@noisyjoints / noisyjoints.tumblr.com

um i moved blogs the wrong way

wait all of u guys are still actually on here... blogging and stuff


pride should not have ticket prices. pride should not have cishet people in the spotlight instead of lgbt+ people. pride should not be just another party that straight people gravitate towards for the music and to treat lgbt+ people like we’re a zoo.

this is extremely personal but I’m 21 and I’m not even in a safe enough place to go to Pride yet. I’ve ID’d as gay and trans since I was about 14 and I still can’t go to pride and know I’ll come home to a safe bed to sleep in and wake up to loving parents and it’s so exhausting to go to work the next day and hear that Homophobic Hannah can’t come in because she’s so hungover from ~partying at pride~ all night when any other night of the year she thinks I’m God’s Mistake and that I should shut up about liking girls. it’s disgusting that straight people can be safer at Pride than gay people. it’s not for you.


u kno wat?/ im tired of this blog trying to be what i want it to be with 10-15k posts about shit i dont care about anymore just sitting there. follow @kiri0n i’ll be gradually moving to there. i’ll need to make an anime blog for that to happen though guess i’ll use @transfushi k bye



lmao what???? pride is literally a celebration of LGBT+ people. it’s for US.

…………Pride was literally created for the explicit purpose of celebrating LGBT+ people. it is not for celebrating cishet identities. like that’s just…. not what it is. you don’t get to just change the definition of Pride lmao


ariana grande getting to preform at a pride festival after mocking trans people in her music videos and using wlw for shock value really proves that cishets need to be hunted for sport

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