
Hyper-fixations and Chronic Procrastination


I have cats and dogs but this just happens to be my name.

So, I have requests open. I want to practice my writing and art skills. So, if anyone is interested shoot me a request.

Fandoms I’ll do are the following:

Tales of Arcadia (I’ll especially do it for the resident wizard Douxie)

Boku no Hero Academia/ My Hero Academia

Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure (Mostly Varian)

Kingdom Hearts (especially for my boy Roxas)

How to Train Your Dragon

There are a few other fandoms I might be willing to do, it doesn’t hurt to ask the worse that’ll happen is that I say no.

I won’t do smut though. Or reader fanfiction. Romance isn’t my cup of tea but I might just give it a chance.

The one thing I ask is that you all be respectful with your requests. I want all of us to have fun with this.


Honestly when it comes to the creation of evil in Hazbin Hotel I’m under the opinion that it was always there. It’s just that people didn’t have a word for it, looking through some things the tree itself was actually called, “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” It’s not stated as such in the show but it is interesting.

I mean with a name like that then evil already existed. To have a word for it is to acknowledge its existence. It’s just that mankind didn’t know what evil was because they were ignorant to it. That is free will though the ability to choose what sort of person you want to be.

I’m thinking that Lucifer and Lilith were scapegoats because humanity started asking questions. As they realized its existence it would seem as if Lucifer did create evil. It’s even possible that the angels were ignorant to it. I mean how can I not think that when they don’t even know the qualifications to get into Heaven?

It’s also never mentioned that Adam ate the fruit in the show. I theorize that he is ignorant of evil because he never ate the fruit. That’s why he’s able to be a genocidal maniac and still be able to be in Heaven. He genuinely thinks he good and what’s worse no one really comments to correct the behavior.

It’s like with mental health, people comment how more people have mental health issues. It’s not actually true, more people are being diagnosed because more people know about it and seek treatment. Those people would still have these conditions they just wouldn’t be known. Not to mention there are more people living in the world compared to years ago. It was always there we just didn’t have the vocabulary or knowledge to talk about it.

The creation of Hell is a result of the people finally knowing the difference between good and evil. I mean when you know about good and evil, you don’t want to go to the same place as the evil. It was created as a punishment for Lucifer, for the audacity of not allowing everyone to live in blissful ignorance.

That’s my thoughts at least.


Basically rewatched Digimon Adventure 02, overall the strongest antagonist was Ken as the Digimon Emperor/ Kaiser. It’s only later in the show that some things get bogged down with the other villains, but that’s probably mostly because of issues behind the scenes.

Overall, there are a few plot holes especially in terms of Ken’s crest and the circumstances in which he was infected by the Dark Spore. I mean we know about the Wonderswan games which is interesting but a lot more could have been done considering how the likes of Daemon wanted the Dark Spore.

I mean in hindsight it seems like a weak reasoning for Ken to go as far as he did because he thought the Digital World was a game. I mean I have to talk myself into making certain choices to get certain routes just because I don’t want anyone to die. Hindsight is 20/20 though.

Now I imagine that for the most part they keep Ken’s story the same. I mean his breaking point was when his brother died. However maybe he has some sort of handlers who gaslight him or even plant ideas in his head. I mean this is a kid who was able to force Agumon into a dark digivolution despite not being his partner. Not to mention the legends say that partnering with a chosen child makes obtaining power easier.

Just wore him down and possibly kidnapped him from the Human World since obviously evil digimon wouldn’t care about that sort of thing. Maybe use Ken as a scapegoat when all is said and done.

Honestly, we were sort of robbed.

I watched the subbed version and it definitely makes Ken’s character more tragic especially when it comes to Wormmon.

I do agree though it really does add to how he was spiraling.

Even when he did basically become a genius he wasn’t himself and his life was still empty. If anything is just served to further isolate him from others. Although to be fair it’s a combination of things in his life that exacerbated a bad situation.


