

@waekey / waekey.tumblr.com


Your Simblreen treats are absolutely amazing!!😍 Everything looks lovely! Ah, once again, you never disappoint, Waekey! Thank you!!!!!!!


Woah! Thank YOOOU! I’m so happy you like them! 🥰❤️❤️


always coming in to save the day<3 tysm for this years treats!! can't wait to use them hehe


Thanks for coming! :D can’t wait to see you use them! 🥰🥰🥰

Anonymous asked:

Just seen the gift! OMG YOU DID AMAZING My Favorite simblreen gifts of 2022. Thank you for your hard work !

Waaaaah thank you! I’m so happy you like them! 💕

Was so worth the work! ;D

Anonymous asked:

miss you and blowing you a kis

Aaw, why am I lying in bed all day… QwQ

I’m joking. I am just tired whenever I get home from work but it’s not even like my job is super exhausting. I just spend a lot of time watching videos before going to sleep so I end up sleeping super late. 🤣 (…which I should stop doing. :|)

I will begin looking for inspiration again; thank you for the motivation. 🥹


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