
Remember Me?

@reyesshuffledbackin / reyesshuffledbackin.tumblr.com

⚓ Erica Reyes |19| Werewolf ⚓ ⚓ Unit One. Room 104
Too pretty to stay dead and too smart to return to Beacon Hills.
I wanted everything I never had Like the love that comes with light I wore envy and I hated that But I survived
“If I could offer a good description, I would give you one. But I’m not Force sensitive and even I find it quite hard to understand sometimes,” she said with a sympathetic smile. “Perhaps, but I believe if there were, our galaxy would have discovered this one sooner.”
“Must be interesting.” Erica started, curious glint still in her eyes. “Being from a different galaxy. A completely different culture.” 
Hesitation. A frown. Enjolras cast his eyes towards her, curious and confused. “– …Mon amie…’train’. I am not sure what it is that you… Locomotive?”
Erica let out a little snort at the miscommunication. Tiny wisps of smoke escaped her nose, tickling her triggering a few chuckles. “Train: to prepare for something.” She explained, flicking the ashes off the end of her cigarette. “To better yourself, normally in a physical area. Simply? Exercise.” 
“are you alright?” allura smiled weakly at the girls words, posture straightening after the collision. for a human (at least appears to be human), she was rather strong, almost causing the princess to loose her balance when running into her. though her brow raises at the next set of words as she glances down at the key. it was either hers or keiths. most likely hers. she’d been rather forgetful these past few days. “oh. thank you very much.” she spoke, reaching out towards the key. “it’s probably mine. thank you, again.” 
“You should be more careful.” Erica mused. “The normal world of Magnolia is generally a peaceful place but I find temptation is a horrible mistress.” A grin spread across Erica’s features. “Consider that my welcome to Roselake.”  
A nod of her head followed the question of clarification. “Yes, the Force. From what I’ve gathered, people on this planet are unfamiliar with it. I imagine that aren’t any Force sensitive users here on Earth, besides those from my galaxy.”
“Well, I’d be inclined to agree with you if I knew what the Force was.” Erica let out a little chuckle after she spoke. “Who knows, a lot happens on Earth. Maybe we just have a different word for it.” 
“And their alpha… I don’t know what happened to the rest of their pack. But yeah. He is. The lacrosse team know everything…. want to beat the crap out of him, force him to shift, to make people more afraid of him. I just…. I dunno what to do any more, Erica. So if I don’t know what to do, Stiles doesn’t need to get involved.”

“If you don’t want to do Stiles might.” Erica pointed out without thinking. She knew what to do. What had to be done. She clasped Scott’s shoulder over his shirt and squeezed quickly before letting go. “Tell him or don’t, it’s up to you.” Her jaw tightened. “I’m late for a long-standing appointment.” A very over due appointment. She knew where Stiles kept his keys. Those would be easy to snatch. For the other thing. Well, she had her nose. 

“Two were already killed, at least… Liam’s friends. Poisoned then hit with a car.” He said, looking down. He should be back in town with him really. “Gerard set him up so he’d wolf out in public. He’s too scared to even go back to school.”

“Killed. Two of them.” Erica took a steadying breath through her nose. Her hand rhythmically started to clench and un clench. Her mind felt like static, it was all she could do to not start shaking. “--And Liam, the one who’s too scared to return to school, their friend, he’s your beta?” 

“Stiles ‘as been busy lately, I ‘ave not ‘ad the chance to speak to ‘im much.” She explained, smiling at the other. “I cannot believe it ‘as already been four months. Though if I recall correctly, I knew back at Christmas.” She was teasing, but it was true - their Christmas meal had told her everything she needed to know about the direction their relationship would be going. “Now, back to the smoking…”
Erica groaned covering her face in her hands. That dinner with Marie had been so awkward. Mix in family issues with what she had thought was unrequited feelings and way too much flirting. “I’d rather talk about how much of an idiot I was back then,” she whined into her hands. 
“I’m from a completely different galaxy, dear. Quite far from here. I died after childbirth and my husband used the Force to bring me back to life.” 
Erica snorted. That was perfect. “The force?” she asked, amused. Sure she didn’t know how she got back or who did it but she had a pretty similar story. Except instead of space, it was lycanthropy. Oh, and murder instead of childbirth, but semantics...
“Are you sure you wanna know?” He asked, careful. It was as dangerous to fill Erica in as it was Stiles, but Erica probably still had family back there. Sighing, he drummed his fingers to his side. “…Gerards training scared amateurs to hunt. Revealing the supernatural to as many people as he can.”

“Excuse me?” It wasn’t a question, Erica held up her hand to stop Scott for even attempting to talk. She pinched at her brow as her eyes shut, just barely avoiding smudging her make up. She could feel her golden eyes burning behind her lids. She was going to kill that man. This was so far from okay. Teaching the scared to hunt? Revealing the supernatural. Most people could not deal, of course, they would turn to hunting, especially with Gerard whispering in their ears. If he did anything to her parents-- She stopped that thought. She looked back up at Scott, her brown eyes rimmed with gold. “Sounds like a bloodfest waiting to happen.” she managed through grit teeth. 

“– They ask too much for such a trick.” He flicked the ash off the end of the cigarette.
“And that is why I alway make sure to practice dodging when I train,” Erica said with a snort, finally looking down again as she brought her cigarette back up to her lips. 
allura was still confused as to how she’d gotten here, but being as she was still figuring out how to contact everyone back home, she decided it was best to just stay put. she’d just finished locking the door to whatever an apartment was and as she turned around, she ran smack into another being. “i’m so sorry!!
“No broken bones or spilled coffee; we’re good.” Erica huffed reaching out to straighten the girl before she fell. Stiles had told her often enough that running into one of her kind was tantamount to walking into a brick wall. Her eyes flickered to the number above the door. 619. Perfect. “I was looking for you anyway.” She held up the generic Roselake keyring complete with a silver key the girl’s apartment number written on the tag. “--You or your hypothetical roommate dropped your spare outside.” 
“She does, but she also loves ‘er godfather’s girlfriend.” Marie teased, nudging her slightly in amusement. “You are both still together, I assume?” Hearing Erica’s description of smoking though, Marie shook her head at her. “I do not understand you at times. You seem to be so… flippant about your own safety. It does worry me when I think about it. But, I do not want to sound as though I am trying to coddle you.”
“Very much still together,” Erica reassured, sticking with the safer subject for once. Marie was spot on, as normal, but there was only so much beating around the bush Erica could do with the Argent matriarch. “Four months as of the 13th.” 
“– Likewise,” was Enjolras’ response, and he exhaled the smoke before he continued. “– It is…difficult to not ah…piss people off, oui?”
“Trick is not ticking them off enough to shoot you,” Erica admitted distractedly as she still focused up at the sky. What would she give for a storm to come through town? Just a small break in the peace and quiet; something to relieve the tension. 
“But, he. I mean…. if there was a he… I…” Scott realised his poker face had fallen long ago, and he sighed. “… Stiles doesn’t need to get mixed up in any mess back home.”

At the mention of Beacon Hills Erica’s face fell flat. Of course, of course, that hell hole had another thing going on. Her hand went up to her forehead and she rubbed it. “You’re right about that. Besides, His Dad is here now, so most of his worries at out of that damn place.” Of course, her parents were still there, because, of course, they where. God damn, why couldn’t they move up to Washington to be closer to her mother’s sister or something? She looked back up at Scott, resignation heavy in her eyes as she spoke. “What hell was unleashed on our old home town this time?”

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