
Even a beetle can have a bad day


Former solider, new performer, and aspiring librarian Member of the Flourish Free Company

Thank You

I have literally sat with this page open for like an hour not even sure how to begin. Bottom line I wanted to say THANK YOU. Thank you most sincerely and earnestly to all those who supported me and came out last night for Rocktoberfest! It really just started as an idea I had to have a chance to perform a night of rock music with friends and it grew. Before I knew it the decision was made to take an FC and house I had initially wanted to turn into a venue, then sat on for a year perhaps, then thought to sell, and finally deciding to make it an honest to goodness “go big or go home” luxury venue for performance.

I had an unexpectedly internet outage which lasted 4 days and resulted in the event needing to be rescheduled which was a serious blow. I was left with no choice but to schedule during not one, but two, events popular with the usual crowd who comes to such events. Despite this, we had an AMAZING turnout and by all accounts it seems a good time was had by all! This was, to date, the largest show I have ever done and was ultimately responsible for everything from signing on performers to MCing. It meant a tremendous amount to me and I wanted the night to succeed so badly. I always put 110% into my performances and trying to keep the crowd entertained whether there are 2 people in the room or 200. I was absolutely delighted to see so many people, old friends and new, come out for the show. I hope to see you all again, and if you are a newcomer to one of my shows feel free to say hi either here or in game. I am at times scatter brained, but pretty friendly, I promise! Just tell me who you are :) I know I will leave some folks out and for that I am sorry, I was sleep deprived and adrenaline fueled last night and I do not know all tumblrs besides, so invariably there will be people I miss here, but please feel free to tag them or share with them if you are aware! Some thanks to @akikooshiana, @sehyas, @iris-ymir, @spinning-edge, @dane-escherra, @kerrath​, @handofcards, @seda-xiv-archives. I have so much trouble lining up tumblr names with character names so I am sorry if you were left out! I know I was scouring for Cael’s and cannot remember it offhand… I also have to give another HUGE thank you to the people without whom the event would not have been possible or as successful as it was! @hanidahlia​, @straycatte​ and @ugin-zunith​ for their amazing performances, @zarah-ffxiv​ for her endless attention to detail in the planning, design, re-planning, redesign, nitpicking, manicuring, redesign and finally completion of the venue, @kainenmarlowe​ for maintaining that chipper, positive attitude and keeping Zarah sane, the illustrious pair of @thefreshpawofeorzea and @fheylahaken​ for bartending and breaking in the bar with their dancing and antics, and last but certainly not least, the most amazing rp partner in the world, the one whom the venue is named after, Vy’s very own crimson lily, @mai-takeda​ for her endless support and devotion over the last 15 months. She was the one who kept me going at times when I wanted to quit and is my absolute #1 fan whom I adore.

So this has already become a gushing and huge post and people are probably in “shut up Vy” mode so I will leave it with a word from Freddie. Thanks a bunch!


**Rocktoberfest new date!**

Due to unforeseen circumstances the event was rescheduled to THIS coming Saturday! Please Join Us For The Grand Opening of the Crimson Lily!   The Crimson Lily is an exclusive venue and lounge primarily for showcasing the talent of performers from Eorzea and beyond! Our first night will feature @hanidahlia, @straycatte, @ugin-zunith  and of course myself!  

The show will be a showcase of rock music to get the blood pumping and the ears ringing! Join us for ROCKTOBERFEST on Saturday, October 10th on Balmung in the Mists, Ward 18/Plot 60 downstairs from the Mists Southwest Subdivision Aetheryte.

Bring your dancing shoes, glowsticks and most of all your friends! We hope to see you there!

*Please note the show and venue is 18+ for possible language and/or themes.

And now for some boosting!: @balmungrp​  @balmungrpcalendar@mooglemeet​  @crystalxivrp​    


**Rocktoberfest new date!**

Due to unforeseen circumstances the event was rescheduled to THIS coming Saturday! Please Join Us For The Grand Opening of the Crimson Lily!   The Crimson Lily is an exclusive venue and lounge primarily for showcasing the talent of performers from Eorzea and beyond! Our first night will feature @hanidahlia, @straycatte, @ugin-zunith  and of course myself!  

