
My journey learning Korean

@anctherstudent-blog / anctherstudent-blog.tumblr.com

주리 / Julie - 23 - FR - freckled // learning Korean // tea and cat lover // infj or infp // ravenpuff // calligrapher & writer // former law student // masters in entrepreneurship

10 Korean Proverbs

눈에서 멀어지면, 마음에서도 멀어진다 - Out of sight, out of mind

뜻이 있는 곳에 길이 있다 - Where there is a will, there is a way

웃음은 최고의 명약이다 - Laughter is the best medicine 

고생 끝에 낙이 온다 - At the end of hardship come happiness 

가는 말이 고와야오는 말이 곱다 -  If the outgoing words are beautiful, then the incoming words will be beautiful too

옷이 날개다 - Clothes are wings

하늘의 별 따기 - Plucking a star from the sky

시작이 반이다 - Starting is half the task

원숭이도 나무에서 떨어진다 - Even monkeys fall from trees

제 눈에 안경이다 - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


Sleep Related Vocab

  • 잠자기

커튼을 치다 to draw/close the curtains

이불을 덮다 to cover one’s self with the covers

졸다 to doze off, be sleepy

눕다 to lie down

알람을 맞추다 to set the alarm

이불을 펴다 to make the bed

불을 끄다 to turn off the lights

잠을 설치다 to have a restless night’s sleep, sleep badly

잠꼬대를 하다 to talk in one’s sleep

코를 골다 to snore

뒤척하다 to toss and turn

  • 일어나기

눈이 떠지다 one’s eyes to snap open

눈이 부시다 to be dazzling, very bright

눈을 비비다 to rub one’s eyes

하품하다 to yawn

기지개를 켜다 to stretch

알람이 올리다 the alarm goes off

알람을 끄다 to turn off the alarm

불을 켜다 to turn on the lights

침대를 정리하다 to make one’s bed

커튼을 걷다 to open the curtains

깨우다 to wake sb up

이불을 개다 to fold the bedding

늦잠을 자다 to oversleep

출처: TMIK “My Daily Routine In Korean”


Line drawing self-portrait

I don't remember if I told you already but I started my own business in 2018. I'm a French calligrapher (and somewhat illustrator, but I'm still learning a lot about that). It's called et cætera studio and you can find my Instagram at @etcaetera.studio if you're curious ✨

About me learning Korean, I haven't been studying grammar as much as I should lately and it makes me feel like I'll never make progress. I'm learning new vocab, yes, but that's not only what's it about to learn a language... Anyways, I just can't take the time for it right now, and learning vocab is better than nothing.

At the end of February my masters is ending. So it'll gave me more time for Korean. But I'll also have to work for my internship (+ my business) and also getting my nose in Spanish again. I'm thinking of getting a job which involves me having to be really bilingual in Spanish and I haven't practiced much these past two years 🙈 So I'll have to work real hard for that.

This is enough of me talking about myself. It's already past midnight, I hadn't realise and I must get some sleep before tomorrow.

See you soon friends ✨



The following words are words that are commonly used in a daily conversation. These are helpful and good to know especially to those who are still in a beginner level and to those who are still building up their vocabulary in Korean.

* 자주 - frequently / often

* 가끔 - sometimes

* 거의 - almost

* 계속 - continuously

* 똑바로 / 바로 - straight

* - please

* 가장 - most

* 먼저 - ahead / first

* 우선 - in the first place

* 매우 / 무척 / 아주 - very

* 너무 - too / so

* 얼마나 - how long/much/many

* 정말 - really

* - really / very

* 많이 - many

* 약간 - a few / little

* 전혀 - none / not at all

* - well

* 일찍 - early

* 이따가 - later

* 못 / 안 - not

* - more

* 모두 / 다 / 전부 - all / whole

* 또 / 다시 - again / once more

* 따로 - separately

* 주로 - mainly / usually

* 간단히 - simply

* 갑자기 - suddenly

* 빨리 / 어서 - fast / quickly

* 천천히 - slowly

* 같이 - together

* 벌써 - already

* - soon

* 새로 - newly

* 금방 - soon

* 방금 - just now / seconds ago

* 늘 / 항상 - always

* 조용히 - quietly

* 열심히 - eagerly

* 언제나 - whenever

* 오래 - for a long time

* 없이 - without

* 아까 / 좀전에 - a while ago

* 특히 / 특별히 - especially

* 아직 - yet

* 미리 - in advance

* 바로 - right now

* 직접 - directly

* 깜빡 - with surprise

* - firmly / just

* 아마도 - probably

* 별로 - particularly

* 그냥 - just

* 서로 - with each other


This is literally my FAVE korean sentence structure guide. 

