

cherry • 19 • they/them • multifandom enthusiast

a very important public service announcement

  • hindi is a language
  • hinduism is a religion
  • hindu is someone who follows it
  • not all indians are hindu
  • not all indians speak hindi
  • the ‘d’ in hindu and hindi is pronounced like the ‘th’ in ‘though’
  • desi, pronounced “they see” and not daisy or dessi, means south asian
  • south asia = pakistan, india, bangladesh, sri lanka, nepal, etc. for those of you who have never looked at world map
  • desis are asians and have every right to call themselves that. shocking, I know. take your time to digest that.
  • I can’t believe I have to make this post
  • it’s 2013 and people still don’t know how to google this shit
  • but freak the fuck out when you say Britain when you meant, god forbid, England



I made a post to raise $1200 so my wife and I don’t freeze over the winter and it lost traction so I’m making a new shorter post.

We are a black gnc lesbian couple living in a metal framed travel trailer for the winter in Michigan and it’s cold. Our home holds cold air way too well it’s regularly 10 degrees colder in our house and maintaining our heat while dry camping / camping with no water or electric hookup is essential to our survival. We’re raising funds for a generator, extra solar panels, 12v battery and warm winter clothing. We are asking for support in raising $1200.

$400/$1200 as of 11/21/22

Venmo: lovetothekore

Venmo: lovesongaboutme

$440 / $1200

We’d like to get the entirety of the funds this week to buy a generator. Please boost & consider donating to the survival of a black lesbian couple this winter ❄️

$750/$1200 thank you all so much!!


Pls keep boosting & sharing! The temperature is dropping and the snow is coming! We’re camping full-time & really appreciate all the support!

$890/$1200 ❄️❄️❄️ thank you all so much!

$310 to go and my wife and I will have the systems make it through the winter in our travel trailer in Michigan!! Thank you for all the support! Please continue to boost & donate 🙏🏽

$260 until we reach our goal 🥲


⚠️ TW ⚠️


Abusive relationship victim! I'm in need of help.

Cashapp $Lexxjunio28

PayPal alexisjuarezjunio@gmail.com link

Re-uploading this because of my account errors. please help me get a bump!

I escaped a abusive relationship, if y’all don’t know I left with just a suit case & my 5 y.o! these pictures were pictures are proof of why I finally left, I posted this because I badly need help with money for a hotel. I'll be staying in hotels till the women’s shelter calls me saying they have room for me. I been struggling hard with things I need for me and my son.

I have no family parents are in prison been in prison since I was a baby my mother got out 2 weeks ago but she’s not doing well she has a mind of a baby so she can’t help..I started my period & I need tampons & money for groceries for me and my son things to eat maybe like noodles, ravioli, and things like this can I get a little help?

I get my FOODSTAMPS on the 8th. I do have cashapp & paypal. I have no job here because my ex fiance never let me out without him! Thank y’all so much. Please no rude comments there’s already enough going on.

Anonymous asked:

I just want to say I am in love with your writing, thank you so much for sharing it with us💕

😳😳 thank you!! this is very flattering, tysm 🥺💕💕


Brother Facing Homelessness

Hey guys, my older brother is in a bad spot. A really bad spot. He’s been unable to work and recently had his card repo’d, on top of facing eviction from his apartment. 

He literally has nowhere to go, not even a car to stay in anymore. 

He is also positive for Huntington’s Disease but not at the stage to receive disability yet, and has been severely depressed. I’m scared he’ll do something now since he’s in such a hopeless situation.

He needs about $925. Any amount helps. 


Abortion rights are under attack, and it’s time to fight back.

If you think this is just about Texas or ‘red’ states, you’re wrong. Attacks on abortion anywhere are a threat to our rights everywhere. Today Texas’ SB8 takes effect. This dangerous and extreme law bans abortion as early as six weeks (way before most people even know they’re pregnant) and includes an unprecedent provision that allows private individuals - including anti-abortion protestors - to file lawsuits enforcing the bans. There’s even a monetary reward - up to $10,000 - for successful lawsuits. There have been over 90 abortion restrictions enacted this year alone - more than any year since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. It’s time to raise the alarm - keep #bansoffourbodies. What can you do? Follow and donate to: West Fund, @BuckleBunniesFundTX (Instagram & Twitter), Jane’s Due Process, The Bridge Collective ATX, Fund Texas Choice, @LaFronteraFund (on Twitter), Texas Equal Access Fund - TEA Fund, The Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity, Clinic Access Support Network & The Afiya Center.Sending love and access to all Texans.




Wednesday, September 1st: Hi everyone, I’m Gemma, a bi, mentally ill disaster, who’s in desperate need of help, and I've had to remake this post as my cooker broke at the weekend, and I'm still struggling to get a new one.

As most of you are already aware from my previous post, I have been struggling financially for quite some time due to my welfare benefit (Universal Credit) being under a review, which is due to my worsening mental health and the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. And at the moment, I'm currently struggling to get by, as my application for Disability (PIP) was declined and I am currently awaiting for an appointment for a WCA (Work Capability Asessment) from the DWP to assess my mental and physical health, and my debt from overdue bills is piling up to an amount that I'm really struggling with, so affording a new appliance isn't going to be easy.

I know this is a huge ask, and I'm completely heartbroken to be asking for aid again, but I still desperately need some as I don't have anyone else to turn to help, and I'm in serious need to be able to replace my broken cooker ASAP. And due to having to use some money to pay my overdue rent/utilities, I'm still struggling to reach my goal which is now at £365!!

If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would literally save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much as donations. Nobody is obligated in any way to donate if they can’t or don’t want to, I know we’re all struggling right now.



hey everyone - I wanted to take a moment to spread some awareness about Hurricane Ida and share ways to help the southeast United States.

my hometown and the surrounding region are currently experiencing one of the most catastrophic natural disasters we’ve seen in decades. storm surges, heavy rainfall, and 90+ mph winds are destroying infrastructure and have already left hundreds of thousands of people without power (which, for many, may not be restored for weeks or months). this storm developed so rapidly that many people had no time to plan an evacuation even if they could afford to, and it’s moving VERY slowly over the region, meaning that these torrential winds and rainfall will continue into the next day or longer. all of this compounded with the fact that hospitals are already overwhelmed due to COVID-19, the lack of air conditioning in the coming weeks will spell disaster for many, and the 16-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is today creates an incredibly bleak situation for residents of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and beyond.

if you are able to help, please consider donating to the Mutual Aid Disaster Relief fund, Imagine Water Works, or directly to those impacted seeking aid. DO NOT DONATE TO RED CROSS OR THE SALVATION ARMY. if you know of any other funds or individuals in need of donations, please reblog and add them to this post! if you’re unable to donate, that’s okay - please consider spreading the word regardless, because we desperately need your awareness and support. thank you for reading this far ♥️


every single day i think about how horribly rumi’s poems have been translated from persian into english & how they’ve been turned from gorgeous poems abt islamic spirituality into these… pithy vapid little quotes that white people post as instagram captions. white scholars & translators straight-up falsified and misrepresented the essential themes of and islamic mysticism inherent to his work in favor of turning it into easy-to-consume love poetry & it never fails to make me angry

here’s a good thread to read through abt this exact topic as a start !!


because i know most of you can’t be bothered to look at the thread:

take a time to read through the thread if you can!!

most of the ‘sufi poetry’ or works by rumi you’ll read in school or find at any book store or online is just a bunch of this orientalist garbage that not only mistranslates, but intentionally puts forward a colonialist, orientalist mindset that you consume without knowing it

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