
you know i've always been your favourite daughter

@glorianas / glorianas.tumblr.com

Eva |20's| NYC aspiring to be a history student, internationally recognized messy bitch, would risk it all to live deliciously ijustwanttobehatedsophieturner.gif

its actually so maddening seeing how feminism has degenerated on this site which is supposedly the sjw cesspool. even the most lukewarm takes of women in power, women who don't need men, women who are confident etc are immediately dismissed with "girlboss feminism" "media hates feminine women" "why are you implying men might have faults what are you a terf?" its maddening.

its called libfem its called white feminism which just waters those very real terms down. okay so we dont like lukewarm feminism. what feminism do we like? a harder feminism? oh thats radfem thats terf. speaking of men as a class is terfy. speaking of patriarchy as systemic is misandry. its maddening!!!!!

its horrific in leftist circles. its like they learned of class and marxist materialism and decided "oh, so class is the REAL problem and every other discourse is just idpol" gender is idpol, race is idpol. are you all brain dead? what happened to intersectionality? have any of you even interacted with feminism beyond picking it apart?? sorry for the tirade but holy shit. MADDENING!


it is actually driving me to madness, like i genuinely feel jokerfied over the past seven years or so, it's people who learned half of social theory and just ran away with it even though it makes no sense, like it is honestly very, very much a result of people On Here who live in certain bubbles and if they can't see it it doesn't exist, like oh you live a life where you've never seriously encountered misogyny? well that's great it is very very much not the case for large parts of the world

YEAH that's absolutely the problem here, if everyone rejects "liberal feminism" then what's the next step? everything else is considered evil terf ideology, so then we just come to the result of no feminism allowed, and it's particularly wild to see people think they just magically arrived at this idea as if we haven't been dealing with extreme misogynistic hate group that have very far reaching influence and it may have affected them too

it is SO funny how class focused people have just decided that is a default way to be, yeah working class white men don't have kind of identity politics you're SO right that is so true, that's exactly how a group of those people would behave, they are all committed communists actually, they'd never put the social power their race and gender gives them over the idea of class unity that's why we achieved a perfect classless society hundreds of years ag-oh wait


i love the "here is a scenario where a woman can have power over someone, ergo misogyny isn't real" logic, because you can apply that to ever single group of marginalized people in the world, that's called intersectionality and no one seems to think it means that group does not on a whole experience systemic oppression except when it comes to women

people who believe this really tell on themselves that they view the dynamics of the US as global and that it applies to everyone everywhere


There is a woman. A beautiful woman with alabaster skin and the eyes of a dove. She travels by night, only by night. Her sun is the moon.

Ladyhawke (1985) dir. Richard Donner 

i love the "here is a scenario where a woman can have power over someone, ergo misogyny isn't real" logic, because you can apply that to ever single group of marginalized people in the world, that's called intersectionality and no one seems to think it means that group does not on a whole experience systemic oppression except when it comes to women


i've said this before but it's so awesome how That Area of tumblr feels completely fine demanding how any kind of woman feels about men, and is constantly demanding they never critizing men for anything ever in case it hurts their feels while they all free fall into full fledged incel beliefs about women and none of us are allowed to comment on that

if you have developed a belief system that can't function unless you demand the entire world say misogyny isn't real, then you are a just a misogynist yourself and no amount of theory can get you out of that, the self obsession against the reality of a world that has developed much of its culture on gender dynamics and the belief women are lesser is fucking amazing to see in real time


fellow lesbians is it t*rfy and r*dfem propaganda to not be attracted to men?

this really is a perfect microcosm of how ppl will water down ‘radfem/terf ideals’ to just being about men and misandry (rather than trans women and transmisogny) and use that as a bludgeon against lesbians for (god forbid) not caring about men or wanting men interacting with them (‘men DNI’ is specifically common amongst lesbian nsfw blogs). like it becomes very clear the people saying shit like this care more about men’s feelings much more than they do the safety and boundaries of trans women and lesbians

there’s something incredible about how you can make a post on this site pointing out how people will ignore and decenter trans women in discussions and accusations of transmisogyny and instead focus on men, only for someone to come into the replies like “why are you forgetting that men exist” …


fellow lesbians is it t*rfy and r*dfem propaganda to not be attracted to men?