Got around to watching Digimon Tri, didn’t love it or hate it. I mean the concept was okay but the execution left a lot to be desired.

I mean a former Chosen Child trying to do everything they can in order to basically resurrect their fallen friend. I’m down for it all and maybe someone else taking advantage of that makes a lot of sense.

The issue is that it sort of feels that too much was going on. Not to mention there are genuinely good concepts that don’t have much pay off. I totally loved Dark Gennei using the Kaiser as a disguise. However, it also feels that they probably should have maybe gone a different route in terms of execution.

I mean you have the Adventure 02 characters being missing and the original kids just accept other people’s answers at face value. These kids aren’t even adults and definitely still live with their parents so you know I imagine there should be more emotion on that front. Not to mention question’s definitely should have been asked when Maki walked up to them with Ken’s D-3. I mean it’s black and only five kids have anything like that, so some suspicion would be nice.

At the end the audience who knows about the series or has any common sense needs to do mental gymnastics to just explain away the lack of concern especially towards kids who would probably be in the same school as them.

Overall, good ideas but poor execution.


Basically rewatched Digimon Adventure 02, overall the strongest antagonist was Ken as the Digimon Emperor/ Kaiser. It’s only later in the show that some things get bogged down with the other villains, but that’s probably mostly because of issues behind the scenes.

Overall, there are a few plot holes especially in terms of Ken’s crest and the circumstances in which he was infected by the Dark Spore. I mean we know about the Wonderswan games which is interesting but a lot more could have been done considering how the likes of Daemon wanted the Dark Spore.

I mean in hindsight it seems like a weak reasoning for Ken to go as far as he did because he thought the Digital World was a game. I mean I have to talk myself into making certain choices to get certain routes just because I don’t want anyone to die. Hindsight is 20/20 though.

Now I imagine that for the most part they keep Ken’s story the same. I mean his breaking point was when his brother died. However maybe he has some sort of handlers who gaslight him or even plant ideas in his head. I mean this is a kid who was able to force Agumon into a dark digivolution despite not being his partner. Not to mention the legends say that partnering with a chosen child makes obtaining power easier.

Just wore him down and possibly kidnapped him from the Human World since obviously evil digimon wouldn’t care about that sort of thing. Maybe use Ken as a scapegoat when all is said and done.

Honestly, we were sort of robbed.

Anonymous asked:

just so you know possession IS a desirable outcome in many cultures/religions, off the top of my head vodou- although since puritanical christianity is the background belos is probably working from, i think the irony still holds.

...... Which cultures/religions specifically?

Because if you're talking paganism, that's also kind of questionable from the get-go. Possession is literally giving up your will to something worse than you. Highkey. So if you're talking Dyonisus and ancient cults of Rome and Greece, or Norse Mythology and Berserkers, or or the worshipping of blood-drinking gods in Tenochtitlan that required child sacrifice in the thousands, or even Satanism in the modern age... Like. Hmm.


In Judeo-Christianity possession is an evil. Because it is literally giving up your will to another darker force, and in Thanks To Them, that's the light it's portrayed in. Hunter getting possessed was not an objective good. If you'd like to argue that please go ahead I'd love to hear how you got there.

The thing is that maybe not all religions see possession as a bad thing, but it doesn't matter, because possession is a bad thing. Objectively. It is something that should be avoided. If something other than you has complete control over you and your freedom is now subject to them. That is bad.

And nearly everyone agrees on this, honestly, if I say it like that.

Not many sane people wake up in the morning like "My goal for today is to get possessed by a demon/god and then try and kill my friends".

If you're going to argue that possession is an objectively good thing(I don't think you are), kinda.... How?

At any rate, even subjectively, possession is still an evil.

In the story itself possession is terrible and awful and therefore it follows that it was following, whether it intended to or not, at the very least an Abrahamic ideal of what good and bad is when it comes to spirits and things.

