
The Red Palace

@theredpalace / theredpalace.tumblr.com

A tailor shop for all things clothing related an fashion related. Owned and run by Shani and Hahari. (anime-centric, single-ship OC RP blog)

Hey guys. Due to lack of activity and inspiration, I’m most likely going to put this blog on an indeterminate hiatus. I’m not deleting anything, I really love to reread all our plots together, but right now my creativity is going elsewhere. Feel free to message me if you have plots you’d like to RP though!

Love you all.


Kanzashi (traditional Japanese hair accesories) set for wedding, corals, semi precious stones, gilding

Itachi’s aunt and uncle couldn’t but chuckle as they took care of the bubbly girl. His uncle even added a bit of teasing, saying how cute it would be if Itachi and Hahari were together as a couple. Itachi couldn’t help but to blush a little while he smiled. 
When she was all finished, he followed her out. “I’ll walk you home if you don’t mind.” He said. “It’s the least I can do.”
Hahari blinked at the request. Then laughed. “Itachi, I live twenty blocks away, and your house is just up the street.” She giggled. “It’ll be dark by the time you’re done!”
Forty blocks in total seemed extreme. At the very least, their tea shop destination had been a midway point.
“Don’t tell me you’re going to magic yourself home in a puff of smoke!”

“I don’t mind.” Itachi said. “Besides, it’s not like I’m doing anything important at the moment. Plus I like being with you.” 

HIs Aunt and Uncle were smiling all knowingly in the background as they left. He knew they would say something if they lingered around. As he started walking, Itachi took note of everything around the two of them. He enjoyed seeing how lively the village was, especially within the Uchiha clan. So many different people going about their day.


Hahari was still giggling at his insistence on the way home, taking the shortest route for the long walk. “You know I’m going to be by your house again soon right? It’s almost summer season.” She reminded, a little amused at his obstinancy at being courteous. “Gotta get all those summer robes refitting or you might have a draft at the next festival!”

At least once a year the shop was employed to insure the family robes were the correct size and without holes. Winter was a little more demanding, as it meant resizing to keep out the cold, but Hahari had an affection for summerwear.

@theredpalace sent a random ask:
(post-advancement to Chunin) “Ugh.” Hahari held up the flak jacket, the symbol of maturity as a shinobi, with utter distaste. “Why does our promotion come with such a bland vest? It needs a total do-over!”

Sakura’s eyes stare dreamily at the jacket she trained so much for, for the past years. Seeing her hand finally holding on to the piece of garment signifying her growth as a shinobi of the Leaf, it is hard to keep the smile from growing.

“ Eh? What did you say, Hahari-chan? “ Sakura looks at her fellow pinkette, confused how come she doesn’t look as pleased, “ Mou, don’t tell me you will customise your flak jacket. Wait. Hang on…maybe. Hey, that is not a bad idea, isn’t it? “

Green eyes sparkle with excitement, memories of the fun times goofing around Hahari’s bedroom floods her mind at that moment, “ Ne, what kind of do-over do you have in mind? “


“ Ah, “ an understanding upon hearing of Hahari’s response but the slight disappointment in Sakura’s voice evident despite giving her friend a smile. Of her friends from the Academy, Sakura only knew of Naruto’s dream to take the hat one day. And so to hear Hahari, even if it was meant as a joke, offers a breath of fresh air,  “ Well, it is not like if you don’t want it now – doesn’t mean it will never ever change months or years from now. Who knows, you might just be the rival Naruto needs to keep him on his toes and be a little bit more responsible if he really wants that job someday! “

Just imagining her fellow pinkette as Lady Hokage, Sakura can already imagine the first things she will impose upon taking charge. Uniforms and jackets aside, she is confident Hahari can do her job just fine.

“ If the Ninneko are really good with money, I’d say they are a good fit for the job, don’t you think? In fact, Shizune-san might appreciate having them around to do some accounting of the Village funds. Maybe they can start helping now…? “ Sakura nods gently, oblivious to how the summons are when it comes to handling money.

“ But – “ Sakura hands some food to her friend, encouraging her to pause for a while, “ If you hate sitting down on long and winding meetings, I can understand why you wouldn’t want the job in the first place. “


Hahari grinned, with all her teeth. “Nah. I like to have fun too much!”

It was a very long afternoon, dwelling into the evening and ordering takeout, before Hahari had expended her energy into the design. A good set of building blocks, different flak vests in different styles for the varying displays of gender. But still needing work. “Waah!” She yawned, stretching like a cat in her chair. “I’m going to have to go through the wringer tomorrow to catch back up on training! Meomi is gonna put me through my paces for sure.”

