

@lonely-starbucks-lover / lonely-starbucks-lover.tumblr.com

restaurante que serve farofa não pode ter ventilador de teto

it's december so it's time for me to stare at everything i drew this year and judge myself

some environments that im ok with! would like to draw more of them next year

i'm sure there won't always be sunshine but there's this momentary beam of light

someone said this song sounded both sad and euphoric and for some reason that reminds me of nightwing


"You didn't answer the JL call."

but also

he's aware. bruce hasn't known a moment of peace in years


the genius of megamind (beyond the obvious genius ofc) is that it's superman parody actually presents a genuinely unsettling depiction of the "hero" that I like wayyy better than "what if superman was evil" or "what if superman was wrong"... it's "what if superman didn't care"


Insomnia Late-Night Talks

So I've mentioned this before but I like the idea that Alfred is not ExMI6 He's just a service worker your avg Joe who is good at his job and worked up the ranks in the household.

I also love the idea that Alfred isn't close to the Wyane family as it's normally shown. He's strictly always just been the help. He never saved Thomas in the war or even has a long history with the Wayne family.

it just makes the time after Martha's and Thomas's deaths even more jarring. Not only has Bruce lost his parents he's being left to a member of the staff? While Alfred is also equally a drift who never knew he was basically the godfather to his employer's kid.(Thomas and Martha die before they could tell him)

So now they both have to learn to deal with and live in a huge empty manor with only really each other to keep company. Two people who are not huge talkers lol.

I think when it's very late at night especially when Bruce has insomnia they both can open up and really get to know each other and ask some big questions.

So @inkwell1013 wrote this lovely fic based on this picture. I really enjoyed the portary of little Bruce "intent on cataloguing every single part of the world around him" I also love any fic that has Alfred's POV I think it's a great expansion on this idea if anyone wanted a deeper dive.

Sorry, it took me so long to get around to reading it inkwell1013 I won't lie, I had it bookmarked and just plum forgot until tonight. I loved it! I'm so flattered that such a piece was inspired by this piece. Thank you so much for writing and sharing!


Okay, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I feel compelled.

There is a difference between validly criticizing Taylor Swift and hating on her.

Validly Criticizing sounds like…

- Taylor Swift using a psych ward aesthetic and comparing her broken relationship to being committed is insensitive.

- Taylor Swift writing love songs about a man who has been openly racist is gross.

- Taylor Swift going off on her own fans in a song for calling her out one dating aforementioned racist man is unbelievably arrogant.

- Taylor Swift’s carbon emissions are harming the planet.

Hating On Her sounds like…

- She’s ugly

- She should d*e

- She deserves every horrible thing to happen to her

Every public figure is open to criticism purely by standing in the limelight. People like Taylor cannot chase fame like they do and not face backlash for bad decisions. That does not mean that people need to turn to the worst possible reaction and attack her personally.

Swifties also need to try and wrap their minds around the idea that every person is flawed, even their favorite artist. They cannot possibly stop every person who rightfully calls out their idol for her more thoughtless actions.

I’m a former devout Swiftie and I have zero issue with calling Taylor out on the things she’s pulling nowadays. But I know the line between being a hateful person and simply voicing my opinion. Learn that line too and put it into practice every time you speak about another person.


If your apology involves degrading yourself, calling yourself shit or insulting yourself, its not an apology, try again.

Can someone translate this?

Don’t try to guilt people by saying “I’m sorry I fucking suck.” “I’m sorry I’m just the worst and I should die” Because thats not an apology, thats trying to guilt the other person into dropping the subject.

After '67 my discovery that I had to buy olive oil was truly painful. From the day we knew anything we knew that olive and oil were there in our houses. Nobody from the village ever bought oil or olives. The village sells oil and olives to Ramallah, to Amman, to the Gulf. But for their own tables its people bring the olive in from the fields and the oil in from the press to the storeroom and the barrels that are never empty from season to season. For the Palestinian, olive oil is the gift of the traveller, the comfort of the bride, the reward of autumn, the boast of the storeroom, the wealth of the family across centuries.

Mourid Barghouti, I Saw Ramallah (p. 58)

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