
Just Want to Ask You a Couple of Questions...

@bulletforyourthoughts / bulletforyourthoughts.tumblr.com

Self-Appointed Resident Lost Light Trash Kitty Reporting for Duty! Getaway RP/Slagposting Blog.
Main is: @ZenXenophilia
Anonymous asked:

Hey yo you fucked my marriage

I do that a lot.  You’re going to have to be more specific.


Hey. Well, thanks anyways.

Wait. You’re that tacky knock off variety Pharma, right? I’ll be interested to hear about how I managed to ruin the relationship of someone I never even met.

Tacky, maybe. Knock off? No. We’re different versions of each other- opposites actually. And it was that damn question you posed. About kissing your alternate?

Eh, tomato tomahto as they say. What does that have to do with any of this?

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