My post was basically about the irony of how Belos, a religious leader, became essentially a demon, and proceeded to behave demonically.

The story is no longer painting Belos just as an abuser and as a manipulative emperor who wants people dead, it is painting Belos as an assured evil that should literally be destroyed.

It's ironic.

It changes the whole focal point of the series.

And that, really, was the core of my point.



Part of possession is that it requires the consent of the one possessed? There is no non-consensual possession? There may be coerced possession or unintentional possession, but like.

You need to let yknow the evil in.

I could make a fully structured argument about how Hunter in a way consented to his own possession unwittingly, because some part of him deeply loves his uncle and doesn't truly believe Belos wants to hurt him.

But uh.

There is no non-consensual possession.

And idk what you've been reading but possession doesn't make you a better person. Because part of it is that it's y'know. Demonic. Inherently. You cannot separate evil from the reality of possession.

I never said that possession could not be bad or non-consensual.

I’m just pointing out that there are different beliefs to it. You have demonic or dark spirits which could force themselves onto you causing ill fortune. In some cultures they are also believed to be the cause of illnesses. Again it depends on the culture.

Or there are spirits who will possess people if only to tell people off and warn them to be better.

In other cultures specifically eastern and Native American it is believed that spirits play an important role in the natural world. People like shamans allow possession to communicate with spirits, go on vision quests, or gain answers or advice to problems. They use what they know to heal sickness, or preform rituals to look into the future.

You gotta keep in mind that there exist malevolent and benevolent spirits, it mostly depends on what’s involved. This of course depends on the culture as some cultures might just believe that all spirits are malevolent or even demonic. Belos is clearly malevolent misusing his abilities to harm.

Belos was able to possess Hunter because he basically infected the kid by going into his open wound, like an infection. This happened when Hunter used his finger to inspect the Belos sludge. He then use his powers to make Hunter see visions of him for the boy to chase.

I would even go far as to say that Belos in his demonic form resembles a Wendigo which also falls into the malevolent spirit category. A greedy creature which can possess humans and eventually cannibalize them. It also has human life features and horns.

If we go to benevolent spirits then I imagine a prime example would probably be palismen in the case of Flapjack. I would describe them to share similarities to spirit animals or even familiars. I can argue that they can be categorized as such and only fall into malevolence in the case of Belos, who you know killed them. Which in this case is completely justified. However, they mostly work to guide their witches.

They aren’t inherently evil, just stuck inside an evil man.

Again, not all spirits are demonic it mostly just depends on the culture in which the beliefs are coming from. It would be wrong to put all spirits under the banner of demonic and evil. Not to mention egocentric to believe there was only one way of doing things.

I don’t personally believe in possession but if there are worldviews that acknowledge it in a positive light then it’s just something else to expand one’s world view.



Okay, so I’ve been having this brain worm in my head and if anything is interested in learning more then shoot me up a message! But this is for the most part a crossover idea between My Hero Academia and Katekyo Hitman Reborn. It’s not a true crossover but if anything My Hero Academic many many years after the events of Reborn.

To start with at the end of the events of Reborn in the manga Tsuna eventually becomes Neo Vongola Primo and starts a new age for Vongola. This is the kid who saved the lives of the lives the Arcobaleno who for the most part become affiliated with Vongola. Considering how no one outside of the events know how the chosen seven are chosen allot of prestige is added. For the most part Arcobaleno move on with their lives but they left with the promos that if Vongola ever needs their strength then they’ll have it.

For the most part they lived their lives and died, except for Verde who was able to recreate the stasis effect that the pacifiers created so that he can continue researching whatever caught his fancy. Good for him!

With the Vindice no longer governing the laws of the Mafia world the Varia take over and become the enforcers which makes sense considering they want to show off that they are the strongest people around. It also gives Tsuna a reason to disband the assassination squad without stamping on them.