But she jumped from her chair, rolling her back. “We’ll pick this up another day. I’ve got too much to do this week to stay on my upward mobility training! Besides-” She winked. “-we’re still rivals! If I don’t become jonin before you, I’d be embarrassed to show my face around here!”

@theredpalace sent a random ask:
(post-advancement to Chunin) “Ugh.” Hahari held up the flak jacket, the symbol of maturity as a shinobi, with utter distaste. “Why does our promotion come with such a bland vest? It needs a total do-over!”

Sakura’s eyes stare dreamily at the jacket she trained so much for, for the past years. Seeing her hand finally holding on to the piece of garment signifying her growth as a shinobi of the Leaf, it is hard to keep the smile from growing.

“ Eh? What did you say, Hahari-chan? “ Sakura looks at her fellow pinkette, confused how come she doesn’t look as pleased, “ Mou, don’t tell me you will customise your flak jacket. Wait. Hang on…maybe. Hey, that is not a bad idea, isn’t it? “

Green eyes sparkle with excitement, memories of the fun times goofing around Hahari’s bedroom floods her mind at that moment, “ Ne, what kind of do-over do you have in mind? “


It is getting harder to talk and breathe at the same time inside Hahari’s apartment the longer she stays in it with all things considered. The concentrated smell of bleach inside her friend’s unit is definitely not suitable for any living creature.

“ There, much better, “ Sakura takes a deep breath as soon as she opens the windows to let some fresh air in. There is a slight breeze but not strong enough to blow the swatches in disarray, “ Mou, don’t say that Hahari-chan, “ she chuckled nervously. If only Hahari knew how strongly Tsunade reacted against the idea of redesigning the jackets, arguing they are completely functional, “ But hey, if you do get nominated for the job, I’d say go for it. “

“ Ne, Hahari, “ she places the takeaway containers on the dining table. If one will think about it, it is not an entirely bad idea to change some things if it will be for the benefit of everyone, “ Are you seriously considering to become Hokage? “


It was a question that required Hahari to pause in deep thought. And with a deep breath-

“Nah.” She declined. “Nah it’s a rough job. And it’s got tons of nitty gritty things to take care of before you can do any projects you want to see done.” Though she clashed with Tsunade on many occasions, that could be chalked up to generational differences and general bullheadedness on their accounts. “Besides! You know how the crazy the Ninneko are about financial opportunism. Imagine the nightmare it would be having them work my accounting department! The village would live in terror!”

A joke obviously.

“Besides, I’ve got my own agenda. I can still be the greatest kunoichi this village has ever seen without running the show! I’d rather let a bean counter do all that work.”

Itachi followed along with Hahari to the markets. They went inside the produce first and watched as she went through the different fruits. After the produce came the fish market and the same happened as before. 
Last game the general goods store where he was greeted by his aunt and uncle. 
“Good to see you Itachi.” His aunt greeted. She said before looking to the young lady that was with him. “Why yes we do! Help yourself we got plenty in stock.” She told her. 
Hahari did more than help herself, but got two six pack options in mango and strawberry. “Now I can have one anytime I want!” She said gleefully, going to pay. “It’s a great power drink for when I’m trying to get creative!”
But once the shopping was done, the excuses to walk together dried up. “Well. I’m heading home. If I’m going to help with the cooking, I’d better skedaddle.” She admitted. “Mackerel needs some time ya know?”

Itachi’s aunt and uncle couldn’t but chuckle as they took care of the bubbly girl. His uncle even added a bit of teasing, saying how cute it would be if Itachi and Hahari were together as a couple. Itachi couldn’t help but to blush a little while he smiled. 

When she was all finished, he followed her out. “I’ll walk you home if you don’t mind.” He said. “It’s the least I can do.”


Hahari blinked at the request. Then laughed. “Itachi, I live twenty blocks away, and your house is just up the street.” She giggled. “It’ll be dark by the time you’re done!”

Forty blocks in total seemed extreme. At the very least, their tea shop destination had been a midway point.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to magic yourself home in a puff of smoke!”


No costume (atsuita-karaori). Silk.  Nishijin, Kyoto, Japan, early 19th century.  Gift of Victor and Takako Hauge.  Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery


Minimalist modern michiyuki coat by Taiyoukyo, depicting mystical Mount Hourai (a land of Immortals, called Penglai in China) in the mist.

