
Fangirl Rambles


Hi. I've decided to be nicer to myself. Still a bit insane. 20
Anonymous asked:

Have you heard the new Marianas Trench song yet?

my jaw hit the FLOOR when I saw that the first new song they released in 4 years was A 7 MINUTE MEDLEY. and after listening to it on repeat I can confidently say it's as mesmerizing as all the rest.

Josh absolutely KILLED it, the sheer range he shows in the first verse alone is astonishing. and the song itself has the range and plot their medleys always have, though this one feels sooo much more cinematic, even by Marianas Trench's standards. the melancholic bit with "someday / somewhere / I'll belong there" just makes my chest ache. and of course it's followed up by one of their iconic guitar riffs ...

beautiful, beautiful song. I'm so glad they're still making such inspiring work. no one else does it like them


there is so much intimacy in creating something together

no I'm so serious. I'm thoroughly convinced this is how I got so close to my online friends. a significant amount of bonding with my s/o came from rping together. tumblr rp introduced me to new mutuals. writing trr brought me so much closer to the person I wrote it with. this applies to irl friends too. my irl I worked on cosplay and fanfic and oc stories with, it brought us closer. sharing your creativity with someone, creating something with someone, creates an inseparable bond between you and them. in this essay I will


I wonder if Ava wanted children. I wonder how badly Jay wanted to be an aunt. Do you think she mourned people she had never met?


Fuck you cause now I’m thinking about waning creacent again

Imagine ava and lizzie laying next to each other on a grassy hill, watching the stars. Imagine a silence descending for a long while, each of them getting lost in their own thoughts. Imagine ava breaks the silence, and tells lizzie about how she wanted kids. 2 of them, she didnt care their gender. She talks about how she’d let them be whatever they wanted, and she’d keep them far from the influences of Jayson and his side of the family. Save for her sister, who’d make for an incredible aunt. Lizzie talks about Chip, and how he was kinda like a little brother to her, and how now ahe could almost imagine him the way arlin saw him, a scruffy little kid that needed a home. Maybe she even sees the 9 year old version of him and can imagine herself doing what arlin did, and taking him in.

Maybe they talk about how if tensions ever settle, or if they ever ran away, they could adopt two kids. And they could be a little family on the fringes of society, just taking care of each other.

I dont think lizzie would have let herself mourn those kids. Hell, maybe she’ll still meet them. But when she saw chip again, all grown up? And she thought about all those times she imagined herself in arlins place? That fucked her up a little, knowing she couldnt ever take in a kid and know that that kid would have Ava as a mother.


Y'all, the world is sleeping on what NASA just pulled off with Voyager 1

The probe has been sending gibberish science data back to Earth, and scientists feared it was just the probe finally dying. You know, after working for 50 GODDAMN YEARS and LEAVING THE GODDAMN SOLAR SYSTEM and STILL CHURNING OUT GODDAMN DATA.

So they analyzed the gibberish and realized that in it was a total readout of EVERYTHING ON THE PROBE. Data, the programming, hardware specs and status, everything. They realized that one of the chips was malfunctioning.

So what do you do when your probe is 22 Billion km away and needs a fix? Why, you just REPROGRAM THAT ENTIRE GODDAMN THING. Told it to avoid the bad chip, store the data elsewhere.

Sent the new code on April 18th. Got a response on April 20th - yeah, it's so far away that it took that long just to transmit.

And the probe is working again.

From a programmer's perspective, that may be the most fucking impressive thing I have ever heard.


I feel like a lot of people don’t quite get what a butler is. The role tends to get rounded off to β€˜male servant’ pretty regularly in some media, whereas actually butlers are typically not just servants but chief servants. The butler was generally in charge of either all male servants or just all servants, period, in the household of an aristocrat or other very wealthy person. This meant that butlers have often been fairly powerful and influential people, and sometimes even had a manservant or two of their own.

(Also, fun fact: Mary Roberts Rinehart, the early 20th century mystery writer who is widely credited with popularizing the whole β€˜the butler did it’ trope was nearly murdered by one of her own servants, a chef whom she had passed over for promotion to butler. He came at her with a pistol, but it jammed, allowing her chauffeur time to wrestle it away and restrain him.)


You didn’t answer the key question things brings up: did she popularize the trope before or after the would-be butler tried to kill her?

according to wikipedia, before

There’s something glorious about the fact that the author who popularised β€œthe butler did it” had a servant who a) failed to become the butler and then b) failed to do it.


If he’d been butler material, he’d have finished the job.


Everything is like β€œQUEER history” and β€œList of QUEER young adult books” or β€œTop 10 QUEER movies” and queer this and queer that and for the love of god please just say LGBT.

But queer is more inclusive

And faster to pronounce if you are talking instead of writing.

It’s not more inclusive, and if your excuse of using a slur as a blanket term is β€œit’s faster to say”, GENUINELY what is wrong with you

It’s called economΓ­a del lenguaje.