Quirks for the most part where well known in the mafia before the shining baby. I mean how couldn’t they have not been known when you have people who can turn food in poison, and children who can ranking anything? The shining baby was just the first time people freaked out and made a big deal about it. It also didn’t help that many similar cases where happen all around the world. Although Byakuran theorized that the events where happening because of the change in the Trin-ni-sette. It doesn’t really matter much since Tsuna’s time has passed by then.

At some point the events of the Shigaraki Brothers come to pass but the two future wielders of One for All are from the Foundation (It’s the organization that TY Hibari created) they are trying to fight against All for One and for the most part have been successful in causing damage. AfO very much dislikes Vongola mostly because they control the Underworld and they are very much an obstacle.

When First is in Vongola custody he learns about his quirk (not the stockpiling but the transfer quirk). The group get to know each other and for the most part they become good friends. Vongola Boss of this time talks to the First although this is against the advice of most people. They talk but no one really knows what about but by the end of it First is given a blessing and leaves with a promise.

The blessing is that anyone who would want to join his quest from this family can go. The promise is that with this blessing they are family and they should never fight and to ask if they ever need help. For the most part things go about the same but the trio of OfA left instructions to their successors on how to contact the Vongola is they ever need anything.

  • Hikage Shinomori used the Vongola to fund his solitary life and to give opportunities to make the quirk stronger. They also provided medical assistance and insight for his advanced aging.
  • En used the Vongola for his injuries especially after Banjo had passed away.
  • Nana used Vongola to put her son into hiding which is how he was able to have a normal life (for the most part what happened to Tenko was bad luck and her sons own actions.) and asks that they keep Toshinori safe until he’s ready to strike out on his own.

While Toshinori is busy training (Toshinori got an amazing scholarship package for a University in the United States) the Vongola step into the fray to make sure the AfO doesn’t encroach on their territory (they have been keeping him out but without anyone to distract him they have to put more force into it.)

Vongola through all this time has been adapting to the social dynamics of the world. Not to mention they have been moving away from their unsavory practices finding legitimate avenues to make money. Back in Italy there are a good few Pro Heroes with ties to the Vongola although this is mostly quiet. After all Vongola started off as a vigilante group, it never hurts to be paid. With OfA out of the way AfO puts his focus on destroying the Vongola. Neo Nono wants to honor the promise but she also can’t let him continue doing what he wants.

It was a sound defeat for AfO he couldn’t stand against Neo Nono and he was forced into hiding. He can be a slippery rat when he wants.

Through underhanded tactics Neo Nono is killed. AfO tries to steal the Vongola sky ring because to have that would give him access to unattainable wealth and power, but Natsu fights back making AfO lose an arm through petrification. Natsu runs away to what can only be assumed will be his new owner. Vongola on the other hand seems to vanish over-night.

AfO isn’t able to enjoy the defeat since All Might comes into the scene.

Years later a young Izuku Midoriya finds a scared looking cat hiding in the bushes. A very strange cat considering it’s made of gold fire!

I have a lot more thoughts I will definitely write out more. But damn I just had to share! Message me if anyone wants to talk about this!


This is probably super late but can you just sort of appreciate how new revelations in canon works can basically destroy popular takes or thoughts in fanon?


What if Izuku Midoriya had a quirk?

He would definitely die and be unable to use the full power of One for All.

What if Izuku Midoriya never made it to UA?

Ochaco probably wouldn’t have made it to that specific hero school (unless she had applied to general studies) Todoroki wouldn’t use his fire, and Iida would probably have been found murdered in an alley way (this one was all dumb luck.)

What if someone else got One for All?

Stone cold dead.

I don’t want to ruin things for anyone it’s just that now that I know all of this I can’t help but think that things are going too well in fanfics where Izuku has a quirk. It’s probably insane but now I’m just filled with a sort of invested anxiety. I mean Izuku with quirks have effectively been ruined for me so thanks Horikoshi.