The show will be a showcase of rock music to get the blood pumping and the ears ringing! Join us for ROCKTOBERFEST on Saturday, October 10th on Balmung in the Mists, Ward 18/Plot 60 downstairs from the Mists Southwest Subdivision Aetheryte.

Bring your dancing shoes, glowsticks and most of all your friends! We hope to see you there!

*Please note the show and venue is 18+ for possible language and/or themes.

And now for some boosting!: @balmungrp​  @balmungrpcalendar@mooglemeet​  @crystalxivrp​    


Please Join Us For The Grand Opening of the Crimson Lily! The Crimson Lily is an exclusive venue and lounge primarily for showcasing the talent of performers from Eorzea and beyond! Our first night will feature @hanidahlia, @straycatte, @ugin-zunith  and of course myself!

The show will be a showcase of rock music to get the blood pumping and the ears ringing! Join us for ROCKTOBERFEST on Saturday, October 10th on Balmung in the Mists, Ward 18/Plot 60 downstairs from the Mists Southwest Subdivision Aetheryte.

Bring your dancing shoes, glowsticks and most of all your friends! We hope to see you there!

*Please note the show and venue is 18+ for possible language and/or themes.

And now for some boosting!: @balmungrp​  @balmungrpcalendar@mooglemeet​  @crystalxivrp​  


WELCOME TO FLAVOR : A monthly themed burlesque show and extravaganza. ( warning! mature audiences only! ) Each month we present a new theme in which all shows, music, outfits, menu, and decor are all modeled around. Our staff of beautiful women and men bring a wide arrange of talents and personalities as well, adding a bit more to that flavor aesthetic we strive for. Come for a dance, a drink, or maybe something more?


Bring out your leather and warm up those neck muscles for some head banging, because it’s time for a heavy metal show! Grab a date and let’s hit the show! Who knows? Maybe you’ll find someone to rock out with.

LOCATION : Balmung - Shirogane Ward 13, Plot 37. DATE & TIME : October 6th, 7PM EST


WELCOME TO FLAVOR : A monthly themed burlesque show and extravaganza. ( warning! mature audiences only! ) Each month we present a new theme in which all shows, music, outfits, menu, and decor are all modeled around. Our staff of beautiful women and men bring a wide arrange of talents and personalities as well, adding a bit more to that flavor aesthetic we strive for. Come for a dance, a drink, or maybe something more?

THIS MONTH’S FLAVOR : Falling For You!

It’s time for the harvest! Kiss those hot summer months goodbye and bring out your sweaters and appropriately spiced drinks! There’s just something about fall that makes you want to find someone to snuggle up and get close with!

LOCATION : Balmung - Shirogane Ward 13, Plot 37. DATE & TIME : September 1st, 7PM EST


Journal Entry 10

“Goodness me, I really need to write more often. So much has happened, I doubt I can write about them all. Then again, I doubt I can even get myself to remember to even write more!

Recently, Miss Vylette invited a few of us to perform at her Free Company’s first performance event, and I did not hesitate to jump on board. Dah’lia and I performed a lovely duet that night, and everyone in the audience seemed to enjoy it! There were a few difficulties with the orchestrion, but thankfully it was quickly fixed. We’ve already been invited to the next event, a jazz themed one. I suppose I need to start looking for songs.....after this tea.”


Journal Entry 9

“I recently returned from a rather insightful expedition to Doma to acquire a tome about Doman legends. The tome itself is rather....dry, to say the least, but that isn’t what I wish to write about.

I came across a group of children messing with what looked to be paint on different parts of their skin. Curious, I asked them what they were doing. “We’re attempting to make tattoos!” one of them said eagerly. They then showed me the tattoo shop where they go the paint. That of course, led to me acquiring one of my own. It was something simple, yet.....I feel, better. A simple butterfly on my cheek, but I feel like I’m a changed man. I don’t feel as dark, as lonely as I used to . I feel.....enlightened? Happy? I’m not sure, but I feel better.

