
death comes


i definitely do NOT shop at hot topic quit asking me

the first rumor comes in to the members of overwatch that ana isn’t dead. in moments, 76 is mopping every corridor and barking at the others to get him more supplies stat, mccree is shaving his beard and crying because all his serapes have holes and he doesn’t know what to do, mercy is frantically straightening out her office and getting everything organized (and hiding the love letters from pharah), torbjorn is building roomba-like robots with desperate speed, reinhardt is polishing his armor until you could use it as a mirror

the new kids do not understand until it is too late.

a black mist swirls through overwatch briefly and 76 swears he hears a hiss in his ear

don’t forget the windows”


Solider 76: 

Theyre not wrong

Anonymous asked:

I’ve already complained to pharah but REAPPEEERR JUNKRAT BIT ME!!

You’ll be dead in the next four hours sorry

Anonymous asked:

Technically because it's not Halloween anymore it's automatically Christmas so merry christmas!!

Thank you Mariah Carey is being played in base at this very instant


So I’m being taught a lot of stuff by a lot of agents! Would you like to teach me how to use shotguns? Just don’t get me to join talon... I’ll buy you pumpkins because jack’O’lanterns are never too late!


Takes a lot of wrist strength. The recoil is a bitch

Anonymous asked:

Is it true you turned Jack immortal so you can keep him all to yourself?


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