Sentences in Korean are completely different to English and this is what can confuse most Korean learners. It is also a good reminder of what each particle is used for and where to place them within sentences (I still get confused with my particles sometimes) 


Korean Numbers

Hey there! Korean has TWO number systems, and each is complex in their own way. There are the NATIVE and SINO number system.


  • 하나 - one
  • 둘 - two
  • 셋 - three
  • 넷 - four
  • 다섯 - five
  • 여섯 - six
  • 일곱 - seven
  • 여덟 - eight
  • 아홉 - nine
  • 열 - ten
  • 열하나 - eleven
  • 열둘 - twelve
  • 열셋 - thirteen
  • 스물 - twenty
  • 서른 - thirty
  • 마흔 - fourty
  • 쉰 - fifty
  • 예순 - sixty
  • 일흔 - seventy
  • 여든 - eighty
  • 아흔 - ninety

Use of Native-Korean Number system: telling time - hours, counting people/objects, age, counting months/years/weeks, times you did something


  • 일 - one
  • 이 - two
  • 삼 - three
  • 사 - four
  • 오 - five
  • 육 - six
  • 칠 - seven
  • 팔 - eight
  • 구 - nine
  • 십 - ten
  • 십일 - eleven
  • 십이 - twelve
  • 십삼 - thirteen
  • 이십 - twenty
  • 이십일 - twenty-one
  • 삼십 - thirty
  • 사십 - fourty
  • 오십 - fifty
  • 육십 - sixty
  • 칠십 - seventy
  • 팔십 - eighty
  • 구십 - ninety
  • 백 - one hundred
  • 천 - one thousand
  • 만 - ten thousand

Use of Sino-Korean Number system: telling time - seconds/minutes, months, math, temperature, money, floors (of a building), measurements, date/birth date

Examples of NATIVE:

  1. 저는 열한살 입니다 - I am 11 years old
  2. 네명 있습니다 - there are 4 people

Examples of SINO:

  1. 저는 일월에 태어났다 - I was born in January - 1 month
  2. 이 더하기 삼 - 2 + 3

EXCEPTIONS: When adding a counter in Korean, these 6 numbers have an exception! NATIVE - 하나 -> 한 - 둘 -> 두 - 셋 -> 세 - 넷 -> 네 SINO - 육 -> 유 - 십 -> 시



양궁 - Archery 

야구 - Baseball

농구 - Basketball 

비치발리 - Beach volleyball

복싱 - Boxing

볼링 - Bowling

카누 - Canoeing 

펜싱 - Fencing 

미식축구 - Football (American)

골프 - Golf 

체조 - Gymnastics

하키 - Hockey 

유도 - Judo

조정 - Rowing

달리기 - Running

스키 - Skiing

축구  - Soccer (Football)

소프트볼 - Softball

수영 - Swimming

탁구 - Table tennis

태권도 - Taekwondo 

테니스 - Tennis

배구 - Volleyball

역도 - Weightlifting 

레슬링 - Wrestling



양궁 - Archery 

야구 - Baseball

농구 - Basketball 

비치발리 - Beach volleyball

복싱 - Boxing

볼링 - Bowling

카누 - Canoeing 

펜싱 - Fencing 

미식축구 - Football (American)

골프 - Golf 

체조 - Gymnastics

하키 - Hockey 

유도 - Judo

조정 - Rowing

달리기 - Running

스키 - Skiing

축구  - Soccer (Football)

소프트볼 - Softball

수영 - Swimming

탁구 - Table tennis

태권도 - Taekwondo 

테니스 - Tennis

배구 - Volleyball

역도 - Weightlifting 

레슬링 - Wrestling


I Want To in Korean

-고 싶어요 means “I want to ___”.


First drop the -다 from the verb, then add -고 싶어요 to the verb stem. For example, to say I want to eat, remove the -다 from 먹다, then add -고 싶어요. You will get 먹고 싶어요. 


