At the time of the article, Walnut was 36, and Chris 42.)  

Legit cannot pick the funniest part of this

she has not been PROVEN to have killed her exes, but there is a PERSISTENT RUMOR (really officers she's simply DEVASTATED, she sobs, wearing a new feather boa unfortunately resembling her most recent deceased husband)

His name is Chris CROWE. (Mrs. Walnut Crane-Crowe?)

the mental images of a whole human man learning and performing the crane mating dance, and "sitting" on artificial eggs so she thinks he's performing his duties as a husband and father (and apparently OBJECTS if he does not?)

"chris, buddy, you gotta marry the possibly-murderous crane lady for the GOOD OF THE SPECIES." (alternately: "chris, my man! good news! we found you a very interested lady! She's 36, she's very spirited and independent, she holds a very important and rare status in her society! ...Is there a downside? WELL...")

chris sits any potential human partners down, like "my love, you must understand before we wed,,, i am already... Attached" (camera drifts wistfully to the above photo) "Lady Walnut and I have an,, Understanding... the relationship is open, but very committed"

just had to explain this post to my father bc he thought my stifled laughter was a signal of illness.

well done, everyone, good game. hit the showers.


Not only is he 'married' to walnut, this has apparently happened SEVERAL times, so he has MULTIPLE crane wives, none of which know about any of his other crane wives. This man is, for some unknown reason, irresistible to cranes


the “this content has been removed for violating Tumblr’s Community Guidelines” notice really adds a lot of flavor to this post and somehow makes it MORE obscene than whatever that actually was

World Heritage Post


I’m all scratched up and I can still taste spray paint in my mouth and my husband almost fell out of a tree BUT THE GHOST SCULPTURES ARE FINISHED!

They’re finally finished and I’m so happy with them!!

Some progress shots:



bro, the me inside your head is kind to you, right? haha? 🤨

bro, you wouldn't use my memory to represent your own self-doubt and loathing... right bro?


I feel like practicing any skill would be way more fun if I could have a lil level increase thing that pops up in front of me every time I do good like in Skyrim

“Push ups increased to level 5”

“Writing dialogue increased to level 37”

“Coping mechanisms (healthy) increased to level 18”

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