
Desert Sands


A picture blog following my FFXIV characters. Mostly this is for archive purposes but feel free to follow anyway! I'll be happy to answer any questions asked within reason, so ask away! Click here for a list of my characters.

Manic Mammets

((Character: R’jhet Nunh))

E’er since we took down Grimm Lynn, work has been kinda slow. Sure, the Grand Companies seemed ta really appreciate us an’ gave us some much needed fundin’, buh that wasn’t gonna last forever. Ah finally got a hook fer some work, but it seemed really fishy. Usually Ah’d pass on work Ah din’t trust but...it’d been a bit an’ we needed the work. We rented out an airship from the Flames and bore our colors into Ishgardian territory.

Ah brought along two veterans...an’ Ah use tha’ term loosely mind ya, an’ two of our new folk. Didi an’ Mirara were as eager fer the work as Ah was. We recently hired a new engineer named Zwight, and as soon as Ah mentioned this job involved experimental mammets he was ready ta go! A fella bah the name of Nevi also joined us fer his first mission.

Once there we met up with a machinist named Doctor Lumenaux, our client. He explained tha’ he hired us as a third party cause his work wasn’t illegal, but would be frowned upon bah his countrymen. He was tryin’ to artificially recreate the echo in mammets, an’ claimed he had succeeded not once but -five- times! He introduced us to one of ‘em, a lil’ warrior named Wibble. Wibble told us the other four had been stolen by a rival; Doctor Surly. With no sign of funny business, we set out to find the missin’ mammets.

We found the tower easily ‘nuff thanks to a small drone that was able to track one’a the mammets. We still had to get past the tower’s automatic defenses though. Luckily Zwight was -easily- able ta sneak up an’ disable them all. Ah don’t regret hirin’ him at all! He even managed ta do somethin’ to the mechanical door leadin’ inside an’ got us inside safely.

Not far from the entrance we got stuck in a trapped hallway. Again Zwight’s quick thinkin’ saved the day. He pried off a panel of wall and fiddled with the wires n’ doodads, somehow deactivatin’ the trap. While he did that, Mirara managed ta use some peanut oil to unlock the cage walls keepin’ us from progressin’. The team is really comin’ together.

We finally got to the rival doctor, an’ between Nevi an’ Mirara he was knocked out cold bah a few well placed sleep spells. We saw one mammet being worked on, buh it wasn’t one’a the four we needed. Zwight found -those- in a store closet. While they were thankin’ us, Nevi searched the doctor’s pockets...and looked confused. He showed us a note and explained that it seemed we’d been duped. Dr. Surly had invented the mammets, and Dr. Lumenaux was the thief! Suddenly the mammets grew hostile...and Nevi uttered a code word, which caused their brain washin’ to wear off. They then verified Surly’s story, and said this research was fully sanctioned by Ishgard. We agreed to check it out, and Surly even volunteered to be brought back in chains if needed. We indeed brought him in, and Ishgard’s knights confirmed the story. When we went to confront Lumenaux both he and Wibble were gone! Somehow they’d been tipped off. Zwight managed to figure out the drone, which belonged to the mammet named Demo Legion, had been rigged to send information back to Lumenaux. Both the guards and Surly said they would inform us the moment they had a lead. For now though, we were allowed to return home and get some rest.

Your dashboard has been blessed by Dancing Hildibrand. May you find the sort of luck only our dear inspector seems to have.

Visual representation of how the Solar System travels through the Milky Way

via reddit



So a lot of debate has gone over Viera men, and if we are going to see them. I just wanna say… I think we will. 

Viera appear to have heavy similarities to Keepers of the Moon. Which, are another group of ‘mainly females and the men don’t live with the tribe’.

I really like this, as it -really- makes Viera men out to be rugged survivalists, and -integral- in the protection/care for their homeland. In fact, it’s this self same duty, that will most likely be the justification for them to break away from their usual solitude. Most likely, we will find their woods under attack, or some great threat. *Cough, the aether mysteriously thinning around the world, cough cough* That will provide a great danger, and a high -need- for them to go out into the world. 

There have been a lot of calls that it makes sense lore wise to not have male VIera… And I can agree. But, at the same time… Miqo’te men, and Duskwights. Both are said to be just as elusive as our anticipated release, but we still have them. Most likely, they’re just saving up to march for the big reveal. So as they say…


two geniuses in a fullmetal heart


my bad, should have reblogged from here. 


Oh my gods, guys, this looks so useful!!

Reblogging for future reference.

A reference I desperately needed

For both drawing ref and survival(if a scenario comes to being stuck on a boat like that that’s is) or writing


What Shape Does Your Pain Take? - R’jhet Nunh

You have chains, keeping you linked to something you'd rather leave behind. Maybe this is a bad family, traumatic event, toxic relationship... But something's keeping you trapped there, and you don't know how to escape it. You can turn the chain around, to help you instead of trap you... Can't you?

tagged by: @mai-takeda (Thank you for the tag, and thanks for being patient waiting on me to answer it.)


