
Bad English Shipper



Azula's opportunities to kill Zuko (that she never took)

Many ATLA fans claim "Azula was always trying to kill Zuko." However, a cursory examination of the series reveals that Azula had many opportunities to easily kill Zuko that she never took.

"The Chase"-During the Azula vs. Aang vs. Zuko battle, Azula disables Zuko and renders him unconscious. However, instead of taking a half second to finish off her helpless opponent or at least make sure he can't get up, Azula ignores him to continue her chase of Aang.

"The Crossroads of Destiny"-Azula captures Zuko. Instead of killing him or torturing him or anything like that, she leaves him unharmed.

"The Crossroads of Destiny" through the Day of Black Sun-Azula probably could have easily have had Zuko covertly killed off, especially before the Fire Teens return to the Fire Nation. She had the whole Dai Li working for her, after all. And who would have cared if the disgraced, banished prince "accidentally" fell overboard and drowned? Instead, Azula makes Zuko a war hero.

Boiling Rock, Part II-Azula could easily have ordered the gondola lines cut so that Zuko, Sokka, Hakoda, Suki, Chit Sang, and the Warden fell to their deaths in the boiling lake. That would have been the easy thing to do. Instead, Azula took the much more risky route of trying to capture the escapees herself. It was the Warden who ordered the lines cut, a decision which nearly killed Azula and Ty Lee.

Sozin's Comet-After Azula's lightning disables Zuko, she could have easily finished Zuko off. Katara was forced into hiding, and it would have taken only a split second for Azula's comet-enhanced firebending to seal the deal, while Azula's dialogue suggests she knew or believed that Zuko was still alive. However, she leaves him alone, and her comments suggest that the idea of getting him medical attention has at least crossed Azula's mind.

If "Azula always wanted to kill Zuko," why did she avoid killing him at so many clear-cut opportunities?


Maybe the reason Azula is often a jerk to Zuko isn't just because Ozai trying to divide the Fire Siblings. Maybe it's also because Zuko is often a jerk to her and never does anything kind for her.


Cuz that justifies telling him his father is going to kill him

anti zuko stans have suffered some specific ass trauma that resulted in them becoming media illiterate

Ozai was, in fact, going to murder Zuko. Would you prefer Azula hide the truth from Zuko? Tell him "just go to bed, relax, and fall asleep, no one is going to kill you while you're sleeping?"

Like, I don't think Azula handled the situation particularly well or nicely or anything, but she was like seven, and the absolute monarch of her nation had just ordered her father to kill her older brother, and he had said yes. And mind you, she's been taught to obey and worship both the Firelord and her father. How could she have handled the situation well?

Also talking about whether a seven year old's actions are "justified" or not is insane. Seven year old's are not adults. They're not even teenagers. They're practically babies.


This girl can't win with these people, can she? What would they rather Azula do, lie to Zuko? Oh wait, no, then she's terrible if she does that.

"Azula always lies" is really "Azula tells Zuko truths he doesn't want to hear and it makes him mad". In fact, the next time we see her actually lie to Zuko (on the ship), he literally pulls (fire) knives on her to try to literally stab her in the back.


i'm very annoying reading azula time-travel redemption fic just to save zuko and ursa ass🙄️

bruh i'm annoy every azula redemption fic

just leave azula alone, bruh


There are like five billion arranged marriage Zvtara fics in existence and even a few arranged marriage Yuezula ones(they tend to be bangers!), but about zero arranged marriage Azutara ones and that's a shame.


Canon Tyzula: murder buddies with deep psychological issues and a mutual proclivity toward manipulation. Also, sometimes Azula comforts Ty Lee.

Fanon Tyzula: Look how soft and caring Ty Lee is toward Azula!

For real it drives me nuts because we see how bratty and into fighting Ty Lee really is and... I'm here for the bratty bottom Ty Lee renaissance.