I don’t have a good view of the lovely bright yellow lining but it seems to depict takaramono/takarazukushi (lucky treasures) which usually are:

  • Uchide no Kodzuchi (lucky mallet)
  • Fundo (counterweight)
  • Kinno (treasure pouch)
  • Kakuregasa (hat of invisibility)
  • Kakuremino (robe of invisibility) or hagoromo (heavenly feathered robe)
  • Makimono (scrolls of knowledge)
  • Shippo (geometrical shape representing jewels and precious metal)

Regal antique obi with an amazing butterfly on the taiko area and a hiôgi (formal cypress fan used by Heian era noble women), paired with a perfectly matching butterflies tsukesage kimono.

Because of the fan presence, the obi butterfly might be a nod to this bugaku (Heian court dancing) costume:

(picture 1 / 2 )


Shibori Kimono

Mid-Showa (1950-1970)

A textured-silk rinzu kimono with unusual shibori-technique patterning. 

Itachi nodded. “There are. Since it’s still early in the afternoon, we can take our time looking around.” He said. “My aunt and uncle run a general goods store. We can visit them too. A lot of the clan has a lot of to offer so there’s plenty of places to choose.”
Hahari’s first stop was the greengrocer and fish market. Despite the fruity flavored jelly, she was making decisive looks at the orange selection, and weighed every piece of produce before buying it, inspecting it with a hawkeye. Then the fish market, where she was equally finicky about which was chosen, waiting patiently for it to be descaled and gutted before accepting a wrapped mackerel.
And though the Uchiha neighborhood would make the walk home longer, she still followed Itachi to the general store. “Hey! You guys sell fruit milk!” She said excitedly, looking over the fridge section. “I can never find this in my neighborhood! I always have to go to the hot  springs and take a bath to get these!”

Itachi followed along with Hahari to the markets. They went inside the produce first and watched as she went through the different fruits. After the produce came the fish market and the same happened as before. 

Last game the general goods store where he was greeted by his aunt and uncle. 

“Good to see you Itachi.” His aunt greeted. She said before looking to the young lady that was with him. “Why yes we do! Help yourself we got plenty in stock.” She told her. 


Hahari did more than help herself, but got two six pack options in mango and strawberry. “Now I can have one anytime I want!” She said gleefully, going to pay. “It’s a great power drink for when I’m trying to get creative!”

But once the shopping was done, the excuses to walk together dried up. “Well. I’m heading home. If I’m going to help with the cooking, I’d better skedaddle.” She admitted. “Mackerel needs some time ya know?”

@theredpalace sent a random ask:
(post-advancement to Chunin) “Ugh.” Hahari held up the flak jacket, the symbol of maturity as a shinobi, with utter distaste. “Why does our promotion come with such a bland vest? It needs a total do-over!”

Sakura’s eyes stare dreamily at the jacket she trained so much for, for the past years. Seeing her hand finally holding on to the piece of garment signifying her growth as a shinobi of the Leaf, it is hard to keep the smile from growing.

“ Eh? What did you say, Hahari-chan? “ Sakura looks at her fellow pinkette, confused how come she doesn’t look as pleased, “ Mou, don’t tell me you will customise your flak jacket. Wait. Hang on…maybe. Hey, that is not a bad idea, isn’t it? “

Green eyes sparkle with excitement, memories of the fun times goofing around Hahari’s bedroom floods her mind at that moment, “ Ne, what kind of do-over do you have in mind? “


Sakura opens the door as soon as Hahari lets her in, only to find herself coming face-to-face with strewn fabrics from what used-to-be Konoha’s flak jacket and the pungent odour of bleach.

“ Ew, what is that smell??! “ her nose crinkles, stifling a cough from the very strong odour currently wafting through Hahari’s apartment, “ Did you open your windows – we have to let some of this smell go! “

Sakura places the bag of swatches close to Hahari, her voice louder than usual. making her throat slightly compromised. It is hard challenging the sound of a sewing machine after all, “ Here’s your swatches. I am not sure what colours you are after but I asked them for recommendation that still follows Konoha’s colourway, “ it was the compromise she made with an angry Tsunade, “ It is probably not to your liking but I think you have found a way to fix that.. “


“It’s bleach. I’ll need to render out the colors before I dye anything.” She waved off. “Don’t make such a fuss. I endured worse smells cleaning up after the cats during my three months of Hell training at the Ninneko base.”

But she did opt to move things to her dining space where she could lay out the swatches more clearly. “Agh. Why doesn’t Tsunade just look like an old lady if she’s going to act like one too?” She complained, having only picked out three of the more vibrant options. “If I’m ever a candidate for Hokage, I’m not letting a single shinobi out of the village until they show some real style!”

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