Felt like animating Miqo’te ear flaps and I haven’t animated B’raemha yet

Don’t tell anyone I told you this but you can use Au Ra horns to bully your girlfriend.


Ok yeah, that's just too cute.


A Black Sheep Among the Whites.

((Character: R’jhet Nunh))

Ah gathered the Talons as soon as Ah got the message. E-Sumi-Yan of the Conjurer’s guild had replied to the letter Ah sent him. He said he had more information fer us as well as questions. He wanted us ta get to Gridania as quickly as we could, and even paid fer our airship tickets. Mirara was thrilled, seein’ as how she used to study there. Hell walkin’ those halls again would be a trip down memory lane fer me as well, though that was a lifetime ago feels like.

Bein’ in the heart of the guild again really took me back. Ah felt like mah life was comin’ full circle. It had been a bit past a decade since Ah was here last. Ah was a much different person back then Ah think. Ah hadn’t left much of an impression, though Mirara apparently had. She was quick ta offer to refill the lanterns an’ such and even promised to be extra careful and avoid making fires this time. The looks on the other conjurers’ faces spoke volumes about her track record here, and Ah couldn’t help but chuckle. Calm and patient as always, E-Sumi-Yan thanked Mirara fer comin’, and told her no chores were needed. Ah always did like that feller.

He told us he thought he knew who Grimm Lynn was, and asked us a few questions ‘bout her appearance first. Didi was able to confirm his suspicions, and he told us ‘bout a padjal he thought died in the Calamity. Her name was Lynn-U-Kemnu, and he said they were close once. He din’t go into details ‘bout her history much, as most of mah fellow Talons were more concerned with how ta stop her. Can’t say Ah blame ‘em none. He said with the help of other padjal, he could temporarily weaken her connection to the life stream an’ thus limit her power. He warned that doin’ so would probably cut off her connection to her immortals and thus doom a lotta innocents. He wanted ta focus on recoverin’ the hearts first, and that was somethin’ Ah agreed with fully. As we spoke Mirara mentioned the golem we slew awhile back, and E-Sumi-Yan had an idea. He said he could trace the magic’s source and hopefully track Lynn down. Such magics are complex though, and he’d need folks to watch his back while he performed them. Naturally, we agreed.

We gathered at an alter way out in the Shroud. E-Sumi-Yan sat with the golem’s heart in the middle of it and warned that this magic would attract aggressive elementals. We agreed to defend him as he did what he needed to do. Since there were four of us, we divided up the area around into quadrants and kept our eyes peeled.

Sure ‘nuff, elementals of all different kinds started showin’ up! They kept comin’ in at different points, and we had ta use every trick in the book ta keep ‘em off E-Sumi. We got a bit bruised fer our troubles, but managed ta hold ‘em off. When everything was over, E-Sumi reported that it was a greater success than he was hopin’ for. He not only found Lynn, but also found each of her warehouses! He said he would discuss matters with the Grand Companies and organize a raid. We would need to serve as a distraction force to keep Lynn’s attention while this happened so that E-Sumi and the other padjal could safely take over the magics keeping the immortals alive and get them to a safe place where the magics could be properly undone. Feels like everythin’ is finally comin’ to a head. We await his orders.


Cowboys are just a type of Mage: - Guns replace wands. - Big silly hats. - Ponchos replace robes. - Chaps and boots replace witch stockings. - Horse familiars. - Incantations causes the drawl. - Saloons are potion bars. - Occult takes place at High Noon instead of Full Moon.


...keepin' this.


I like when the game acknowledges the magic inherent to the world, and takes that into account for the NPCs as well as the players. Yes, Teleport is a handy way for PCs to get around, but it’s mentioned in character several times in game, with comments about people using the aetherytes, or Thancred losing his ability to do something “so simple” as Teleport (simple for a Sharlayan Archon, anyway).

While we’ve lost the detailed explanations and mechanics of Anima from 1.0, it has come up at least once in dialogue from Alphinaud that I recall. It’s not something everyone can do, but it still works when considering troop movements, as Hien leaves with the Scions, and Yugiri gathers Teleport-capable warriors to get to Ala Mhigo faster.

The world is a lot bigger than what can be shown in game, and timelines are left vague on purpose, but reminders that Teleport is an actual in-universe convenience used to move quickly between points (and why certain important characters are used as messengers, like Lyse being sent to Doma in 4.4 by the Alliance Council) really helps link gameplay and lore, and is a handy tool for writing fanfiction and roleplay scenarios.

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