This leads me to ponder over why. Was it simply because it was a new experience? Does the tattoo have some minor sort of incantation on it? I don’t know.....nor do I wish to. I know I will embrace this, and be a better man as I should be.”


Journal Entry 8

“I’m afraid I’m too tired to write much tonight, but write I shall! Prom was absolutely lovely tonight. The drinks were sweet, the dancing even sweeter. The turnout was absolutely wonderful as well. The entire thing was wondrous fun! Especially seeing Mister Fallow and Miss Fehyla hit it off. Poor guy could hardly keep up, but he sure enjoyed it! I also met a lovely young lady named Merogin in the random dice pairups. It was her first time at the Prom as well, but she definitely had some fun. Afterwards, she showed me a performance of hers, and it was absolutely lovely (she herself was quite lovely too!) When I mentioned I also performed, she expressed interest in it, and even made a mention about us performing together. I was certainly flattered, but not only am I not as skilled as her, I performed differently, which peaked her interest even more about Flourish’s performances. I lead her to talk to Hani to learn more, so hopefully this might lead to some wonderful collaborations in the future. I think the drink is taking over, I should really go lie down. Ah, but how lovely she was indeed...”


Journal Entry 7

Oh my lords, I’m not entirely sure how I lost my journal, but I did. And wouldn’t you know it, I found it right by my bedside. I really have been forgetful lately.

Anyways, it has been a rather slow few months. Outside of work, nothing has really been....exciting. Some new additions have been made to the library’s collection, but nothing really of worth. Some simple mathematics tomes, a few replacements for the cooking section. It’s going at a slow pace, but I am happy with how it’s coming along. Of course, I cannot expand it too much until I find a suitable place to really keep it. My room in the Free Company House is starting to get....cramped, to say the least.

Perhaps I can come across some income to help save for a place.....I think I shall inquire about the restoration efforts in Ishgard. I do know how to use a pickaxe. Perhaps that will help.

Tonight was another night of music and fun times. Miss Faye hosted an event, and everyone performed exceptionally! Hani, Dane, and Dah’lia all performed and were wonderful as always. Tomorrow is Prom, which means.....oh gods, tomorrow is Prom. I’ve got to find an outfit....I don’t even have a date. Oh lords am I ever forgetful.


Journal Entry, Log 6

"Last night was a spectacular night. The performances were all magnificent. Jorgund's was especially wonderful. He really made his return absolutely amazing. Hunter's, Hani's, and Dane's group performance was also one of wonder.

As for mine, I had a lot of fun. It felt invigorating, fantastic, being on that stage. It wasn't as flashy as everyone else's but I'm still proud of it just the same. I definitely will do it again.

Hani if you see this, thank you again for the opportunity."


Journal Entry, Log 5

“Not much for tonight, unfortunately or not, I haven’t decided. Tomorrow is the Jam Session, and while I am confident I have my performance down, I am still nervous. It’s only natural, right? I did have to change one song, but that was expected. I wasn’t happy with Lament, at all. Maybe another time? Maybe when I have my emotions more in check? In the meantime, every volume of the Limsa History Compendium has been dusted and cleaned and are now in their rightful place on shelves. All twenty shelves. Gods have mercy”


Journal Entry, Log 4

"Tonight was a well needed night. Hani threw Hunter a Nameday party, and we had a really decent turnout. Rae of course brought her skills to the bar once again. I may have had too much. Not nearly as much as Fallow, the poor fellow. He could barely walk, let alone speak! Of course he tried to play it off, but Rae wasn't having it. He did look adorable trying.

Hani had to postpone her jam session, which is fine. It gives me more time to practice. It's been... difficult, honestly. The emotions get too strong at time. But, I knew they would going in. I can do this. I know I can.

Now it's time for me to sober up, otherwise I'll be signing Limsa shanties, and by the gods everyone doesn't need to hear them"


Journal Log, Entry 3

“It’s been...a quite difficult time these past few days, to say the least. Often this season brings about some days of blue upon me, but this year has proved to be the worst yet.