It’s also the respected academic term?? The acronym isn’t static and it’s usage is varied by things like generational difference, location, and knowledge of the community. Even just in the U.S. in the last few decades the common usage gone from GLBT to LGBT to LGBTQ, to LGBTQA/LGBTQIA/LGBTQIAP/etc (Which, let me tell you as someone who has given presentations in the past using these updated acronyms, are all real mouthfulls), to LGBT+.

Also yes, queer is more inclusive! Especially coming at it from an academic standpoint, people didn’t always use or identify with the terms we use now and you can’t always try to cram them into our modern perceptions of sexuality. We can argue for years about whether a famous historical figure was gay or bisexual or straight and trans or whatever, but if we can all agree that they were somehow queer then using that term allows us to move past the debate and into productive discussion. And not everybody everywhere shares the same terms for sexual and gender identity, or even the same concepts of those things, so queer really is a more inclusive term in a lot of cases.

Like yeah if you’re talking specifically about gay or trans people you can just say gay or transgender, but if you’re talking about more than one identity or someone who doesn’t conform to our perceptions of β€˜LGBT,’ or a person or people whose identity you don’t know, queer is just the better word.

β€œThat’s SO gay”, β€œOh my god, you’re not a LESBIAN, are you?”

Your words are slurs, too. Why do you get your words, but I don’t get mine? What makes you so special?

I’m here, I’m queer, go fuck yourself.


queer is not a slur, stop drinking the TERF koolaid


every time one of you fools spout aboutΒ β€˜queer is a slur’ a terf laughs because their fucking plan to make that wordΒ β€˜taboo’ is fucking working you dipshit.

I did not get my degree in queer literature for you all to keep pulling this bullshit.


baby gays,,,, i beg of you to learn your queer history and stop listening to terf bullshit

every single one of our labels has been used as a slur against us.

terfs and -phobes are always going to try and hurt us with what we identify as. but the fact remains these are OUR labels and always have been.

we’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.

I don’t know if this is just because I’m not American but I’ve never heard queer used as a slur. Ever. Meanwhile gay was the insult in the 2000s here. Everything you didn’t like was β€˜soo gay’. Queer wasn’t even a word most of us knew back then.

It just baffled me that people would think an identifier is automatically a slur just because someone uses it to mock someone. If we did that gay would be a slur. Stupid would be a slur. Autistic would be a slur.

The reason people are upset about the word queer is that it’s a unifying term. You can say you’re queer and all people will know is that you’re part of the community. But you can’t say you’re LGBT, you have to say you’re gay or trans or ace. They don’t want you to be ambiguously queer. They want you to say which kind of queer you are so they can decide whether you’re undesirable.

yeah in the 90s and early 2000s kids would call each other β€œgay” as an insult. But no one ties themselves in knots over whether β€œgay” is a slur. So yeah, please ffs learn your history.


They want you to say which kind of queer you are so they can decide whether you’re undesirable.


It’s not just that the leaves will break down on their own (and enrich the soil while they’re at it!). During the winter, all sorts of insects use leaf litter for shelter, and they’re the first food available to larvae in early spring. Leaves also insulate the plants under them during the winter, which is important if you’re in an area prone to frost heaving.

One of the best thing you can do for native pollinators in your area is Leave the Leaves!

My mom stopped raking her leaves when she found out about this but her neighbor used his leaf blower to clear out her yard the first year she decided to try. So she started posting a Leave the Leaves sign in the yard each year with an explanation about why it’s good and two winters later only one house still rakes their lawn each year.

We’ve seen a dramatic increase in the biodiversity in the neighborhood since. We have birds that we haven’t seen since we moved into the city from living rurally and those birds are starting to nest in the trees and gardens in spring. The swallows and bats are back at night. The single woodpecker we would only occasionally see visits daily and even has a friend that has joined it. We have more squirrels and rabbits and shockingly fewer moles and voles. We heard an owl outside last fall.

Leave the leaves indeed.


I have friends at Indiana University and they've been saying there are snipers on IU Bloomington campus. And theres a bunch of cops everywhere. This is wild.

It's because there's a whole bunch of students trying to set up camp and protesting against the genocide of Palestine outside the IMU. There's a lot of attention on larger universities for their protests, but do not discount the young people of the Midwest. We are here, we are speaking out against the genocide, and our conservative state leaders see our presence and activism as a threat to their status to the point that they are willing to escalate things by calling in the state police and putting fucking snipers on top of one of the most beautiful buildings on campus just in case they feel the need to fucking murder us.

The last picture is the aftermath of the pigs tearing down tents, btw. 34 were arrested and banned from campus.

Everyone call the IU President’s office at 812-855-4613 tomorrow when they open to demand the students be allowed back to campus and that freedom of expression be protected at IU.


ppl using ahh instead of ass is the corniest shit ever like it actually pisses me off a little

white person online: yoooo bro was uhhh bro be like ..... goofy ahh bro be stupid ahh


Related best(?)/worst of aave struggle tweets

Unrelated to "ahh" specifically but these two are like the Hindenburg Disasters of aave misuse so I had to post them too

Can i be honest guys this post is partially canceled because i cant stop saying "and that's on fahrenheit periodt" like i cant stop

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