더 먹고 싶어요 - I want to eat more

책을 읽고 싶어요 - I want to read a book

한국어를 배우고 싶어요 - I want to learn Korean

More ways to learn:


한국어 어휘 : 직업 (Job/Work Vocabulary)

사업가 - businessman 운전기사 - driver 선생님 - teacher 보모 - nanny 학생 - student 우체부 - postman 우편집배원 - mailman 환경미화원 - sweeper, street cleaner 과학자 - scientist 디자이너 - designer 미용사 - hairdresser 마술사 - magician 화가 - painter 성악가 - vocalist 작곡가 - composer 모델 - model 배우 - actor 연기자 - actor 코미디언 - comedian 영화감독 - movie director 사진작가 - photographer 작가 - writer 요리사 - cook 제빵사 - baker 통역사 - interpreter 승무원 - flight attendant 아나운서 - announcer, anchor 프로듀서 - producer 군인 - soldier 운동선수 - athlete 컴퓨터 프로그래머 - computer programmer 엔지니어 - engineer 목수 - carpenter 배관공 - plumber

직업 - job 농부 - farmer 어부 - fisherman 의사 - doctor 수의사 - veterinarian 치과 의사 - dentist 간호사 - nurse 변호사 - lawyer 검사 - prosecutor 판사 - judge 경찰관 - police officer 소방관 - firefighter

경호원 - bodyguard 경비원 - security guard 회사원 - company employee



TOPIK Level II Vocabulary

I have been studying some past tests for TOPIK Level II and here are some vocabulary words I encountered! These particular words are from test #47

1. 감소하다 decrease/ diminish

2. 경우 case/ circumstance

3. 분야 area/field/branch/realm

4. 분야별 sector(al)/ field

5. 세부 details/particulars

6. 통계 statistics/ stats

7. 문학 literature

8. 고전 classic(s) (ex: literature)

9. (자기) 계발 (self) improvement/ develop

10. 유아 child/toddler/preschooler

11. 농구 basketball

12. 배구 volleyball

13. 켜다 turn on /light up

14. 끄다 put out/ extinguish - turn off/ shut down

15. 환기하다 ventilate - arouse/ awaken/ stir up

16. 참석 attend(ance)/ be present

17. 결석 (be) absent

18. 명단 list/ roll/ directory/ register

19. 배치 arrangement/ placement

20. 인원 the number of people/ persons

21. 수 number (of)

22. 두통 headache/ migraine

23. 정확하다 accurate/ correct/ exact/ precise

24. 전시(회) exhibit/ display (exhibition show)

25. 자료 material/ data/ reference


Veggie Vocab - 채소 어휘

  • 버섯 - mushroom
  • 당근 - carrot
  • 감자 - potato
  • 양파 - onion
  • 고구마 - sweet potato (very popular snack in Korea, especially in winter!)
  • 마늘 - garlic
  • 무 - radish
  • 완두공 - peas
  • 호박 - pumpkin
  • 오이 - cucumber
  • 상추 - lettuce
  • 양배추 - cabbage
  • 피망 - bell pepper


  • 토마토 - tomato
  • 브로콜리 - broccoli
  • 셀러리 - celery

Example Sentences:

  1. 고구마 좀 더 주세요. - Please give me more sweet potato.
  2. 버섯을 좋아하세요? - Do you like mushrooms?
  3. 당근은 맛있어요! - Carrot is delicious!

Daily Korean vocab 1

표현하다: to express

충동: impulse/shock

일반: usual/normal

참고하다: to refer to/consult

청중: audience

연락하다: to contact (someone)

양초: candle

시합: competition

수출하다: to export

붓다: to be swollen


Daily Korean vocab 2

각도: angle

거절하다: to refuse

대규모: large-scale

들어보다: to listen

떨어지다: to be dropped

명사: noun

반딧불: firefly

보수적이다: to be conservative

유행: trend

화해하다: to reconcile (with someone)


Daily Korean vocab 3

가격: price

결재하다: to approve

돌려보다: to turn and look

본능적으로: instinctively

운: luck


Daily Korean vocab 4

농장: farm

당국: authorities

따르다: to pour

문단: paragraph

심각하다: to be serious/critical


Daily Korean vocab 5

경험하다: to experience

기적: miracle

동사: verb

미끄럽다: to be slippery

밤중: the middle of the night

삼키다: to swallow

성취하다: to accomplish

예술가: artist

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