On thing that gives me life about the swap au, where Hunter and Luz are the only ones who’s positions in the story are swapped but keep their respective histories, is that when Hunter is with Eda I’m just waiting for her to take her kids on a day trip to the human realm.

Like there wasn’t a point to do it with Luz, but with Hunter this is a kid who is scared to be recognized so she just goes let’s go on a day trip to another world where no one will recognize you!

I can only imagine Hunter being fascinated, I mean he’s only known the human realm through Belos stories but discounting the question of whether he’s a human, witch, or whatever. He’s a human who has never been to the human realm, not to mention imagine being able to go the the human realm first before Phillip.

It’s just an idea that I need to see in these swap stories.


Okay, Hollow Mind was insane. But then imagine a possible scenario that could have happened. In Elsewhere and Elsewhen Luz meets Phillip, and you get a lot of foreshadowing and not so subtle hints that he’s Belos. This happen when she goes through some pools of magic that allow people to go to the past.

Now in Hollow Minds it is revealed that the older brother looks remarkably like Hunter. I mean he’s a grimwalker so that’s the point. So, imagine this, shenanigans happen with Luz and Lilith are brought to a time where Caleb is alive (we don’t know the brothers real name but I’m going with the one Hunter made up if that’s the case.) I imagine that it’s an accident that causes their meeting.

Caleb saves Luz from an unnamed monster and she’s freaking out because she thinks it’s Hunter. Caleb comments that he wouldn’t have thought there was another human in this world. And that’s when she notices the ears which are of course completely different. I imagine she sort of freaks out in a way because it would thought that the reason why Hunter can’t use magic is because he’s Caleb’s descendant.

She has maybe a mini freak out because backstory imagine meeting someone’s ancestor who also happens to be a human. She can ask about Phillip and probably about whether or not he’s trying to figure out how to get back to his original world (although considering what she knows she sort of gets the idea that Caleb chose to stay.) Caleb comments how that’s the name of his brother and that he doesn’t mind staying in this new world but has commented about having a reliable portal available would be a good thing. Especially if other people happen to find their way into this world.

There is a lot of speculation about this brother although in this case it’s implied that he met a nice witch in this world which Luz finds cute and hopes they can be happy together. He has people worth staying in this world for and he’s happy. Although he does want to know where his brother is so that they can meet again.

Luz and Lilith help Caleb find Phillip and they reunite.

Just imagine how Luz would feel to find out that Phillip killed his brother. The brother that she helped reunite. It would be devastating especially when she learns about what likely happened to the body.

Okay, someone pointed out that this would require fudging the timeline a bit so maybe let’s just go with this.

Caleb during his time in the human world became friends with a witch (presumably a Clawthorne) who fell through a natural portal of titan’s blood. He hid her from the village presumably in his home which back then was the abandoned house behind Luz’s.

Eventually they are able to figure out a way for the witch to return to the Demon Realm. She invites Caleb to come with her so that she can show him her home. Phillip who was suspicious of Caleb’s behavior secretly followed him to their meeting. He frozen in fear and was unable to stop his brother from going away with a witch. In his denial Phillip spread the story that his brother was lured away by a witch and vowed to find him.

Meanwhile Caleb is in the Demon Realm and is unable to return but he makes friends with the residents and builds a life for himself there. He discovered how to create a working portal from what he learned during his time there and from the witch. He is also highly sought after for his wood carvings (I’m assuming he’s very good at it since he made Belos’ mask as a child.) He taught the witch how to carve wood and they both became known for it.

Caleb decided that he wouldn’t return to the Human Realm. While he would love to share what he learned he knew that the humans weren’t ready to learn about the Demon Realm. Although if anyone ever asks he would be more than happy to let them borrow the portal.

Now this is where this change takes place. Luz while looking through the time portals hears a bunch of demons or witches talking about the local human who has made his home within the village. Assuming that it’s Phillip she and Lilith dive into the portal and land into that era. While Lilith is freaking out from all the history Luz is asking around about Phillip.

