
Findings of a Lurker

@derberner / derberner.tumblr.com

A blog of stuff.

Welcome to the Protestant Work Ethic where if you are not working for 16 hours a day you are a Sinner that will Burn In Hell. Unless of course you are rich in which case you are Blessed by God and can go to Heaven without lifting a finger.

heard a story on a podcast that some Christian missionaries showed these rural Cambodian farmers how to double their crop yields. the missionaries came back a year later and were surprised the Cambodians had grown basically the same amount of crops but the farmers were like “yeah this is great, we got everything we need for the year and only had to do half as much work”

and if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the current North American work environment I don't know what will


for college i want to start making chimera plushies but i cant stand the idea of cutting up a plushie..

i cannot express how distraught this question makes me feel


So many people do not understand the relationship between climate change and cold weather.

If you see this post it is important to send it to someone else so they too can understand

People hardly ever change their minds in front of you...the conversation becomes one of a series of slow drips that builds up to a realization


Here it finally is, the full cetacean eye colour info sheet! A long time coming, and an even longer time in the making. I hope that all you cetacean eye curious people will find this one as fascinating as the killer whale eye colour post. It’s a wild world out there! 


job interviewer: ok thats all for me do you have any questions before we move on?

me: what if a dracula show up 😰

interviewer: omg fuck😖 no. just no.


almost none of the reasons why i support abortion rights have anything to do with babies. really it’s more about the fact that I think the government shouldn’t be able to force you to lend all your organs to someone else and change irreparably in the process. is a fetus a person? I don’t care! If it is a person, I don’t want anyone to be forced to host one against their will! If it isn’t a person, guess what? Nobody should be forced to host one against their will! What’s a soul? What’s a person? When does life begin? IRRELEVANT! A world in which the government can force anyone to manufacture an entirely new human body at the cost of their own is not a world I want to live in!


i keep getting recommended videos about how minecraft isn't fun anymore and it's mojangs fault. i think its such a fascinating phenomenon because i think at least 70% of that comes down to anything getting a little stale when it's all you do for years and years. of course you're going to not feel like something is as fun as it used to be, you started playing minecraft when you were 11 and you are 23 now with a job. things change and you are experiencing it.

my favourite tidbit about this issue is that 9 times out of 10 the person making the video isn't even playing the way the developers intended, and are instead constantly farming and minmaxing their way to the end instead of sitting down to have fun. "if they just took away this exploit and that exploit", they say, forgetting they can just not use those exploits...

the biggest "problem" with minecraft is that you have to make your own fun, and i think some of (not all, definitely not all) these people have forgotten how to do that.


"if they just removed iron farms it'd be fun again!!!!!!"


the image is from an article on skin color measurement in regards to oximetry readings, it was the best I could find as far as having a decent range but a small enough number to fit in a poll

no you guys need to see these results it's really funny and also hits you like a fucking truck


every prehistoric human reconstruction has me thinking “I want to smoke weed with this bitch”

she looks like she would have been an awesome neighbor, like she would have loved menthols and called me baby

“a Cheeto could have killed a Victorian child” but the opposite. Neanderthals would have loved to go to Hardee’s and get a burger with me.

neanderthals would have walked hand in hand with me into hell (buccees opening day)

When I saw this article two years ago and found out Neanderthals were seasoning their food 70,000 years ago, I teared up thinking about how they never got to try things like beef jerky and Doritos.


They never got to snap into a slim jim

Their descendants get to. Which is awesome. It’s important to remember that. Denisovans and Neanderthals and other yet undiscovered archaic humans who contributed to the human genome may have technically gone extinct but they do live on in modern human populations. Which is bittersweet to think about.

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