
Self Inserting

@no-rom-self-insert / no-rom-self-insert.tumblr.com

Run by some headmates in a system who wanted some more content for self inserting that isn't romance! Here we post things related to non-romance-based self inserts!

The system behind this has been thinking of reviving this blog, so here we are!

This blog is for self inserting that isn't inherently romantic. This blog isn't anti-self shipping, but serves to try to push back over how dominating romance-focus content is with self insert and how amatonormative the community can be, and provide resources to those who are looking for self insert that isn't romance-focused.

Please reblog this post if you have a self insert blog that is not completely focused on self shipping! We were struggling to find those


with valentines day being so soon, romance is likely gonna get pushed in the self ship even more so than it already was. so, hey, shout out to all the aro self shippers!! y'all are so incredibly lovely, and there is nothing at all wrong with not having romantic f/os. i hope you have a wonderful valentines day with your platonic and familial f/os, because you deserve it!! 💕💞💗💗💕💘💓💝💖💗💕💓💓💝💖


Alternate Terms For Platonic/Familial F/Os

We’ve seen some discussion here and there about how people who self insert might not be comfortable calling fictional friends or family F/Os, as it stands for fictional other and is more associated romance. I was surprised no one has purposed any alternate terms yet, so I’ll give it a shot. 
Reasons for these terms are the following: 
1. It’s less clunky than writing platonic F/O, parental F/O, etc. The main use of F/O also feels like it’s prioritizing romantic relationships with non-romantic relationships as an afterthought. 
2. In some cases calling a character an F/O can be unclear or confusing about the relationship. 
3. Some may be uncomfortable calling characters they view as family a word that comes from significant other or is based on shipping. 

F/F or Fictional Friend, a character who one views as having a friend relation towards them in self insert or other context. F/Fr or FFr can also be used to prevent confusion between FF as in Fanfic and F/F. 

Exampe: Ribbot from Animal Crossing is my F/F, and I like to draw my self insert as being friends with him. 

F/QPP or fictional Queer Platonic Partner, a character who one views as being a queerplatonic partner in self insert or other context.

Example: Viktor from Slime Rancher is my F/QPP. 

F/R or Fictional Relation, a character who one views as having a family relation towards them in self insert or other context.

Terms can also come from this in F/CR being fictional child relation, F/PR being fictional parent relation, F/SR being fictional sibling relation, etc. 

Example: I have an F/R with Ash from Pokemon, he’s my F/SR because I grew up with the series and I write us in self inserts as siblings. 

I’m going to try to spread this around, sorry if any of you didn’t want to be pinged! 

@platonic-f-o-things​ @fictional-buddy-imagines​ @selfshipshoutouts​ @selfshippingmailbox​ @selfshipbulletin​ @fictionalarocrushes​ @fictional-crush-imagines @incorrectselfshipquotes


Alternate Terms For Platonic/Familial F/Os

We’ve seen some discussion here and there about how people who self insert might not be comfortable calling fictional friends or family F/Os, as it stands for fictional other and is more associated romance. I was surprised no one has purposed any alternate terms yet, so I’ll give it a shot. 
Reasons for these terms are the following: 
1. It’s less clunky than writing platonic F/O, parental F/O, etc. The main use of F/O also feels like it’s prioritizing romantic relationships with non-romantic relationships as an afterthought. 
2. In some cases calling a character an F/O can be unclear or confusing about the relationship. 
3. Some may be uncomfortable calling characters they view as family a word that comes from significant other or is based on shipping. 

F/F or Fictional Friend, a character who one views as having a friend relation towards them in self insert or other context. F/Fr or FFr can also be used to prevent confusion between FF as in Fanfic and F/F. 

Exampe: Ribbot from Animal Crossing is my F/F, and I like to draw my self insert as being friends with him. 

F/QPP or fictional Queer Platonic Partner, a character who one views as being a queerplatonic partner in self insert or other context.

Example: Viktor from Slime Rancher is my F/QPP. 

F/R or Fictional Relation, a character who one views as having a family relation towards them in self insert or other context.

Terms can also come from this in F/CR being fictional child relation, F/PR being fictional parent relation, F/SR being fictional sibling relation, etc. 

Example: I have an F/R with Ash from Pokemon, he’s my F/SR because I grew up with the series and I write us in self inserts as siblings. 
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