Unfortunately no one knows anything about a Phillip Wittebane, however they do know a Caleb Wittebane who is currently teaching the village children how to properly carve wood to create shapes or techniques to maintain and smooth out the edges. Luz does a mini freak out how there could be a Caleb before Phillip. Lilith points out that no one ever knows what happened in history only through what’s left behind. Caleb could very well be the first human but he just probably didn’t leave anything behind for anyone to find like Phillip did.

Luz while disappointed does a 180 as maybe Caleb figured out a way to get to the human world. It wouldn’t hurt to ask. Not to mention when is she ever going to be able to talk to another human about the Demon Realm. Did they love it? Hate it? She’s gotta know!!!

They meet Caleb and Luz is shocked to find Hunter there only it isn’t Hunter since he’s a lot older and doesn’t have the common “witch ears.” Things happen probably some misunderstandings but over all Luz thought that Caleb was overall a pretty awesome dude. When she tells the truth about her predicament he offers her the portal to take with her back to her time.

She doesn’t take the offer since she’s seen enough movies to know about time paradox’s best not to risk it. Although she does encourage him to maybe try to talk to his brother again, who knows people can change. She and Lilith go back to their time.

After those events Phillip finds his way to the Demon Realm (assuming probably from a deal with a devil.) At first things are going well until he finds out that Caleb had a way back the entire time. Caleb doesn’t notice this growing anger and shared everything he’s learned about that world. He eventually introduces him to the witch he wants to be his wife. Only Phillip is delusional and places all the blame on the witch who “stole” his brother away and bewitched him.

Caleb is struck down by the encounter and the witch curses Phillip, takes the portal and flees from their home. Phillip is left with the notes his brother left behind about magic and the glyphs. Which also contains passages about a human girl who visited him from the future. Phillips vows to eradicate the witches and “save” his brothers damned soul through any means.


Okay, Hollow Mind was insane. But then imagine a possible scenario that could have happened. In Elsewhere and Elsewhen Luz meets Phillip, and you get a lot of foreshadowing and not so subtle hints that he’s Belos. This happen when she goes through some pools of magic that allow people to go to the past.

Now in Hollow Minds it is revealed that the older brother looks remarkably like Hunter. I mean he’s a grimwalker so that’s the point. So, imagine this, shenanigans happen with Luz and Lilith are brought to a time where Caleb is alive (we don’t know the brothers real name but I’m going with the one Hunter made up if that’s the case.) I imagine that it’s an accident that causes their meeting.

Caleb saves Luz from an unnamed monster and she’s freaking out because she thinks it’s Hunter. Caleb comments that he wouldn’t have thought there was another human in this world. And that’s when she notices the ears which are of course completely different. I imagine she sort of freaks out in a way because it would thought that the reason why Hunter can’t use magic is because he’s Caleb’s descendant.

She has maybe a mini freak out because backstory imagine meeting someone’s ancestor who also happens to be a human. She can ask about Phillip and probably about whether or not he’s trying to figure out how to get back to his original world (although considering what she knows she sort of gets the idea that Caleb chose to stay.) Caleb comments how that’s the name of his brother and that he doesn’t mind staying in this new world but has commented about having a reliable portal available would be a good thing. Especially if other people happen to find their way into this world.

There is a lot of speculation about this brother although in this case it’s implied that he met a nice witch in this world which Luz finds cute and hopes they can be happy together. He has people worth staying in this world for and he’s happy. Although he does want to know where his brother is so that they can meet again.

Luz and Lilith help Caleb find Phillip and they reunite.

Just imagine how Luz would feel to find out that Phillip killed his brother. The brother that she helped reunite. It would be devastating especially when she learns about what likely happened to the body.


So, just read DC vs. Vampires and wow that reveal. This unfortunately made me crave Damian Wayne fanfiction and I keep finding those ones with Miraculous Ladybug crossovers.