I miss them. Mother and Father. Both of them. It’s still hard to believe it’s been five years. So many nights I wish I could look down the road and see you two riding on that cart. To see you two half-tired, smelling of fruit and dust. Yet all I see is an empty road, followed by silence. I still don’t know if going with you two would’ve made any difference. It probably wouldn’t have. Odds are I would’ve ended up suffering the same fate. But, fuck. Just....fuck.

I barely have anything left of you two. The Adders made sure of that. Beating everything that wasn’t Gridanian out of me, and to them, you two stopped being Gridania when you brought me here. If it didn’t protect the forest, it was nothing. I thought I was fine with it, I thought I could keep the memories. But, that is starting to fail. Sometimes I cannot remember even the littlest things. And now, your faces are starting to fade. It...hurts. There’s no two ways about it. It hurts. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I love you both.

ADDENDUM: Perhaps Hani will let me add one more song to perform. Perhaps this will help me through this.”


Journal Log, Entry 2

"These last few days have been just as busy as ever. Finding someone with a complete Limsa History Compendium was sheer luck, but traveling to go get it was pure madness!

Apparently this 'merchant' had forgotten we had corresponded and scheduled to meet, so instead of meeting him at his residence in lower Limsa, I instead had to track him down all the way to Gridania! Not that I minded visiting home, but it was still tiresome. I'm thankful that his housemaid was able to point me in his direction.

Naturally, he didn't have the books with him, so I had to yet again travel back to receive them. Luckily he took off an extra 800 gil as an apology for making me travel. That 800 I saved didn't last long, as I quickly found out I needed help to transport the books back to the free company housing. I knew the Compendium was extensive, but 65 books! Each at least 1500 pages! It took three carts and four extra men to help me move it all. They thought I was mad when I asked them to move books. 'We're fishermen, not librarians!' Of course, when they saw the gil they quickly quieted themselves. They even offered to place them on the shelves for me, though I declined. I still need to wipe off the dust.

Visiting home was.... bittersweet, to say the least. Seeing familiar faces is always lovely, but depending on whose face it is, it can be troubling. I saw a few that I have wished to never see again. My travels have really shown me just how...dark Gridania is underneath, and those men I saw over the past week are indeed beacons of that darkness. It sadness me. Even to this day they treat me with such disdain and vileness, after all I've done for the people, for the forest. Such is the nature of the world, I suppose.

However, this does give me an idea. Hani has made mention of another jam session she plans to have, to give the new people a chance to perform if they wish. I have been struggling to decide what I should do. That is not the case anymore. Hopefully within the next few days it'll be ready.

Also, I found that teacup. Somehow I placed it behind my armchair and forgotten it. The drink inside had spoiled, ruining the cup. Ah well, I wanted an excuse to buy a new tea set anyway"


Journal Log, Entry 1

"It has been quite a number of years since I have been able to write something that isn't a report or a ledger. There is both a familiarity and a strangeness to it. The pen feels weird, yet also feels comforting. Or perhaps I have had too much drink, I haven't decided yet.

Today I finally was able to procure my own private chambers. Being handed the keys was beyond exciting. Entering it gave me a feeling of euphoria I had not felt in years. It's been far too long since I've gotten to call a space my own. I no longer have to worry about some Serpent Private overflowing his trunk with smuggled sweets and asking to borrow mine.

Of course the first thing I added was what was left of my collection of books. An entire bookcase and a pile on the floor. All of my limited editions took their proper place on the top shelves, with the second and third taking up the remainder. Of course, perhaps it would be better to move the limiteds down to the middle. Or perhaps on their own mantle? (Note to self, look into oaken mantle shelves)

It took a few more hours for the remaining furniture, but I am proud of the way it all looks. There is enough space to add should I want, but not too much to feel empty. I am excited, beyond words Perhaps this year will be one full of blessings if today is anything to go by.

Now I just need to figure out where I put that gods-damned teacup from yesterday"

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