this really is a perfect microcosm of how ppl will water down ‘radfem/terf ideals’ to just being about men and misandry (rather than trans women and transmisogny) and use that as a bludgeon against lesbians for (god forbid) not caring about men or wanting men interacting with them (‘men DNI’ is specifically common amongst lesbian nsfw blogs). like it becomes very clear the people saying shit like this care more about men’s feelings much more than they do the safety and boundaries of trans women and lesbians


worth mentioning that a very large amount of "men dni" lesbians are in fact..... wait for it....... transfeminine

Ding ding ding 🛎️

Also seeing a lot of replies going “most men dni blogs are nsfw and don’t want men lusting after their sexual posts” and that is all fine and dandy but…

Even if a lesbian/trans woman doesn’t run an nsfw blog…she is still entitled to the right to put men dni on her blog.

Women are allowed to set boundaries and not have men interact with them online ajdjajdns we don’t have to be open to giving access to men just because they want us to for any reason.

Women are allowed to have safe spaces from men that just allow other women.

[ ID: a screenshot of a tumblr post. it reads in all caps: no little dyke girl don't say men dni (do not interact) you are perpetuating radfem slash terf ideals of what a "real" lesbo is like! no little dyke girl you're not immune to propaganda! no little dyke girl no! ]
[ ID: a screenshot of tumblr tags. they read: guys is it terfy for a lesbian not to want men to look at her nudes? (caps) be so fucking for real. (end caps) i'm genuinely so sick of it at this point. everything has (caps for emphasis on has) to be about men. (each following have is in caps for emphasis). you have to be attracted to men you have to be sexually available to men you have to be pleasant and friendly an attractive to men. you have to be friends with and center the men in your life. and of course you (caps) can never ever ever (end caps) criticize a man or give a single itty bitty hint that they did something wrong or upset you or that you're not attracted to them otherwise you are a (caps) nasty stupid misandrist transandrophobe disgusting lesbo bitch (end caps). and a terf of course, of course, because (caps) all (end caps) lesbians are terfs heehee. end text, end ID. ]

i’ll forgive a fat girl for so many annoying things simply because i know how fucking miserable it is to be a fat girl. like. you dont get to exist freely and with any joy until you go through a decades long soul search full of extreme emotional pain OR you nearly kill yourself to become something society might accept. or you toughen up after years of bullying forced you to be more confident. literally there is no painless route to being a fat girl in your 20 somethings. so like. fat girls can be annoying as a treat. you have all been annoying our whole lives

this goes quadruple for fat black girls and fat trans girls btw. literally do not try to tell me anything they do is cringe cuz i’ll demolish you with my giant ass


all the gay people on here are always posting screenshots from like an alternate universe version of seinfeld where every episode is about george costanza lounging on sofas and in restaurants and monologuing his fearful explorations of the nebulous corners of his gender and sexual identity


all those fucking "leftist" dudes lusting over that photo of that girl in georgia putting on lipgloss in the reflection of a riot shield then going dead silent when they learn it's georgia the country and she's protesting against russian aggression lmao

i hope every person involved in codepink drops dead, not even joking

i find feminizing this picture and the text to be revolting, but the main reason i wish this is because codepink is engaged in constant denial of any protest in eastern europe and asia against russian aggression, they have spent over a decade denying russian war crimes against civlians and happily spread russian proganda and frequently call any protest against it "color revoution" they are a disgusting organization that loves state aggression and genocide as long as the US isn't involved in it


all those fucking "leftist" dudes lusting over that photo of that girl in georgia putting on lipgloss in the reflection of a riot shield then going dead silent when they learn it's georgia the country and she's protesting against russian aggression lmao

i hope every person involved in codepink drops dead, not even joking

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