Now don’t get me wrong I’m not against the idea. But seriously when am I going to find one where Damian is this brat of a child who was able to figure out Ladybug and Chat Noir’s secret identities, only to sneak up on them kidnap them and basically hold them captive in a complete power move. Bonus points if Jon is there.

Because let’s be serious if Wayne Family Adventures and Harley Quinn the animated series has taught me anything is that Damian Wayne is a complete and total troll.


I just saw myself mentioned in a post about All Might bashing. So, now I feel like expanding on pet peeves in terms of characterization of characters based on new information presented in the manga.

Endeavor: In terms of this dude he is a terrible father with his treatment of both his youngest and oldest sons. However while how he went about things was terrible he isn’t the monster people often portray him as. He isn’t a bad hero (which is a pet peeve when people say he makes a lot of mistake and such on the job that leads to casualties) he has the highest rate of cases solved, more than All Might actually! Heck other than maybe All Might he is perfectly professional and would probably work well with others. The issue is that he doesn’t inspire the level of trust that All Might does which keeps him firmly on the number two spot.

He did enter a quirk marriage with his wife Rei however it wasn’t Enji who really forced her into it, he probably would have been okay with her rejecting his offer. However it’s stated that Rei accepted for her family and if she had rejected it then it was through family pressure. Touya and Fuyumi were born without the ideal quirk he was disappointed but in his own words he wasn’t disappointed in them. Not to mention Rei wanted more children so that they could encourage each other. At least with the first two children there was no issues.

Until Touya was revealed have an incompatible quirk to his body. That’s when things changed, the next two children Natsuo and Fuyumi were mostly created so that hopefully one of them would have the quirk combination Enji wanted so that Touya would give up on trying to meet his fathers goal. Only from what’s shown Touya most likely saw this as his father rejecting him and thinking he wasn’t good enough of a son for him.

This in turn made him aim his frustration at the youngest, Shouto. I’m assuming since he had the “correct” quirk and was thus the rival of his fathers attention and expectations (although later he admits he was in the wrong for doing that so there was hope in salvaging any relationships) In a way though that is exactly what happened. Enji made the misguided decision to separate Shouto from the other children in order to prevent such an event from happening again. He even removed himself from Touya’s life since Touya told him that his goals and aspirations are because of him. He was trying to “kill” the drive. Only it didn’t work out that way and added to the issue.

Now really looking into the issue, you have a child who is hurting themselves and worst yet the behavior has become habitual because said child wants you to basically pay attention to them or maybe spend time with them. Personally from Rei and Enji’s comments they were probably missing the point of why Touya acted the way he did and was likely just trying gain any evidence that he was not a “failure.” In this case they both failed their children in that regard in setting the record straight.

After Touya died things got worse. There is no denying that Enji was the toxic one in the relationship. His actions to Shouto and changed behavior towards her (likely for placing the blame on her for Touya) affected her mental health which in turn made her hate him (also blaming him for Touya and any abuse after the fact).

Now my pet peeve is that often times he is diminished to a caricature of who he really is. (I’m specifically ignoring anything before the revelation of the Todoroki backstory since back then we all thought we knew everything, but it turned out there was more to the story) When clearly there was more going on in the story, but nope just take the low hanging fruit I guess.

I can appreciate how he changed since his first introduction and how he finally grows from arguably years of denial. It seems like he always knew what he went wrong with Touya but couldn’t bring himself to learn from it. So he made the same mistake over and over again. Not to mention he became the man Touya thought he was and fell to his darker impulses.

In reality there was never going to be any pay off even if Shouto did over take All Might since at the end he burned every bridge he had with his family. Now if he wants to repent then he needs to work on it and that’s something amazing since it would have been so easy to leave him as a unrelenting jackass. But the author didn’t he chose to make a man who was hit with the weight of his actions and wants to do better and be better. Here’s hoping we can learn more about what happened to Touya after he was declared legally dead soon.


