
A Never Ending Blog

@ullsumbra / ullsumbra.tumblr.com

22 year old trash blogger. Loves: Game of Thrones, Ancient Rome, books, and anime (forever in love with Haikyuu) let's be friends ^^

but it only works if 4 people are having sex lol

how many hands you got

two? don’t see how that’s relevant

allow me illustrate you

that’s still four people

i truly can’t make this any clearer

will smith isn’t gay. he has a wife and three beautiful, talented children

don’t know what you’re on about. will smith and slightly wider blue will smith have been married for years. they’re a hollywood love story


I can’t believe this post predicted the live action Aladdin genie


this movie is so fucking creepy jesus fuck

It’s by Tim Burton, what did you honestly expect?

Actually, it’s Henry Selick, who was the director of The Nightmare Before Christmas. The book was written by Neil Gaiman, though, and is far…far….worse.


Sorry, I’m about to geek the hell out.

The movie is captivating, but the book is twenty kinds of terrifying, even now, ten years after I first read it. As disturbing as the movie may have been to some, the things Selick added really serve to cushion just how horrific the story really is.

First of all, the character of Wybie does not exist in the book. Coraline is facing all of this nearly alone, with her only help coming from the sly comments of the cat, a warning from the circus mice, and the stone given to her by her neighbor, presented with no comment but that it “makes the unseen seen.”

Second, the Other Parents are never quite as warm (and, dare I say, normal) as they are in the gifs above. They’re described as having paper-white skin and the Other Mother’s hair is said to move on its own, and her long, red, claw-like nails don’t ease any uncertainty that she is absolutely, positively up to no good. The first time Coraline meets them, they (and the rest of the Others) seem to be playing roles (for whatever reason, Coraline does not seem to pick up on this), like they all know what to say and what to do and are simply waiting for Coraline to make her move in their terrifying play world. This is shown to be partly true when the Other Parents tell her they know she’ll be back soon after she refuses the buttons - this time, to stay.

Third, the Other Mother commits atrocities that really should not have been in a book for anyone not fully grown up. She physically deforms the world around Coraline to slow her progress in their game beyond any mild traps the movie portrays, and, instead of turning the Other Father into the wandering pumpkin-thing seen in the film, she simply ceases to use him and throws his body away in the cellar, leaving him to rot with whatever bit of sentience he has left. She begins to lose her touch, as Coraline gains the upper hand. Her world doesn’t just become a nightmare - it falls apart completely. No creepy but oddly cool bug furniture here, just the house that now appears to be a child’s drawing. Whatever the Other Mother is (a beldame, but something tells me she’s much more ancient and powerful than that), she does not give half a hump about what she has to do to ensnare Coraline. Destroy the supporting characters of her twisted creation? Done. Allow herself to be dismembered to ruin Coraline’s life in the normal world? Not even gonna bat an eyelash.

On a final, personal note, imagine eight year-old me, ignored by my parents, absorbed in the story and identifying with Coraline from the start. Imagine me finishing this bloodcurdling book and immediately thinking of my basement, where there is still a locked door that my grandmother swears up and down is nothing more than a storage room, but has not once in my (or my mother’s) lifetime unlocked.

Can you see why this book still scares me?


Fun fact I learned from seeing neil gaiman speak: when he first wanted the book published, his editor said it was too scary. He suggested she read it to her young daughter, and then decide. So she did, and her daughter wasn’t afraid, and it was published. Years later, Gaiman was sitting next to that daughter at an event and told her this story, and she said “oh I was terrified I just didn’t want to tell my mom”.

Coraline WAS too scary to be published, but exists anyway because a girl lied to her mother.


@neil-gaiman, is this true about the publisher’s daughter?


It was my literary agent, Merrilee Heifetz who read it and said “you can’t seriously expect this to be published as a children’s book.” So I suggested she read it to her daughters. And she called me back a week later and said “They love it and they weren’t scared at all. I’ll take it to Harper Children’s.”

A decade later, at the Opening Night of the Coraline musical, I was sitting next to Morgan, Merilee’s youngest daughter, and told her how her not being scared had made the book happen. And she said “I was terrified. But I needed to find out what happened next. So nobody knew.”

So, yes.

This website can be toxic at times, but the fact that people can just tag Neil Gaiman to get his input, like a sorcerer invoking a benevolent spirit, is definitely a bright spot.


Capitalism at its best.  Some role models we should all consider.  I am a fan of Hagen Daz, but after reading this, I need to get me some Cherry Garcia!

I just need to work for them tbh 


And they openly support Black Lives Matter. They are GOLD ❤️

they also have an AMAZING dairy free almondmilk ice cream. changed my life

They’ve also gone in front of congress to testify that every shitty business’s claims that minimum wage hikes are bad are complete bullshit

Ben and Jerry have also been arrested for peaceful protest at least one time, so we know they’re the coolest

Let’s go out and get some Ben and Jerry’s y’all



Finally, a good fucking company


This chair is for the Gays only and yall know it



I truly appreciate all the folks in the tags with Autism and/or ADHD just freaking out in delight that this even exists.




the funniest hp lovecraft story is the one where some guy’s family offended an evil wizard who then cursed his entire family saying that all the men would die before they hit like 30. the protagonist is going crazy trying to find a spell to break the curse and then the big reveal was that the wizard was literally just breaking into their house and killing them himself. 


Sonic The Hedgehog (2020) | First trailer design vs. redesigned Sonic from the new trailer


there is no way in hell the original design wasn’t a marketing stunt to get everyone to praise their new “redesign”


There is actual merchandise with the old design so it was set in stone before fan outcry

Well, that is a pretty good dent in the “this was all planned” theory.


I HATE Elon Musk saying shit about how we need to preserve humanity by making other planets inhabitable before Earth isn’t inhabitable… if we can make MARS, a genuine lifeless shithole, or any other barren planet near us, into a habitable planet, why not just do that to post-climate disaster Earth? The planet that specifically suits our species? I’ve talked about this before but like, Earth will ALWAYS be more habitable than any other planet because we specifically evolved to survive here, even if it gets fucked up by climate change, living on here will still be better than living on mars or the fucking moon or whatever.

EARTH is a unique phenomena and if we lose it we will probably NEVER find anything like it again. This isn’t fucking Star Trek. I doubt we’re gonna find an “M Class Planet” or whatever within close range of travel. This is the world we have. If we can “FIX” some freezing lifeless rock like Mars than we can fix earth.

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