
ace witch adventures


asks are always open // search on tapastic

Hey guys! I have a Twitter!!!

Been posting there more lately and if u want to see me make art, share others art, and talk about Nintendo, jjba, and TAZ then feel free to come by! I’d link but Tumblr doesn’t allow that now lmao sorry

I was wanting to do a give away once I reach 200 followers on there!

Hey guys!! Incase y'all are jumping ship and you still wanna see my stuff, I have a Twitter!!!


Hey guys, this is my Twitter! I plan on rebooting victory witch in the next few years because a lot of the source material was lost in a hard drive crash!

If you still wanna see jokes and art by me, I'll be on Twitter!!


My ace witch friend recommended to find witches because there are multiple ace witches hello mutual ace


im not actually a witch but now i know TWO whole entire ace witches??? life is a wonder! (also your icon is very good) HELLO!!

Anonymous asked:

Is it bad that I already love Honey? I hope he makes all the new friends his heart can hold.

it is NOT bad that you like honey! honey is a treasure!! AND IT LOOKS LIKE HE HAS ALREADY MADE A FRIEND

Anonymous asked:

Honey is so cute! he looks like typhlosion but what is he?

THANK YOU! he was/// unshockingly/// directly inspired by Typhlosion/// 

Honey is an enchanted shadow! He acts as an assist creature for his master like a seeing eye dog or etc.

Anonymous asked:

Okay, so we know that Nike's ace, ofc, and at least romantically likes boys... but what are Fi's sexual/romantic preferences? Judging by that Ace Day comic, she isn't, so I'm curious! Also, unrelated, but if the Jackson reaction gif is any indication, I'm going to guess you like kpop... Are you aware that there's an A-Daily song that shares your name?

i know this is very late! but Filia is a bisexual! she was often depicted in bisexual and gay flag colors in promo art! and i actually dont listen to kpop, so i didnt knoq that at all! i just used a gif i found online////


hey im sorry

but i am pretty sure i hurt my wrist kinda badly. its uncomfortable to move and popping very often, so needless to say i didnt draw any for this weeks episode. ill try to draw enough for an episode for next week but again im sorry!

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