I just finished watching Turning Red and let me tell you it was an amazing movie and it actually made me laugh and tear up at times.

You can just tell there was so much fun and love put into this movie. With the animations and the slight nods to anime. It’s different from past Pixar and Disney movies with how expressive and creative the animations are. The eyes, the faces, even the inner monologues. So anime! Which in hindsight is what animation should strive for, show us how quirky, zany, creative, or even thoughtful out characters can be. I’ve seen other animated do this and animation is flexible so why not have fun with it?

It also reminded me of when I was their age back in school. I remember collecting FIFA stickers in middle school. Or the trying to figure out the rubix cube. Not to mention trading Pokémon cards or playing Yugioh. Of course those fixations were at different points in time, but they happened. Thinking back it was probably our way of making friends and connecting with people, an easy way to compliment someone and start a conversation.

I even felt frustration when Mei wasn’t told about you know eventually having to deal with turning into a red panda. It was told under the excuse of her being a child which in a way is demeaning. There was no way it wasn’t going to happen but they still kept that information away from her. I imagine that’s how we connect such revelations like puberty and menstruation to embarrassment. We were just taught to feel that way, sneaking around when it happens rather than be matter of fact about it. There is nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide.

And jeez the utter regret. The grandmother is shown to have a scar but it’s never outright stated where she got it. However context clues point to Mei’s mother being the one to give it to her. I love the show don’t tell.

And when you learn this, knowing that the regret of a bond being lost you can see why her mother holds on so tight. She doesn’t want that to happen and the problem was that they never talked about that event. Aired out their emotions, mainly the regret of the action and the forgiveness or acceptance. It happened but it didn’t make either of them love the other any less. I’m sure people can relate certain aspects of this maybe pain from the past affecting the present. I know that certainly affect the actions my own mother would take with me.

I have no doubt that maybe others wouldn’t perfectly relate to the characters or story but no story should ever aim to please everyone. I imagine however that in any story there is always something everyone can relate to. We were all Mei’s age and we definitely stupid things when we were thirteen. So, ignore the people who tell you how you should feel about things. Ignore the people who think they know what’s best for you. Because I think one thing we can all relate too is that sometimes we ourselves know what’s best for us. If our family won’t accept that then there are always people who will accept it but only if you stand tall and proud. And there are always people who will accept you even when you can’t find it in yourself to do that.

It might be hard at first but that’s what change is all about.


So, I remember it being stated that Nezuko started to like Zenitsu when he protected her from Inosuke.

Considering that Zenitsu as a pillar would probably have more experience than Tanjiro, it doesn’t really make as much sense to have the slaughter house go the same way. I imagine that Zenitsu still complains since demons are hella scary and he mostly tries to psych himself up to the encounter. He doesn’t just pass out at this point anymore but he mostly just thinks that his success is all about luck rather than talent.

Anyway Zenitsu is able to defeat the demons but Inosuke gets made at him for stealing his kills and he basically chases him around. Tanjiro hears the commotion and sees some terrified children and a man who is injured. Basically Tanjiro steps in and headbutts Inosuke who goes down for the count. It’s at that point they are finally able to put the people who aren’t so luck to rest.

Zenitsu hears Nezuko in the box but doesn’t comment it since Tanjiro is nice. Inosuke doesn’t really care since he’s mostly after Tanjiro and Zenitsu. Zenitsu eventually does ask about the demon in the box and he gets smitten when he sees Nezuko.

Fast forward to the trial and when Sanemi takes the box Zenitsu prevents him from hurting Nezuko. He tackled him before he could stab her and basically plays keep away. He’s for the most part successful before Sanemi gets frustrated and throws him into the shadows of the house and breaks door on the box. Like canon Nezuko is able to control her impulses. Although she she gives a winded Zenitsu a pat on the head or maybe puts his head on her knees. Either way he made her heart skip a beat so good on him.

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