Apparently the defenders of abusive mothers returned or, well, they were active again. no wonder Zuko's stans always look for an excuse for Ursa

Ty Lee: I’ve forgotten you.
Azula: Ok.
Ty Lee: Do you hear me? You have been forgotten.
Azula: Sure.
Ty Lee: I don’t wanna know anything about you.
Azula: Fine.
Ty Lee: You are dead to me.
Azula: So you are in bed with a corpse.
Ty Lee: I hate you so much.
Azula: Cool. No cuddles then?
Ty Lee: No no, I’ll cuddle you but with hate.

"azula chose to be this way. she chose ozai"

ursa left her when she was 8. zuko and iroh left her when she was 11. she was alone with ozai for 3 years. who could she have chosen exactly?


yeah, she were the one being chose and abandon, when everything is settle down and tell me she chose this path and giving her mercy for redemption is just so funny


I think,,, the problem with Zuko is that he doesn't understand the concept of consequences and not in the sense that he thinks he should be allowed to do whatever he wants, i just think he never grasped cause and effect, like he doesn't see something happen and think "this happened as a result of other things" he just thinks things happen randomly unless he sees a painfully obvious mouse trap-esque set of events. Like he doesn't see his arc, one day he was just good and everything else is unrelated, and thats why he doesn't seem to put effort into long term goals like trying to make people better, he doesnt think azula needs a support system to get better, he thinks she just needs one push and she'll be good because thats what he thinks happened to him.


Actually I dont mind read Zuko is a good brother fanfic, but I just dislike under this Azula is a bad/crazy/evil that want Zuko to die, Azula get to live/whatever etc good thing is because Zuko Mercy

The thing fandom post war Zuko always said“ Azula is my sister even she is evil/crazy or whatever please give her a second chance…”⬅️This is top one Zuko I hate the most, is not hate, is more like yikes hypocrisy, but if invest more about it just so realistic

For what we know, at OG he doesn't even “cared” that Azula is his sister or not, and this type he get everything and mercy to the loser is just so suddenly yikes

Which get me to think fandom writers in other way deep down project them to zuko? is kinda like show the loser that how good the winner are, is kinda winner phycology? But is hard to realise it.

Dont know how to describe it. Is like you know “if you defeat better person/knowing people better then you lost/or whatever, you will eventually having some way to let the people know that they are not that good”phycology

Anonymous asked:

Being realistic there is no way the Fire Nation would blindly accept Zuko and demonize Azula. It would probably be the other way around with Zuko struggling to actually gain any sort of popularity or support


This blog is officially 2-years-old today! 🥳 Thank you all fellow Kataang and Maiko fans for keeping it going!


"azula and aang shouldn't become friends at all cause of what she did to him"

mind you aang became best friends with the guy who was hunting him for 3 years and even forgave the nation that wiped out the air nomads


that guy even kidnap his friend, burn his friend village, send assassin to them etc🫤



too tall


We need to see how Katara secretly enjoys Azula being taller than her


Analyzing the “Azula Apologizes to Ty Lee” Scene from a Different Angle

So there is one scene from the “Beach” which is particularly famous; you can view it here. People have made much hay in the past out of how it’s the “only” time Azula shows empathy(it’s not) or the only time Azula sincerely apologizes(which is true, but the only sincere apology Iroh ever gives is to Lu Ten’s dead body).  However, it’s one of the very few scenes which have Azula and Ty Lee interact outside of combat situations, and I think we can tell a lot about their relationship from it. Much, much more under the cut.

Something I just noticed.

Azula: “For some reason when I meet boys they act as if I’m going to do something horrible to them.”

Ty Lee: (laughing) “But you probably would do something horrible to them.”

Azula: *doesn’t get even a little bit mad*

Ty Lee makes a joke about Azula to her face, and Azula doesn’t retaliate or get upset. Like, at all.

Even Mai doesn’t respond so well to Ty Lee’s teasing! In S2, when Ty Lee pokes fun at her about her “totally depressing” make-up, Mai gets openly annoyed by it and reacts with sarcasm.

For all that fandom assumes that Azula is threatening or putting down Mai and Ty Lee at every turn, she takes their quirks, flaws, and failures in stride.

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